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Everything posted by MarkC

  1. I'll have a look on my phone for you:)
  2. MarkC


    What date are you going James?
  3. Right... Went last week to longleat and was surprised to see the penguins and stingrays open! The penguins are amazing! You can stand with them and if your lucky they cuddle your legs:D The stingrays are a large pool in which you can touch them and stroke them! Now he interesting part: Opening 2014 is a 5D Cinema! Vengeance anyone? Also, they are opening a theme park section in 2016 with 2 rollercoasters!
  4. MarkC


    Would you say they are a lot scarier that Fright Nights?
  5. Bump.. Just wondering what social networks you guys are on! I'm on: Facebook Twitter Instagram SnapChat Whats App Vine YouTube Google+
  6. MarkC


    Booked my tickets to scarefest! Anyone know the recommended age for the mazes?
  7. MarkC

    The Smiler

    I'm thinking on ride camera's.
  8. Yep! At least the GP are happy!
  9. Rodney - Only Falls And Horses
  10. Hi There! Well, lets give all the Admins, Moderators and the weird Meet Organiser a challenge! The game is simple! Members have to write out the numbers 1 to 100 without a Mod Team writing the number 0. Each member can post one number at a time and can't double post! For Example: Member 1: 1 Member 2: 2 Member 3: 3 Moderator: 0 Now the game would restart! Let's give this a go... 1
  11. MarkC

    The Smiler

    #DoublePostAlert Alton Towers Just Tweeted This: Any Ideas?
  12. MarkC

    The Smiler

    100% Completed. If I win, one of you lot can have them
  13. I still haven't worked mine out but give it a go!
  14. Well this is my first review and well I have never seen a better film in my life! And without further waiting... here is a very simple title with a lot of #swag BOOM If you don't know who's in it we have: The film itself is filled with suprises and magic which lure the watcher in! The ending is well thought out and a surprise to all! Now you see me: 10/10
  15. Well... ;') Anyway, I was surprised how busy it was yesterday! Absolutely packed! Just as well I got fastrack for getting stuck on two rides isn't it
  16. I think it was because the girl I was with kept screaming and grabbing me when they came #epicfail
  17. Only go stung 2 times yesterday at Thorpe Park:/
  18. MarkC


    And once again lego men save the day
  19. I sir, strongly disagree with you! If an ip is done right, it can be amazing! Take HHN for instance, nearly all of their mazes are ips and have you seen the ratings they get! Am I the only one who thought Saw Alive was done amazingly? The only thing it lacks is actor enthusiasm! Fright Nights 2013 needs advertising! Make it known that it will be scary! Blip adverts of 'its coming' with a freaky face or focus the advert on a single person getting attacked by an actor from each maze! There are soo many things thorpe can do! I wouldnt be suprised if they done scare rooms and also maybe some more family attractions like the Vampire maze?
  20. MarkC

    The Banning Game

    Banned for ruining the game with TPJames. *facepalm*
  21. 11th and beating all ya old people!
  22. That's because your a girl too amazing for this stuff Holly ;D
  23. No more 'Choo Choo' for a while;(
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