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About Jammy3112

  • Birthday 12/31/1991

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  • Favourite ride
    The Swarm
  • Favourite Theme Park
    Thorpe Park

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  1. My first ride was Colossus on its opening day. It's the main reason I'm so attached to that ride, and really wish they'd give it some TLC
  2. From what I saw of the pictures, they're not being resold I really hoped someone would want to pick them up. I'm still curious as to what happened to the old Dueling entrance (the two dragons). Were they scrapped when the re-theme came along or are they sat in a warehouse somewhere? I'd love to see them return in some aspect with the new ride. Maybe an easter egg in the queue or somewhere in the area.
  3. Hello all, Sorry to bring this thread back from the dead, but curious as to how busy it will be this sunday (24/09/2017).
  4. Personally, I hated the fingerprint scanners. They seemed to never pick up mine or my families prints, and the glass over the scanner would get mirky from everyone touching it etc. So it always took longer to get something in or out the locker. I feel like the ticket system might make the whole operation a bit smoother!
  5. I absolutely love the Sven animatronics. Everything else seems pretty underwhelming in my opinion. I don't know if it's because Christoff and Anna's mouth's didn't match their singing along. Elsa looks great except the face looks a bit flat. Would I ride this? Probably. Would I wait anywhere near 300+ minutes? No.
  6. Don't get me wrong, I never said that it spoiled my day. It was still a great day out. There was just a few more negatives for me than positives. More so to do with the general up keep of the park than anything else.
  7. Thorpe Park - Friday 18th March 2016 Last friday, my friends and I decided to get our first trip of the season out the way by visiting Thorpe Park. Unfortunately, it didn't live up to the hype I had built up in my own mind. Positive = + Very quiet, not much queuing was done + Double figure ride count + Derren Brown's Ghost Train looks amazing from the outside Negatives = - Colossus & Rush closed (warned before hand, so not so bad) - Saw closed, testing all day - Nemesis Inferno, Swarm and X, all shut multiple times due to "Essential Cleaning" - Not much "revamping" done over closed season Now, before I start getting told that I'm bashing Thorpe over silly little things, I am aware that maybe my expectations were too high for 2nd day of the season. HOWEVER, looking at the effort that has gone into sorting out Alton Towers resort, I couldn't help but feel Thorpe had been left in a poor state. Whilst I understand that Alton Towers has a complete nightmare to try and come back from with the Smiler, I feel like a bit more could have been invested in Thorpe Park's up keep too. A Colossus repaint is sorely over due, and has been for a few years now. It's looking so tired and rusty. Personally I think that in the next closed season, Thorpe Park needs to start making itself a "Theme" Park again. Colossus, Nemesis Inferno and Stealth all need something more immersive, because while they can sell themselves as great thrill rides, I feel like a bit more attention needs to be paid to the queuing areas to tell a story of some sort about the ride.
  8. Dear All, This is a really random question, but I was wondering if anyone knows of any resources for Theme Park "Floor Plans" or "Ride Layouts". I must admit, I just love looking at these sorts of details when it comes to the theme park experience, and was hoping to find somewhere that shows the Merlin Parks, and maybe a few other places like PortAventura, Efteling etc. I found this account on Flikr that has loads of Walt Disney World, and they are fascinating! - https://www.flickr.com/photos/63631877@N00/albums/ Any others that you know of would be great to see! Thanks, Jammy3112
  9. Thank you Thorpe Addict! By "A lot quieter" I'm guessing you mean that there will be a few people around, but compared to a "Normal" day, it will be quieter?
  10. Can I put myself down as a maybe please? I've never been to a meet up before, and I've not been around on here for a little while. Also, as I work for a school now, the holidays are my busiest times as the kids are all away!
  11. Jammy3112


    I absolutely love all the care and attention that Alton Towers are putting into every area of their park this off season. Makes me look forward to going back! Will it go on a rotational basis around all their parks do you think? This year - AT, next year - TP, 2018 - Chessington?
  12. Hello everyone, I was wondering if you could tell me how busy it will be on the following dates:- Friday 18th March 2016 Friday 25th March 2016 Thank you!
  13. Oh ok, that's some good advice haha! I haven't done a European theme park in a very long time, so not really sure what the general plan of action is. Plus I believe that we are going on 16th and 17th of June, so I think we go just before the Spanish kids go on Summer holidays. So, would I be right in assuming that it'll be relatively busy, but not heaving as much as it would do in the summer?
  14. How would you guys recommend tackling the park and rides? Hit Shambhala first? or are there better times to go to the bigger rides?
  15. I recently booked a trip to Barcelona for the summer, and have decided to pop to Port Aventura for two days whilst there. I'll be taking the train along the coast both days to get to the park. As a new comer to PA, are there any helpful tips that any of you have? Things like bag storage on rides, best times to go for rides, shows etc. I would love to know as much as possible to be prepared as I want to make the most out of the two days that I have there. Any help or advice is appreciated!
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