I think thorpe do run a poor service in terms of trains, even if a ride is running on two trains they will slow up loading process or run every other train empty to get the queue busy. Here is my report of the bad service of adding trains:
We entered the queue on a summers day, the queues hadn't been too bad so far but we had queued 60 mins for saw... All the other queues had been quite short including stealth! Which was only 5 minutes. When we got to nemesis inferno however, we were delighted not to see a too long queue, of only 30 minutes. We thought, 'this queue isn't going to be too long' and the actual queue itself wasn't. However after about 15 minutes of waiting, they announced that they would add an extra train on to speed up queue times, at the current moment we were thinking, 'why didn't you do that before the park opened?'
Now this is where it all goes horrible, we were standing in the queue line for about 50 minutes until they announced that they had put the second train on, ridiculous, 50 minutes to put a train on! They however said they would speed up loading process because of their delay. Yes, this was a good idea, but we were still waiting another 15 minutes before we got on. When we were in the station about to get on row 2, we realised we had been queueing for 80 minutes! Appalling, especially when the screen itself had said 30 minutes. The actual loading process was horrible though, after they opened the gates, they counted down from 5 for everyone to get on, it was total chaos, everyone was rushing the bag area and I almost got knocked over trying to place my bag! Also, when we got off they made us rush out of the station too!
I also feel that in thorpe fastracking is way too over used! There were about twice as many people going through the fastrack as the normal queue, slowing it down for everybody! Also on stealth, the lady was trying to sell us fastrack telling us that the queue was 45 minutes when it turned out to be 5! Good try thorpe!