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Everything posted by EC!

  1. EC!

    This Or That

    Smiler Google or Yahoo
  2. More Info on the ride from the website: biggest investment the park has ever made the hypercoaster will feature a distinct custom layout tailored to fit perfectly into HANSA-PARK the new ride attraction will be planned and designed by Munich-based Werner Stengel - an engineering firm that is highly experienced in planning out-of-the-ordinary hypercoasters the attraction will be built by Gerstlauer, a company based in Münsterhausen, who - we are absolutely sure of that - will implement our ideas and bring them to life exactly as we imagine it the Munich-based certification body, TÜV Süd, will be involved in the planning and development and later test and certify the hypercoaster The hypercoaster “Kärnan” will bear a very special name, and it will tell a story. You will be able to experience the full story and theming in 2016 - one season after the ride has been officially launched. Its name and the story woven around it will fit the overall concept of HANSA-PARK and symbolise our Park’s name. KÄRNAN will be a family thrill ride, meaning that it will be both a challenge to and an adventure for families. Exactly how tall and how old you must be to enjoy a ride on KÄRNAN will be determined by TÜV Süd, Germany’s technical control body. KÄRNAN will feature 16-seat trains with lap bars. KÄRNAN will be what is known as a “signature ride”, and it will be visible from afar. KÄRNAN is the largest project by far HANSA-PARK has ever undertaken. KÄRNAN’s full name is: The Oath of KÄRNAN – Beware of its Spell! or in German: Der Schwur des KÄRNAN – Hüte Dich vor seinem Bann! Seems decent Plus it has the same size trains as The Smiler but with Lapbars
  3. Well it was off from like 3-4pm onwards on saturday so, the system might of packed itself in again... hope not.
  4. Stealth was going so slow over the top hat on thursday, like really slow. It almost felt like we were going to roll back. Mind you it didn't open till 1pm so something must of happened in testing. Here was a video I shot of it on thursday, it goes over so slow or at least it did when I was at the park.
  5. Double post but HELIX AT NIGHT POV!!! <3
  6. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this soundtrack, its SO good!
  7. the 1.3 from Liseberg's website, and the other thing from a person on another forum with close sources to the park (atleast it looks like they do).
  8. Just found out that Liseberg have confirmed that Helix will be a 1.3m height restriction, apart from the back row which is 1.5m for tall and fat people as supposedly the seats are bigger and deeper as well as a bigger restraint so that taller and bigger people can fit in.
  9. Again I am a maybe I will be free but not sure what I am doing at the time so I'm a maybe.
  10. I will be a maybe for this only because it is close to when I do PortAventura and I'm not 100% sure if I will have the money at the time, so I will have to see. But I will see and I'm a maybe.
  11. Thanks josh I was going to type that but my computer went a bit stupid but yeah Efteling is going somewhere greatand I really want to go now!
  12. BREAKING NEWS!!! Dutch newspapers have confirmed that efteling is getting a signature ride in the form of a B&M dive coaster with a 37m vertical drop! So what do you think of this news, I would like the paper but it is in Dutch so yeah.
  13. MOD EDIT: Moved to new topic for polls in general as they come round frequently and generate a bit of discussion... So In the Mitch Hawker Polls Nemesis and The Smiler were voted the UK's best coasters rating at #9 and #38 respectively, here was the rest of the UK chart... see if you agree!
  14. I need to ask I have booked to do Port Aventura in October, and I have booked one of the onsite hotels, (hotel PortAventura). Is there an ERT for hotel guests akin to Alton Towers and if so what rides do they open?? Would be a great help thanks
  15. EC!

    This Or That

    Opinions... I prefer Shard...
  16. EC!


    Look at Oakwood's map, sign with Major Investment there with a large mysterious tree with creepy fog around it taking centre stage and it conveniently happens to be where Brer Rabbit used to be... I think Tree of the Dead will be happening for real! Plus teacups are being in placed in circus land by the looks of that map too.
  17. So yeah I went to Alton Towers on Saturday and I got my best ride count ever at the park... Even though it was a Saturday on the Easter holidays and it was almost dead. Smiler had an initial big queue for the morning for about an hour or so but then went down to 45 minutes and pretty much stayed the for the rest of the day. Oblivion was walk on all day which was great! As was Air which was surprising!! I have to say the Smiler and Nemesis were running insanely fast and intense that day it was INSANE!! Oblivions airtime of the drop was mental too! The biggest the rest of the queues got was about 40 minutes and that was for Th13teen and Rita, Spinball was quiet but running a lot more mental then it usually is. We also did river rapids which got me bum soaked which wasn't fun also Th13teen got stuck on the lifthill from about 4pm until the rest of the day which was funny. I almost forgot to mention Rita was running well also!! But yeah it was fantastic best day in terms of rides at the park ever!! The Smiler x3 Oblivion x3 Nemesis x3 Air x2 Skyride x2 Ripsaw x1 Sonic Spinball x1 Rita x1 Th13teen x1 Congo River Rapids x1 Duel x1 Monorail x1 (never been on it so I am counting this one in!) Overall: 20 rides done today! Awesome!!
  18. EC!


    Yeah I totally understand where your coming from but I checked yesterday and these were the only I guess IP's they have ever applied for/registered so it would surprise me a bit if they didn't end up using them. But if they announce it would surprise me in the slightest if this is the major attractions they were talking about, well when I say major, probably family attractions again.
  19. EC!


    Here is confirmation for the new attractions theme http://www.ipo.gov.uk/tmcase/Results/1/UK00003020723 "The Headless Horseman" http://www.ipo.gov.uk/tmcase/Results/1/UK00003020726 "The Tree of The Dead" http://www.ipo.gov.uk/tmcase/Results/1/UK00003020648 "The Legend of The Sleepy Hollow"
  20. EC!


    Should be a more atmospheric land ( if it is a "land" like Neverland is) then Angry birds Land and Ceebeebies land if it is done correctly.
  21. EC!


    I just found this which is interesting... (Source: Ride Rater)
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