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Everything posted by Kerfuffle

  1. Aw, so much for change! 10/10...for obvious reasons.
  2. 10/10. Big Thunder makes the perfect setting
  3. New trailer : Hopefully we'll be seeing more than just Stealth and THE SWARM in the ride lineup!
  4. Yep. Thought that one would be easy! Good job Team SCOOP!
  5. Stealth (hence the bird feathers )
  6. Takabisha But someone else can take my go if I get it right. Finding a tough picture was hard enough!
  7. Me. The person who (assumedly) got the last one right.
  8. That's Wellenfleiger at Phantasialnd!
  9. Kerfuffle

    Video Games.

    Secret Exit's 'Turbo Dismount' perfectly demonstrates why you should NEVER ride a tricycle (or any other vehicle) straight into the freeway! ^ This was taken a split-second before that car slammed into this poor guy, sending him flying straight into the side of another vehicle, smashing him to little pieces.
  10. ^ Fixed that Always has improvement suggestions for LEGOLAND
  11. ...while many of us realised a long time ago no one uses the Shoutbox!
  12. Has a ridiculously high number of subscribers on YouTube (this comes from someone who only has a mere 33)
  13. Kerfuffle

    Youtube Videos

    It's partly the hilarity of this video that got me to buy this game :
  14. They also call me Mr. Quack-Attack. In this case, that's Mr. Ban-Attack to you!
  15. Is a member of the court of THORPELAW and Order!
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