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Everything posted by MarkC

  1. MarkC


    Is it just me or does this remind me of Mr.Fish? Just add a bit more chest hair
  2. MarkC

    The Smiler

    Anyone fancy a smiler onesie? Only £30! Thanks to Alton Towers Guide
  3. Until we find out it is £30 extra.
  4. Thorpe Park have just posted on their facebook page: Picture this…the gates close for the day, but we’re not done yet! If THORPE PARK reopened exclusively for late night summer riding on our top six coasters for a strictly limited number of guests at a bargain price…would you come? Could this suggest that they are planning this in the future? Discuss my unicorns!
  5. Theme Park World have something up their sleeve! They have posted on their facebook page (Here) they have posted a rather telling clue! Can you work it out?
  6. Today we will be at longleat! Check out the live feed to see the penguins and stingrays are settling in and if the Deadly Challenge lives up to its name! All of this over at: www.themeparkworld.wordpress.com
  7. MarkC

    The Banning Game

    Banned for banning someone with 69 post's
  8. Done a mock GCSE maths and just got the result A back. Will be taking the real thing in 2 years when I should hopefully get the A*
  9. I am sure many of you would like to join me in saying a MASSIVE Happy Birthday to the founder of TPM, quite possibly one of the worst rides in the world... Marc Simpson!
  10. MarkC

    The Banning Game

    Banned for having a bad band as your avatar.
  11. MarkC

    The Banning Game

    Banned for having Peaj in your signature. Get your own #swag
  12. Bump, just so everyone can witness he who shall not be named's amazing socialising skills! I have done 'nike tests'. I have been to A&E 5 times this year. I have never been to legoland.
  13. Still not banned... Someone gove me a hand
  14. Well here it goes... 1. Open 2. 180 mins 3. 4 trains
  15. MarkC

    The Banning Game

    Banned for banning me for banning you for banning Peaj This is going to be confusing
  16. MarkC

    The Banning Game

    Banned for banning Peaj
  17. Hopefully however I will be sleeping in a cardboard box the night before. Hobo's R Us
  18. MarkC

    The Smiler

    I hope we have something like this for Scarefest ;D
  19. Lovin' the way that John Wardley is a attraction... Still not as good as Peaj the ride though...
  20. MarkC

    The Smiler

    The Smiler... For Dummies Thanks To Towers2Go
  21. MarkC


    Yes they should replace samurai.... With a top spin
  22. And the latest Madame Tussauds model is.... SHREK Adele. Photo from Captial FM Facebook Page
  23. MarkC

    The Smiler

    And the rest of the box... Posted on wednesday by Mabalzich on towerstimes:
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