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Everything posted by Kerfuffle

  1. Mack Launch! Helix or Blue Fire?
  2. Avengers. EXCELSIOR! Stark Industries or N.E.S.T?
  3. Time Machine. Air Race = The Joker or Electro?
  4. Try putting it on silent. Works every time.
  5. Besides, Towers have already had a Tweenies attraction! Remember in 2003 they brought in a live stage show?
  6. Is all shouty over - - TALOCAN!!! Oh wait that's me.
  7. I despise it when my neighbours park their cars on the road. I've now lost count on how many times I've had to cycle around them onto the other side of the road...only to have a car come charging around the corner in the opposite direction at the same time!
  8. B (at least it means something exam-wise!) Oblivion or Krake?
  9. Hopefully there'll be a Hurricane River style element to it (if we get a rapids ride)
  10. Phantasialand! Chiapas. Talocan. Black Mamba. HELLOOOO. Scorpion Express or Runaway Mine Train?
  11. Reminds me of my first time on The Smiler.
  12. Kerfuffle


    Always been a bit of a Muse fan.
  13. I've had that sort of thing many times before, especially while I was at secondary school. Just ignore her and hopefully it'll soon calm down.
  14. I've recently become a huge Spiderman fan. Don't just blame the ride! There ARE films and comic books out there, y'know!
  15. Barcadi! Spiderman or Hulk? (character-wise - sorry fans of the rides! )
  16. Rock Rage. College or sixth form?
  17. But what about the theme of the ride? The track is blue, so that leads to a couple of potentials: 1. Pingu - blue being the colour of glacial ice 2. Octonauts - you should all be able to work this one out.
  18. They're only dull because they spend most of their time in that cage sleeping. Try getting up close to one in the desert sometime, then you'll be eating your words.
  19. I reckon the Carousel might return one of these days. I can imagine it being in Angry Birds Land...just with a new paintjob and new sets of course!
  20. My mind is saying Vekoma for that one. That's what the track looks like to me...
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