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Everything posted by Dan

  1. Dan

    The News

    Ive been wearing red today as repect for the red arrows since it's my home town and tragic news
  2. Dan

    The News

    http://m.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=113349182098126&id=100002691340860#!/JonEgging?view=info&refid=0 tribute to John RIP
  3. Dan

    Logger's Leap

    Very true I got told off on my mobile on rumba rapids I was taking a phone call and the lady on voice over said will you please stop recording the ride :L
  4. I've seen some bogofs on hulla loop chrisp packets and walkers I think too can't wait to hear what you think of it I'm going to go soon in the winter months when thorpes closed
  5. I've experienced this on saw but usually my mate and tell him to move his arms
  6. Being ignored in life is the worst experience ever especially , when you've done Nothing wrong it's worst than being depressed when being ignored I think I will just drive off a cliff to get the misery over with !
  7. Dan


  8. Great rant Sidd took me ages to read was fantastic now that's what I call a rant !
  9. I agree too where do we sign :/ ?
  10. Dan

    Youtube Videos

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3Qz7ksl63Y&feature=youtube_gdata_player. Bass lol
  11. Dan


    Great planking but owch :L
  12. No offers on with Annual passes I hunted high and low because I purchased 10 premium passes , I contacted merlin and they couldn't so was expensive about £170 each I've only used mine once this year too
  13. I kinda dissagree which is very unlike me because everytime I've gone the cannons never works and the water was always in the boats maybe from the hoses down drop , but I still don't believe it would get that much in the boats :/ which Is a shame they should use the same cannons as tidal and loggers at close range would be funny .
  14. Dan


    luv this ^^ netsky is one if the best D&B artists ever !
  15. Who wants orange soda ...
  16. Strange name it's going to a while to get use to it . Agree swarm sounds much better than the swarm
  17. There defently on left the machines they don't work until about same time as boxes are open I found and very messy and dirty too , I used to use them alot and are a great idea
  18. With the new coasters coming for Thorpe I think altons got a new rival !
  19. Those cannons did look a bit horrid The handle broke off the first week it opened . In march Its very dissapointing that for a water ride you stay dry I thought was going to be so much better than it is .
  20. Dan

    Welcome :) hope you enjoy it here :D

  21. Dan


    I have a White poodle not very manly dog I know it's horrible to walk everyone stares
  22. Sorry to hear about your car benin. I hope there wasn't much damage :/ did you leave anything on show ? My friend had her top Of her door bent right over to Get in hers outside her house ! And nothing was on show
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