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Matt 236

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Everything posted by Matt 236

  1. So, I went to Winter Wonderland this year with Tomb (and a few other non enthusiast friends). Here’s my thoughts so far: Event seems just as (if not more) crowded than it has done in the previous years- it took 40 minutes to get into the event There seemed to be fewer Roller Coasters this year compared to previous ones The entrance layout just seemed very manic this year as entering the event is more tedious than Thorpe’s security checks The new flat rides looked impressive and fun, but still a shame of no Breakdance The contactless payment system is so handy (especially in such a crowded environment) Some of the lights/effects didn’t seem to working- not sure if a temporary or permanent issue. Still a shame Alpen Hotel was as fun and great as previous years, it’s probably the second best fun house type attraction I’ve done after the one at Phantasialand. £6 probably makes it one of the more reasonable priced attractions Dr Archibald was very unique and better than expected (except the difficulties with the sound I experienced). The pre and post show elements alone enhanced it, £9 is a bit much though Still a fun event and worth visiting in the time of Christmas cheer and closed season, just very busy and expensive. I do think the layout needs looking at agsin for better Crowe control now. Maybe even one way path ways if practical now.
  2. It’s almost crazy just how bad the relationship with the park and locals actually is in reality. They tried a number of years ago for a major hotel expansion with water park and large theatre/venue, however that was declined is unlikely to be approved again unfortunately. Even Wakobato is complained about for being too noisy and closed on Sundays as a result. Speaking on Fly’s progress, it is very difficult to say when they will actually complete this. I expect if everything goes to plan they will aim for a Summer opening. The sheer scale and size of this project is astounding!
  3. Just another of many reasons to make me visit Finland in the coming years. Great to see another Taron type coaster in Europe open up.
  4. So the Breakdance isn’t returning this year? That’s Christmas ruined now!
  5. Some interesting looking plans from the park, but the closure of the Stunt show does sadden me, especially with a potential first visit next year. The Coaster and the hotel look marvellous though.
  6. Matt 236


    The exterior looks amazing, some great quality theming and styling, should the end result be similar to the concept art. At least it looks like they are doing that part right, because it actually looks like something interesting.
  7. Some of those elements seem strange yet interesting, but the airtime hills and turns towards the end look fantastic. Still looks a great coaster though, to say the least.
  8. Matt 236

    Logger's Leap

    Basically just means it’ll be closed another year for redevelopment without even tapping the ride. There’s a better chance of Paramount opening than there is of Loggers I’m afraid.
  9. Who knows, maybe another park out there will take the basic layout of Nash and make an RMC model similar to the one mentioned. Unless there’s some crazy loop hole, they won’t be able to make any noticeable changes to the ride. Apart from the hotel opening this year, the next big thing will probably be a new coaster on the Bowl-O-Drome. Rumours suggest another Mack type coaster, which is more reesable than an RMC Nash as Mandy has a good connection with the Mack family.
  10. The new Vekoma flying coaster concept honestly looks fantastic. The trains don’t look too terrible honesty and if Fly is 4 trains of 20 riders, we could see a theoretical throughout of at least 1200. Hopefully more parks will buy some of these new Vekoma models too. Somewhere like Drayton and Flamingo Land would greatly benefit IMHO. Phantasialand’s winter season starts from the 23rd November this year.
  11. Matt 236


    Who needs themed facades and shrubbery to conceal a ride building, when you can just put bats and cobwebs there instead. Better than nothing I suppose.
  12. Sorry guys, I’m at Efteling that weekend (so is Tomb) so I won’t be able to make it. Sadly all other weekends are no good either as I’m working.
  13. Looks like someone has well and truly Benin’d Benin. I never thought this was possible!
  14. Matt 236

