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Everything posted by J.S217

  1. Can we get the quite ones please or they extend on Saw and have Jigsaws Aprentice's chasing people around the park and if they get caught they get taken away and put in a trap and to escape they must do a odd task you know make it interactive for the kids. or it may just be my sadistic brain yeah that's it any way DO YOU WANT TO PLAY A GAME?
  2. I can't Ban Sidders he is a MOD
  3. J.S217


    S&S power swing off the edge of the garden hills
  4. Entertainment at night for the under 18's
  5. Banned for Terrible Jokes
  6. Banned for Not being as attached to Nemesis Inferno as me
  7. I may with a large box of tissues
  8. DODGEMS ROAD RAGE "They didn't take my bag on Colossus that's it I'm taking the Steamroller"
  9. Vampire is Much better IMO I have to say though the Hi Ho bit that was neat
  10. J.S217

    This Or That

    Mr Fish Graphic Novels or Comics
  11. But I want an Inferno poster
  12. J.S217


    Bowling for Soup are a band you can just shout the lyrics too .
  13. The Inferno Shop makes my fanboyism Explode WHERE CAN I BUY THE POSTER THAT SAYS CLIMB THE MOUNTAIN BRAVE THE RAPIDS?????
  14. J.S217

    This Or That

    Kermit The LEGO movie or Frozen
  15. Hmmm first I need a Job I can do parks all the way up to August 30th
  16. Nah we don't need a new ride what we need is a fire effect on Nemesis Inferno every time a train hits the middle of the tunnel a fire ball goes off at the top of the Volcano.
  17. Really Sneak Peek not Sneak Beak
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