I went on detty recently and noticed there were a couple of bones on the roof above burger king :/ was quite funny for my friend to say what are those bones up there I replied saying this are the people that die here lol he went White as a ghost It was a good expierence again I thought once was enough last time I was on but went on again to my amazement , the countdown was a little bad timed it dropped on 3 maybe to catch people out :/ but the overall effect was better .
I really went on the new Flying Fish for the first time and I was surprised how rough it was, at the section near the end. The camera was set up a bit strange as I didn't even get on a photo :/ which was strange because I saw it flash about 20 times!
I agree it needs to have a bit more light in there , it's hot such a nice layout inside which needs to be shown more and it might be a bit more popular on here it seems to be not very popular for some reason :/
Mmmh this is a hard one because I have everything 1. For my new babby sister and Brother to get nice bf 's that will love and treasure them for life 2. To never grow out of theme parks because I love them 3. A big wish that everyone In the world to be happy and never get sad
That sounded a good deal , my friends use 2for 1 tickets , that was a great deal with the sun , the day selection is a great idea too , I hope it isn't going to be overly busy