    2019 Season

    There’s a better chance of Thorpe reopening Slammer, Loggers and getting a top spin next year than there is of the mythical London Resort ever opening. Towers have their issues, but a spruce up and more TLC will help it more-so. Thorpe on the other hand suddenly seem to be in such a bad state all of a sudden and it’s difficult to say how they could turn things around in their current budgetary operation. Except Inferno. Inferno is great (apart from the lack of cleaning).
  15. Poor ride availability and poor social media professionalism are two completely things and should not be confused! Thorpe’s social media especially now has literally gone down the pan, trying to use banter, slogans and memes to try and look cool and funny to the young market, but in reality it just looks immature and more dry than the budget for reopening Loggers. The factor they are mocking their ride reliability will be more of an insult than a joke to their clientele.
  16. I don’t mean to be harsh in my negative posts most of the time, and I am it’s because I think they could do better rather than deliberately grudge them. The biggest concerns I see are of newer attractions having the bare minimum of what seems acceptable and older stuff looking delipidated and falling apart. Whilst there are actually people who care in the departments, they usually have to travel the earth and sea for higher to grant the most basic upkeep. Too often little things from quirky theming to additional features are removed but not replaced,because they are seen as inessential and unimportant to most. I have noticed many of these chiseled away from all the park’s in recent years, from the crypt and chandeliers in Vampire, queueline features in Dragon and the tunnel on (the now likely deceased) Loggers. Don’t get me wrong, I love the Gruffalo ride and it’s probably one of my favourite attractions at the park. However I sometimes look at it and think, they could’ve done even more, from more scenery in places, less cardboard walls and maybe a couple. More animatronic items. An actual moving Gruffalo would have been one hell of a show-stopper if they could’ve done that. I understand various limitations may have prevented that, but oh well. Wickerman (inspite of flaws some say) is proof when things are done properly, the park’s can create great, impressive and memorable attractions. It’s one of the few attractions created Merlin that would not look out of place at somewhere like Efteling or Europa. It can be done again, but they need think more outside the box instead of using the same few rules over again.
  17. Matt 236

    2019 Season

    The Pixar film Coco also makes strong reference of Dia De Muertos, which is largely down to the film being based in Mexico. I won’t spoil it, but it’s worth a watch.
  18. Sure. Here is my park count upto November 2018. Thorpe Park -8 Chessington-7 Legoland-1 Towers-6 Blackpool-1 Dreamland-1 Xtreme Scream-1 Europa Park-5 Cedar Point -4 Total: 34 (9 park’s) Still have Winter Efteling in December hopefully.
  19. Did someone say Fireworks? Honestly can’t believe how quick this season has gone, especially being what is arguably one of the most exciting in the U.K. for some time. Fireworks for me were largely enjoyable and great to see more used compared to 2016’s event, plus fire. The storyline was hit and miss but the pacing of lights was great. The park was busy but not necessarily rammed, which is surprisingly considering both days were sold out. Event also gave a perfect excuse to ride Wickerman at night, which was just incredible in the back row and looked great, both on and off ride. Operations were a mixed bag. Rides like Nemesis, Wickerman and Rita were overrated pretty efficiency during the trip, however Thirteen’s and Oblivion’s has room for improvement. Galactica by far had the worst operations. Good riddance to the VR if they are actually getting rid of it! The discounted merch implies they might be. Last ride of the (UK) season was Nemesis which for me was the best ride I’ve experienced on it this season (or even the last 2/3). Wickerman has likely been a very very successful investment in the park, giving them the best guest figure probably for many seasons at least. Hopefully they can retain this for next year, although we shall have to see.
  20. Me, when the Merlin parks get everything done they planned to.
  21. Here’s a vlog of my trip to Cedar Point on my visit last August. Definitely somewhere to go if you love Roller Coasters.
  22. Let’s face it, Saw and Living Nightmare aren’t going anywhere for a while, unless there’s another a park fire. To be fair, the event needs to be reborn so could work either way.
  23. Jeez. The Big Top has taken over this thread as there’s so much going on! If anyone needs me I’ll be in Fin’s Bar which is where some need to chill at. Oh whoops, silly me it’s closed season now,
  24. Right, nobody saw this coming in any form, but: Colosssus repaint New Colossus trains Topspin CCR reopening Loggers reopening slammer reopening Colossus repaint Tidal Wave fire ball return Rumba Rapids retheme And a New show in the Arena If all of this actually happens, I’ll dress up as Chief Ranger on open day!
  25. Vulcan peak will return and it will be the best maze of the event. There will be more attractions than ever before.
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