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Everything posted by J.S217

  1. Well I think it will be something Horror related
  2. Yes hopefully a abandoned Hospital or Asylum XD
  3. Is it me or does it look like it is going to become a Krake Clone
  4. Can I see you try and Fix Slammer, Infernos Floor lowering, Stealth's launch cable, along with Saw Stalling so erm please just grow up and consider it is hard to run a theme park.
  5. (MERLIN HAVE MARVEL IP) also from the recent announcements I would not cross off that idea
  6. If the pricing rumors are true then 30 Million is great thinking that Revenge of the Mummy was 30 Million back when it was built so who knows what it is now.
  7. I am hoping it's going to play on our fears....so Clowns and Dark claustrophobic corridoors oh and drowning
  8. J.S217

    This Or That

    Vampire at night Fright Nights or Scarefest or Howl'oween
  9. The small park hit capacity yesterday
  10. J.S217

    This Or That

    Halloween Suspense or Gore?
  11. I thought this was a closed ride topic not a let's moan about Merlin topic and say how bad they are (update everything is closed at Thorpe)
  12. J.S217

    This Or That

    Zoo Days Dragons or Wyvern's http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/223/f/d/red_dragon_by_sandara-d6hpycs.jpg a dragon http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b258/Strecno/smaugtrailer2_zpscd7a1987.jpg Wyvern
  13. J.S217

    Thorpe music

    That is called the Carousel by Charlie Clouser I think
  14. Do you not remember The Swarm teaser LC12 in a mushroom cloud December 2011 I reckon a teaser may pop up around that time also this year
  15. I like this some one carry on
  16. Doing it wrong -.- by Drake Go ahead as you waste your days with thinking when you fall everyone else stands.
  17. That it's better than the Original XD
  18. I think the name you are looking for is Altair < like in Assassins Creed
  19. It said 90mins for The Cabin in the woods our party queued 10 mins, Studio 13 had a 120min queue our party 20mins ,My Bloody Valentine 120mins our queue 10mins, Saw Alive 60 mins our queue 0mins. So overall I'm all in favour for RnR it works great and we where left at about 5 pm realising we have done most attractions except Blair Witch and Storm surge. I can not wait untill it becomes Permanent on all Attractions.
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