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Matt 236

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Everything posted by Matt 236

  1. Sounds like a lot of things still need sorting out at the park by the sounds. Tombs been a real mess at least the last few years and is in dire need of a refurb. Bubbles needs some love, however to say it looks better than the likes of tombs and falls, is concerning. Let's hope falls refurb hasn't been scrapped and that Fury's result will be worth the track replacement in many areas. I'm baffled why they've removed a large chunk of he South car park for hotel guests. Considering it was the larger car park it doesn't make sense to me as to why they would make parking even worse for non hotel guests to park. Lego and Thorpe's (dare I say it) are much better car parks,
  2. Mr Fish's dance was absolutely hilarious, best thing I've seen in a while
  3. Brings back so many memories (Looks at Professor Drunk's trip to Alton Towers last year)
  4. Josh is correct, my favourite horror film is not MBV, but is infact Cabin In The Woods (love this film). 1/ I don't like raw cheese, although I love cooked or melted cheese (pizzas,sauce, pasta etc.) 2/ I did actually go to Legoland eight times during 2012 (one of which was for Xmas shopping (sometimes I go to far extremes for fun)). Josh's go now.
  5. Atlantis Submarine Voyage (3) Boating School (0) Dragon's Apprentice (3) Fairy Tale Brook (3) Hill Train (3) Jolly Rocker (3) Laser Raiders (3) Lego Star Wars (3) Miniland (3) Orient Expedition (3) Pirate Falls Treasure Quest (3) Squid Surfer (3) Spinning Spider (3) The Dragon (5) Vikings' River Splash (4) Vikings+ Boating School OUT! Reset Atlantis Submarine Voyage (3) Dragon's Apprentice (3) Fairy Tale Brook (3) Hill Train (3) Jolly Rocker (3) Laser Raiders (3) Lego Star Wars (3) Miniland (3) Orient Expedition (3) Pirate Falls Treasure Quest (3) Squid Surfer (3) Spinning Spider (3) The Dragon (3) Vikings' River Splash (3) 24hour rule
  7. Hex - The Legend Of The Towers (4) Nemesis (11) Oblivion (0) Nemy+ BLIVVY OUT!!!!!! ITS THE FINAL GUYS!!!!!! Reset Hex - The Legend Of The Towers (5) Nemesis (5) Let the battle BEGINNN!!!!!!!
  8. If Creams is open the meet, the question of going will not be of maybe going, but rather must. They're sundaes
  9. Don't know what it is about it, but I've always found Chessington a loverly park to walk around and enjoy, more so than Legoland and in some ways Thorpe (shoot me!). In case anyone wonders, Merlin do invest in the park, as there's been lots of noticeable changes, although perhaps not qoute on the scale of Thorpe.
  10. Whilst I was skeptic to this idea originally, I'm gradually warming up to it and think it could be a decent support attraction. In terms of queue, there's only two things they can really do. 1/ cattle pen behind the bit where Fungle was (and seemed intact lastvyear). 2/ Reserve N ride or an equivalent try stem which requires a booking. 3/ both Will be interesting to see.
  11. Hex - The Legend Of The Towers (5) Nemesis (8) Oblivion (2) Nemesis+ Oblivion- As good as Blivvy is, it can't quite compare to a super class coaster and dark ride. We need to get the final
  12. Atlantis Submarine Voyage (3) Boating School (2) Dragon's Apprentice (3) Fairy Tale Brook (3) Hill Train (3) Jolly Rocker (3) Laser Raiders (3) Lego Star Wars (3) Miniland (3) Orient Expedition (3) Pirate Falls Treasure Quest (3) Squid Surfer (3) Spinning Spider (3) The Dragon (4) Vikings' River Splash (3) Dragon+ Boating School-
  13. Hex - The Legend Of The Towers (6) Nemesis (6) Oblivion (3) Nemesis+ Blivvy-
  14. I meant more so in a long term thing (turning back to the end of last year).
  15. Freaking Qoutes Yeah

  16. I'm sticking to my point of both rides in the last two were deserving winners Surely Vampire is far more deserving of winning the Chessington ride as Slammer is winning the Thorpe one I'm not putting Slammer down but I just don't think it can be said to the best ride at Thorpe, Swarm or Stealth to win
  17. Rides Thorpe Could've added to make the line up even better X Inferno Storm Surge [ ] Quantum Vortex Detonator [seats missing] Just a thought
  18. Another great choice here Peaj, liking the lineup so far I often find my choices are the same in terms of variety. For example when I'm going somewhere on my playlist, one minute Katy Perry is playing, the next it may something from Iron Maiden and after that somthing from Disney [ Bare Necessities]
  19. YEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssss All Hail King Vampire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Very happy this ride won, either were worthy of the reward, but Vampire is a true classic. Someone please do an anlysis of where everything was positioned on the rankings.
  20. Air (2] Hex - The Legend Of The Towers (6) Nemesis (7] Oblivion (5) Nemy|+ Air- its the weaker of the best
  21. Fury 2 Vampire 8 both are grear, but its hard to choose
  22. Air (4) Duel (0.1) Hex - The Legend Of The Towers (7) Nemesis (8) Oblivion (4) Nemy+ Duel- Thus game is well due a rest
  23. Best Song Ever (this better be in the playlist for a certain voyage april )
  24. Air (5) Duel (2) Hex - The Legend Of The Towers (6) Nemesis (7) Oblivion (5) Blivvy+ Duel-
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