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Posts posted by Bubbles1

  1. I understand that, but surely if all the water pipes etc are in one area it's just unnecessary hassle to move them? Whatever

    The current water play area is being replaced with a new water playarea in the same place, they're also adding a new water play area at the golf. Its more a case of adding to the pipes they've already got.

  2. Another new land??!... well, at least they're actually demolishing something this time (looking at you pirates).

    but, they're removing the little duplo houses with... duplo houses.

    they're removing the water play area with... a water play area. it seems a little strange to me, but oh well.

    adding more seating to the theatre makes sense, because I remember years ago it was getting busy there, so I'm presuming that's worse now. by the way, have they built the extra seating down at the stunt show yet?

    the bit that confuses me though, isn't the golf a little bit of a distance away from the rest of the stuff? I guess the golf didn't exactly become a runaway success then.

    overall, it looks decent, and as long as they don't mess with my storytale brook, then I can deal with it. but this is now the 14th attraction that has water involved with it. how about some fire for once?

  3. Just a question: do the resorts automatically get a larger budget?

    if yes, then that suggests to me that Thorpe want a hotel as soon as possible, so they get more to spend on the park. we've seen this year a number of touch ups around the place, so I wonder if the temporary hotel is just for the boost in money to spend. I also wonder if they're hoping that if this is successful, then merlin will be more willing to pay for a permanent hotel?

  4. If they got police in, it must of been something serious, have you any idea how expensive it is to get police to help in a private event/ establishment?

    I know that football stadiums need to pay nearly £1000 per police officer to get them inside the stadium, and that price increases for other places.

  5. But having rides closed doesn't cost them more money than having them open. while the engineers potter around from ride to ride, people who would be going on the closed rides either go on other rides, play the carnival games, or buy food, drinks and souvenirs. If you think what the guests end up doing instead, then you'd need to question why you'd pay more to see less money through in-park purchases.

    also, there is no evidence people don't return, is there? I mean, attendance has been increasing for years, and doesn't show signs of stopping anytime soon, and unless there is some mass exodus of fast track users in one go, then I don't think fasttrack makes a significant difference in wait time, especially on the high throughput rides like the swarm, where the thing that slows down the line is usually the baggage and batching being messy.

  6. They'll need to basically stop photosensitive epileptics from visiting though, which I can imagine not going down well. For everyone else though, this sounds great. I look forward to te results of this

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