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Everything posted by Coaster

  1. New bridge, picture posted by Ride Rater (https://www.facebook.com/riderater/?fref=ts). Looks stunning!
  2. Not sure - they are £3 million in debt (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-35048830), but the late opening of the Scenic can't have helped attendances so hopefully it will improve this year!
  3. Link: http://www.kentnews.co.uk/news/thanet_district_council_slammed_over_insensitive_act_of_historic_vandalism_as_fairground_rides_intended_for_dreamland_left_to_rot_at_ramsgate_port_1_4403548
  4. ^ Agreed, it defeats the point of a competition if they're giving away the clues, as many on here (rightly) said when people were asking for them.
  5. A step in the right direction at least!
  6. Again, find me an example of where I have said I won't visit Thorpe and there may be some truth in what you're saying, otherwise the point is invalid. I have complained about the park, but to my memory I haven't flat-out said I won't visit.Just to add, if you are talking about visiting less, my visits were reduced in 2015 compared to 2014. Regarding Alton, it's case of not taking things literally - I won't choose to visit if six rides are closed, but if it turns out that a group of friends ask me to go, or my family decides to go, I'm not going to say "sorry but I said I wouldn't visit on TPM so I can't make it."
  7. I am serious - you're talking nonsense because I haven't claimed I won't visit a Merlin park before.As for not visiting Alton, that will only be the case if the six-ride closure actually happens, otherwise you're taking my quote out of context. Still, if I want to visit Alton I will do so, I'm not going to think "oh no I can't visit because Tommy on Thorpe Park Mania has it in his signature. Frankly I couldn't care less.
  8. Find me "the times" where I have said I won't visit and have then visited, because they have either slipped my memory, or you've made them up.
  9. I find it bizarre that you're so interested in which parks I visit, but I'll explain nevertheless.Thorpe, to me, is average at best, however as a theme park fan I'm thankful to live fairly near to a major park, and it makes sense to use the facility, especially considering that I actually enjoy the majority of the rides there. Alton is completely different for me as it requires a lot of forward planning around other commitments, and when combined with the petrol cost involved and booking somewhere to stay, it actually adds up to a considerable amount of money (and time). It comes down to whether it's actually worth that time and money involved with visiting, which with six rides closed, it's probably not, and the money could be better spent on other park trips.
  10. I'm visiting Flamingo Land during the summer holidays this year (as we are already in the area - otherwise would chose a quieter time). Does anyone have any ideas as to which rides get the longest queues, therefore should be done at the beginning/end of the day?
  11. Thorpe's Annual Pass Day is on 13th March. https://www.facebook.com/merlinannualpass/
  12. That's fair enough, I have better things to do than worry about someone on a forum planning to bring up something that will by then have been said months ago, in fact I think it's a little bit sad that you're already planning it but each to their own! Regarding Alton's lineup, it can't be helping MAP sales when people still don't know what to expect come opening day, I wouldn't blame anyone for not wanting to purchase a pass without a confirmed lineup from them.
  13. Not a clue unfortunately, they have been replying on social media saying that they will release the full ride lineup "as soon as they know it", so it seems that they still don't know!
  14. Hex was listed as closed on the ride page a few days ago, but it has changed now and just says "Hex". https://www.altontowers.com/theme-park/hex/
  15. That is a good point and I'm not blaming the media team, it's just frustrating to read when you all-but know that the ride is essentially shut as part of the budget cuts. The media teams for both Alton and Thorpe do a great job and are head and shoulders above the rest of the UK in that respect IMO.
  16. The excuses just get worse and worse! I think that pretty much confirms Hex's closure throughout 2016
  17. Actually it's not one day late, they've had 31 days to reveal it during the timescale they put on their website and it would be helpful to know for people planning a visit or making a decision on whether or not to renew their MAP.I won't be visiting if the rumoured six-ride closure comes to fruition, especially not if they're rides I like as it is a case of whether it's worth the petrol money for a 6 hour round trip for me.
  18. Bit of a strange design, I wouldn't be happy with that on RCT3 let alone on an actual coaster! Why doesn't it have an airtime hill like most other versions?
  19. Didn't Alton say that the full 2016 ride lineup would be revealed in January?
  20. If I remember correctly, it says in John Wardley's book that they came up with the name for Nemesis in an evening in the pub... I think? I agree with the view that Merlin's names are getting less creative, but it's not just their UK parks, as is proven by "Oblivion: The Black Hole."
  21. The same Sanctuary that closed two weeks earlier than expected due to no-one being interested in it outside of Scarefest? That may well be the reasoning behind Containment opening throughout the year, but it'll be interesting to see if it remains open once the Ghost Train opens.
  22. That is great news if true, we can finally enjoy the back row as it should be again!
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