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Everything posted by Mitchada04

  1. Join the 3volution!

  2. I've never noticed until today that the rope isn't even straight. It's at a slant! Just looks so stupid
  3. Well I was correct because it was too cold for it to even try and open. Just saying.
  4. It doesn't look that bad in person Somehow the bridge to it looks more worn down than the main bridge with the red and blue being much more faded. Other than that it really looks amazing
  5. Would just like to say what a great day I had (even though it was freezing) and what a lovely bunch of people you are. Can't wait to attend another meet and see Peaj's trip report becasue I know he has got some very entertaining photos
  6. 0% because a ride can't break down if it doesn't open in the first place
  7. That is so weird. I posed this but it's coming up that Jack did. How strange.
  8. Posted on TPMs FB page. It seems that the winning slogan has made an appearance.
  9. Posted on Chessington Buzz's FB page. If they don't replace the rocks it will just look awful (like it does in the picture)
  10. This is just terrible! Rattlesnake was touched up only a few years ago (I think) so why that is down I can't work out (unless the whole of Mexicana is closed off?) Maybe they'll finally tweek the Dragon Falls boats like done at Thorpe and Towers to once again accomidate younger guests. I highly doubt they'll push Zufari's opening back any further as it is now being heavily advertised as opening on the 27th. The worst thing about this all is that Peeking Heights will be the first to reopen
  11. Tango and Coke mixed is actually really nice. Often make it at Pizza Hut when you get your own refills
  12. From Flamingo Land's FB page. Has the rough dates in which the new rides are to open.
  13. Mitchada04


    It continues the theme of scaffolding that Thirteen has
  14. I'm not surprised by this at all. They kept holding back on releasing the information for AP day like something wasn't right and clearly it wasn't. From reading that they've also pushed the opening of Zufari back a week. So each one of the Merlin parks over here aren't having their new ride open at the beginning of the season (Zufari, X, The Smiler and Duplo Valley). Good start to the season!
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJ015rF7WRU&feature=player_detailpage Just wow!
  16. The map for the 2013 season has been released and follows the same stlye as the last few ones which is great as I personally love this style http://www.chessington.com/downloads/chessington-2013-gatemap.pdf Or an image of it for those who can't be bothered to open it up in a pdf. Flying Jumbos are now labelled as in Zufari which makes sense as the entrance bridge is right next to them. They also appear to be grey now instead of the pink so hopefully this means they have been rethemed slightly.
  17. Yesterday they had the screens for the backwards seats turned off so you couldn't view the photo of the back of the seat.
  18. This is what I love about Thorpe, no matter how late into the day or quiet it is they will always try and open the ride where many other parks would have just called it a day. I saw them testing a train with no front on early afternoon which was a very odd sight and the transfer tracks seemed to be getting a good workout with all the moving of trains going on
  19. It was so quiet today that at the end of the day there were no batchers in the station so if you wanted you could go backwards and many people were getting multiple rerides of the forwards seats due to no queue (me included )
  20. Can say Swarm backwards is very good fun and unique but have to agree it's not worth queueing ages for. The billboard is definately a great addition and creates a really immersive near miss (in that you are completely surrounded). Fire is also going off most times with a gasball when it doesn't so overall very good.
  21. What doesn't help the tunnel is the way it starts, stops and starts again. If they had removed the first section it may have looked a bit better (or at least more sensible). Should provide a nice head chopper though
  22. All I can say is my dad is a legend for being late to a 10 o'clock meeting just to get us tickets
  23. X, I quite like it really, simple and thats what most people called it anyway Also like the heavy feauture of the Arena other than it just being a small space with Arena written over it. If the map is anything to go by (which is usually isn't) the body shells on the train for The Swarm won't be turned around which I hope is the final outcome. Glad to see they also added someone being sick going backwards, nice and truthful
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