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Everything posted by Dan

  1. How wet do you get on the ride I'm hoping to get a drenching
  2. Dan


    Could act as a cracking air fresher for your pocket now that's sick !
  3. Why's that's it's pritty cool IMO everyone I know likes it is good fun
  4. Dan


    Fewwh that was lucky don't you just love that when cats do that that's there nature I'm afraid can happen often
  5. I've spat in some ones face at school once because spat on me and yes doesn't go down well but was nice fight . But not best way to resolve the problemI'm still trying to get my head around why they do it ? Is it too make them feel hard or somin proberly a chav thing we never use to spit at school or any where
  6. Dan


    WTF ? What would that be classed as dance strange style there . I'm loving these now luv her voice and loving her she's sexy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWk82ifl55E&feature=youtube_gdata_playerhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQmvsgU6Avs&feature=youtube_gdata_playerhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AM5dgilH_N4&feature=youtube_gdata_playerShe's got nice voice with exellent sound quality she's welcome to sing for me anytime
  7. The helipad in the land of the flying pigs !
  8. Dan

    Video Games.

    Same here mines just left in it's box in my room
  9. I think this is a quite good idea because there's loads of double posts otherwise and makes the forum untidy and newbies just post new topics all over the place otherwise to sometimes boost their status
  10. That looks awsome never seen mist before when I'm on it is there mist going to be there this year ?
  11. Its each to there own on opinions really it's a Monday so I would say will be a little busyier than other weekdays but I'f weather is rain permited helps the queues to be less busy with other promotion offers on at mo could be busy I'm going on the thursday of that week and hoping to be empty but never is also hoping security wont stop me again but never happens I must look like a criminal and my mates etc
  12. Dan


    One of my favorites too Nero innocence is classic gotta admit the oldies are the best just thought I would post strange remixes ones got over 600 on my iPod ! So willPost more laters
  13. Dan


    Luving these dubstep at the mo is anyone else into dub and heavy basshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRCWFWxJY5o&feature=youtube_gdata_playerhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Q5spk228R0&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  14. Dan


    That noise is a bit weird sounds rough always think it's going to stop there but think it's a pritty wicked sound hopefully makes the queue smaller because people will get scared lol
  15. Tottaly agree the best bit on saw !! Luv that ride been on 5 times in a row once and the best feeling ever and what a head buzz thought my head was going to explode .
  16. I helped built the last three boats in the last three james bond films and met Daniel craig in person . And have met Lewis hamilton and he crashed his boat driving out of Marina lol Met gordon Ramsey and Jamie oliver when they collected there boats .
  17. Can't wait to see next model they look good as always keep up the good work
  18. I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks it's busy . When I used to go when I was younger I could go in every ride at least twice but every time apart from one I've only managed I go on each ride in the whole day . But fingers crossed XX that it's going to be fine for you
  19. Looking as good as always feels like I'm there ! Really clear and great attention to detail
  20. Voted exellent the last time I went to chessie I was about 15 but was the coaster I lost my coastvaginity on was good memory which hope stays for life
  21. Tidal wave gets my vote best water ride I've been on and the bow of the boat is designed well for maximumDrenching
  22. It's a Friday so shouldn't be too bad , but with the online prices being cheaper now it won't help the park being not busy IMO I've been in week day in the summer on a Wednesday last year and prices were cheaper 2for 1 and manic 90 minutes of queues on all rides . I'm going on the 24 th and hoping to be quiet too
  23. Nice night picture always looks wicked the park at night
  24. Dan


    I'm jelous !! Have a good time
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