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Everything posted by Tom

  1. Tom

    News Desk

    If the forum is more mobile friendly wouldn't it eliminate the need for the app?
  2. Yes fair enough, voting is useless as nothing ever seems to change anyway -- This is why Corbyn is so appealing to some
  3. Based on your opinions on the EU referendum you're inclined to vote Conservative (BoJo) or UKIP As for the 20 zone thing, I wonder how many lives it has saved vs. the negative impact on people's lives
  4. I'll defiantly make sure I use the correct one
  5. It's interesting how you can gauge a lot from someone's political opinions by how they post in the forum in general, not even in this topic
  6. Tom

    Wicker Man

    There are so many pirate themed rollercoasters that aren't made of wood
  7. I just love that it isn't even a photoshop
  8. Tom

    The News

    My views are irrelevant to how I deal with reported posts, there is no need to discuss further, the PM was simply to tell you why your posts have been changed And just to clarify, we operate a strike warning system, and nothing you have said or posts warrants a strike let alone a ban - All healthy discussion
  9. Tom

    The News

    If you head back to that topic you'll see that I for one did speak up in the defence of those who disabilities are not visible; I can quote several posts if you like. At the time of that discussion many people spoke up in defence of certain RAP users whilst also admitting the RAP system has faults which enable it to be 'abused' by a small minority. As a moderator it is part of my role to 'keep the peace', so when a post is reported it is dealt with seriously. In regards to editing posts, as stated in the forum rules (which you agree to adhering to when registering), the mania hub team have the right to amend any posts. In this case the post was amended by one word in order to resolve the situation quickly and easily, and the reasons were explained to you clearly over personal message. Any problems with my moderating style can be reported to any other member of the team. The 'humour' of your fathers generation is irrelevant to this discussion, as I'm sure posts that nature would also be reported and dealt with similarly to yours
  10. Tom

    The News

    The place for that humour may not be on a forum where the demographic differs vastly from the time that you're referring too Also online there is more chance to offend as posts are interpreted very differently I'm sure your humour is well recieved by others, but not on an internet forum I suggest! Thank you
  11. Tom

    The News

    Racism is not tolerated on Thorpe Park Mania Stem-completion 'jokes' are not exempt just because you're not spelling out (literally) the end of the 'joke'
  12. Because Thorpe run all these 'first to ride!' competitions, there's no hope of soft openings really
  13. ... But mostly Jamie I don't have an annual pass as it happens, but I'm not going to head to the park until it's had a while to settle in
  14. Cleaning out a cupboard in the house and found this - Layered it so the full cup can be seen Date of acquisition unknown, but sometime between 1990 and 1997 due to the presence of Vampire and the logo in use
  15. The park's response to every comment is 'There is still no official opening date' Lol
  16. ^ That has been mentioned in previous posts and many videos after the shop opened
  17. As with any ride audio it will eventually make its way around when people get bored of the exclusivity of it The key is patience; you're unlikely to find it scrambling through youtube! Someone was selling it on eBay for £150 a while back
  18. There is already a topic for Reserve 'n' Ride here so direct any discussion there
  19. You're allowed to say whatever you want regarding the 12p tickets As with last time people are be being contacted slowly individually rather than all at once
  20. Animated POV of the new coaster https://www.facebook.com/BuschGardens/videos/10153703710638315/?fref=nf Looks like a fun GCI with pops of airtime
  21. Kabir, if you have an issue with me or my moderating style I suggest you either directly personal message me, or report any problems to another member of the team Please do not spam
  22. In Phantasialand topic: Someone's planning a trip to Germany I see...
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