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Everything posted by MarkC

  1. MarkC

    The Smiler

    What is actually inside the packaging? o_O
  2. MarkC


    Photos taken from Theme Park Guide: Signs
  3. Comedy nights are coming to Thorpe this year, so lets get this topic rolling Who are these people, who would you like to see doing stand up? Info on Comedy event Here!
  4. I took 4:50 on the Dragon Fury one. Personal Record
  5. MarkC

    2013 Changes

    I went on about 4ish and there was just strobes :/ I asked the mm in charge and he told me about the asthma
  6. MarkC

    2013 Changes

    THORPE PARK UPDATE X now has no smoke effects due to a asthma attack on Friday. I found this out from one of the rode ops. The Crash Pad is making a rather large profit already and all staff have been told that The Crash Pad is a trial for a new Lakeside hotel that will be build for the 2015 season. All queue boards are fully working with main ones by nemesis inferno and near the dome! Another one shall soon be installed near saw! And finally... Storm surge was shut all afternoon due to one to the water supply being cut off. Engineers were working on it till closing time!
  7. Well... Might as well claim first picture
  8. Some rides need a black and grey scheme! What other colours would suit the swarm or Saw?
  9. Asked my mum who said yes aslong as I take a packed lunch.... Typical parents...
  10. They won't know... I'm always out with mates
  11. TPJames... Maybe you should learn a lesson from you polls. Fair rides don't fit into theme parks well, they are not designed for theme parks. If I wanted to go on a funfair ride I would go to a funfair. If I wanted quality rides I would go to Alton towers
  12. I thought you were paedophiles o_O
  13. My mum thinks that I'm going with school mates xD Cya there
  14. Just ignore me then he who shall not be named.... Nice photo but as I said before copyrighted. Tut tut tut. 6/10
  15. 9/10 Looks like your giving Paej a good ride Paej the ride.
  16. MarkC

    This Or That

    Dubstep Fright Nights or Scarefest?
  17. RideAddict... Instead of critising him, why don't you welcome him?
  18. MarkC


    And sometimes they release the bars one at a time and capturing people emotions is priceless! he who shall not be named, I think someone broke their neck from the offloading drop didn't they o_O
  19. MarkC


    Yes... That is exactly what happens
  20. Coming soon... Dragon Falls - Backwards
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