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Matt 236

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Everything posted by Matt 236

  1. £15 for a gravel pit to park that has barely changed since they introduced park is frankly embarrassing. I know it’s £8 in advance but it has honestly got to be one of the worst parks to park in currently. Surw the American parks charge a lot too to park, but at least they probably maintain their parking areas properly.
  2. Matt 236

    2019 Season

    Someone expressed their honest opinion of the park’s 2019 lineup, their sarcasm is unreal!
  3. I think there is no doubt about it that the ride was 100% going where Octopus Gardens used to be, especially with the Amity theme. Infact, the park actually closed the Slippery Serpent ride quite early into the season. The ride is probably located in the least terrible location, but more work could’ve been carried out to perhaps improve the aesthetic appearance. Monks walk was definitely ‘fake news’!
  4. **Adds to the book of reasons to go to Orlando** Honestly looks sublime and should hopefully prove an immense coaster and addiction to the park. Whether this will be Steel Vengeance level, remains unknown currently but should still be great regardless. I never rode Gwazi, so cannot comment on that regard.
  5. It’s saddening to see such a massive blow to an expansion at one of my favourite parks. On the hindsight, the park is located around a strongly nature based area with noticeable neighbouring areas and the proposed expansion would’ve not only meant the re-routing of that road but the removal of many trees and shrubbery too perhaps. It will be interesting to see if such an appeal can be made or the original plans amended and updated. Maybe they will downsize the plans or make conditions on the natural area in order for this to go ahead. I think the authorities seem to forget how much Efteling likely benefits the local area, from the economy to employment, amongst being a national treasure. Its certain to say, the park without expanding their current boundaries are pretty limited on future developments, especially considering the location. Some attractions like Panda Vision could be the On the chopping block, but the park rarely remove existing attractions unless they have to.
  6. It’s about time they got a Teletubbies addition. All they need now is a Pingu ride! I wonder if the drop towers will reuse or replace the Frog Hopper Tower. Could we see the remains of Cloud Cuckoo be closed off completely (bar the Dungeons)?
  7. Clearly Phantasialand and Europa Park aren’t words in Varney’s dictionary then.
  8. It saddens me to see yet another U.K. park going through decline, with the exception of their Thomas Land ( which is clearly the park’s life support machine). G Force wasn’t the best ride in any form, but for a park like Drayton it was still important. Also not forgetting they’ve removed their big wheel, Skyride and Excalibur attractions whilst Pirate Adventure remains closed (most likely permanently). I wish the park could (and would) invest in something like Lech, Lost Gravity or Kentucky Flyer. However it’s pretty clear they probably don’t have the money and will no doubt get fined for the dreadful accident two years ago! If they ever receive anything new agsin, there’s a 99% chance it’ll be in Thomas Land anyway.
  9. This is the Rabbits reimagined, this is my rabbits! See you on the other ride! I’m sure it’ll be better than the Fairy Tale Castle, that’s for sure!
  10. Alton Towers called, they want their Wickerman back! On another note, kudos for the Heide for getting Colossus open again. It’s great to see a park being able to reopen one of their much loved rides, despite being SBNO for several years.
  11. Tomb and I have just booked an express trip to Parc Asterix in May with on-site accommodation. Hopefully itll be a fun park and the food wont be as bad as PA
  12. Submitted, sent and sorted. Best luck with the dissertation. Sadly I think it’s true the U.K. park industry is heading for a bumpy ride.
  13. Looks absolutely fantastic. I hope Cedar Fair get one of these as a replacement to Volcano!
  14. Looks great, but the name could’ve been a little better if I’m being super honest here!
  15. True, but I was just waiting for Tornado Springs! They seem to be one of the few UK parks that seem to know what they are doing and actually build stuff that makes sense!
  16. Count me in for this one, think I’ll dress up as a Loggers Leap boat to show my condolences. If that’s the case I’ll probably be more wasted than the money spent on DBGT. Oh and TGIS or Pizza Hut for food please. Failing that Harvester or Frankie and Bennys would be acceptable choices too!
  17. So many more amazing RMC’s popping up. I think I just got another reason to go and visit Japan now!
  18. So the park will be reopening their Rattlesnake attraction this year, which is a surprising yet amazing move, especially how popular and iconic that attraction used to be. Source- Pleasurewood Hills FB I believe the park have a new director/manager this year who hopefully seems dedicated and optimistic for the park and fingers crossed makes improvements, especially considering how run down the place has become lately. Great to see there are some places that can bring old rides back to life, although who’s to say what’s been done to achieve this?
  19. I’m still waiting for that long rumoured wooden coaster, but if it happens it’ll be a strange one and be another bloody nose for Thorpe indefinitely!
  20. I think someone needs to just add this into the Burnt Stub Mansion Topic- New For 1348!
  21. Think I’ll be staying at Europa Park even longer then, if this is the quality of our parks!
  22. Matt 236

    2019 Season

    I have absolutely no idea what the park are doing right now. Except closing Loggers, which could be seen from the moon really. Thorpe Park are a bit like a findus microwave meal at the moment.
  23. Matt 236

    Logger's Leap

    Well, it was clearly a matter of time before the park had to drop the bomb that their former beloved log flume was never Coming back, especially with the numerous questions and complaints received during it’s ‘supposed’ mothballing. It is safe to say that the permanent closure of Loggers has been the park’s worst kept secret (as far as enthusiasts are concerned). It was clearly never going to come back, especially given the work and maintenance needed, not to mention the fact literally nothing was done after the end of the 2015 season. Whilst Thorpe’s announcement has (finally) put closure on Loggers Leap’s, the communication and manner they went about this has been appalling. If it wasn’t coming back, they should have been completely honest during the 2016 season and confessed it then. Or perhaps more importantly, Thorpe and Merlin should have actually invested and budgeted upgrading the attraction to ensure it could continue to operate properly for years to come. It would have definitely been money better spent than their Ghost Train! Unfortfunately, I get the impression that whatever replaces the attraction/area won’t be happening for several years, let alone the fact it will be a worthwhile replacement. Following falling guest numbers and the failure of DBGT, I get the impression Merlin are investing less in the park for now until there are signs of improvement! I wish to remember the ride in it’s positive state and not the embarrassment of it’s closure. I always thoroughly enjoyed riding Loggers, from my first rides in the mid/late nineties upto whenever my last go in 2015 was. It’s (original) surprise first drop, beautiful lake location and double drop towards Canada Creek made for some of the best memories of the ride for me and ones I’ll never forget on this former classic. R.I.P Loggers Leap 1989-2015
  24. Enthusiasts not at Blackpool opening weekend be like,
  25. Regardless of what the coaster could be (if there even is a coaster), this looks to be another fantastic development in this lovely park! Paultons have been improving in leaps and bounds in the last few years, not only through investment, but the right type amongst keeping their business clientele returning and entertained! Cant wait to see how they develop this!
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