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Project LC

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Posts posted by Project LC

  1. A thrilling family coaster themed around dreams is a concept I've always liked. It doesn't have to have a run down theme it can be all Jolly for once. Looking into the mind of someone and seeing where it takes you. The ride itself focusing on airtime, having no inversions. Just all round fun.

    The concepts in my mind that will never come to be...

  2. Finally he is stepping down. Ive been waiting for it for years. He made doctor who terrible. Far too many shocking episodes, terrible overall story arcs and the series finales were rushed and ruined.

  3. Don't get me wrong it is good they have actually spent some money. I'm sure everyone agrees this new attraction is welcomed. The issue lies with its not what people expected/wanted. We do know very little about it and have done so through out the whole construction process.

    The negative people (me included) have seen what Merlin have done before and right now I believe they are going to repeat it. Unoriginal name, run down warehouse, live actors, pointless IP. They may have finally perfected it however there is still this massive concern it will be like the others.

  4. Well saw and nemesis sub terra have an age restriction...

    Those videos are meant to get the hype train rolling, I sure hope there is another one as I don't think it will get the hype they want.

    I'm not saying it should give away what it is but it should make the person who knows nothing about it be interested and want to find out and I don't feel it does that.if you don't like derren Brown then it has very little appeal.

  5. I have had no faith in Merlin being able to pull off a dark ride since first hearing about it. I have also disliked thorpes marketing team for years. Now they have come together to produce that disappointment of a trailer. One which tells the viewer nothing and while it is meant to intrigue it comes across as boring and will be easily forgotten.

    I am sure the fan boys will think the trailer is the best thing ever however in my opinion it is dull and boring. The ride may be impressive and great but there is no point if no one knows.

  6. Statistics from my old secondary school showed that after they introduced ipads while more people started getting 5 A*-C including English and maths number of high grades declined significantly. iPads help the low ability students as they remove issues they have from other subjects so they can improve. For example they dont have to worry about spelling or maths in science. However for the higher ability students they get board and unlike before when they would do work they have a games console in their hands...

    iPads are gaming and browsing devices. They are not educational tools.

  7. you have to repaint rides sometimes otherwise they rust. I like the white, it makes it stand out and it gets away from merlin's obsession with black and grey. Before nemesis looked tired, this should bring it back to some of its former glory.

  8. The image on the right in the first picture lines up with the plans for the preshow room. The plans show 2 queue entrances next to each other with a third slightly further along which would be the main queue. Which also happens to be in that image a larger door than the other 2. It also has the preshow room in the place the plans would have it and a large door way leading to where the stairs would be. I suspect that tower is smaller than you think goes somewhere in that first room.

    Then again I could be completely wrong.

  9. Air and Rita I would say have the biggest USPs on park. Nemesis is a good ride but it isn't exactly well known to the average family. At least air is the flying one and rita is the launch one. Nemesis isn't unique to the average person.

  10. Merlin had a chance to try and make a bad situation better. They could have got their media department making people feel safe and getting rid of the false reports. Instead they kept their head down and were torn to pieces as there were no other stories at the time.

    Now their solution to fix things is to start closing rides, delaying/cancelling future rides and making the park less value for money. You don't solve this sort of thing by trying to claw back money. You solve this by spending your way out. You convince people to come back for a solid reason. VR headset is not a people puller.

    I hope the media team pull it together and actually sell their product well for once. I doubt that is going to happen.

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