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Project LC

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Posts posted by Project LC

  1. I dont think there is much of a problem with the baggage area when there is 2 people. Its if they stop to have a chat every now and then which causes delays. if there is only 1 person then maybe they need to reallocate some staff.

  2. In thorpes mind it is cheaper to hire less staff and have the bags suffer. Yes its annoying but to the general public they care more about the ride and will be excited to get on the ride so they wont care if it takes a minute or 2 to put the bags away. Just becuase it took slightly longer than usual to get a bag will not prevent them from coming back. So it works out to be more efficient and cost effective.

  3. They don't understaff, they just try and use the minimum. They don't want to employ excess people as they would have to pay them. If you ran a park you would try and save costs everywhere to ensure maximum efficiency and maximum profit to keep those share holders happy.

  4. Having the baggage at the front was causing massive problems in the morning causing massive queues to form at the entrance. Also it required 2 people to operate otherwise the people leaving would start forming a queue.

  5. Cant have been too much of a fault. It has been very temperamental the last few days having the odd 20 minutes down every now and then. I'm assuming they were fixing what ever was causing that.

  6. I am almost certain they will find 1000 people willing to part with £500 for unlimited fastracks. In fact I'm willing to bet in a few months time a reveal that the number of passes has gone up to 5000.

  7. They have put a lot of time in this system. There going to stick with it, all they need to do know is work on the percentage of queue to RnR. However I still think the queue should favour the actual queue rather than RnR. A good place to start I think would be a 60:40 split.

  8. Mad from a guests point of view, amazing from thorpes view. That way they can maxamise sales and make more money. Also I find it very hard to believe that the smiler has a 10% allocation. When there are no fastracks that queue moves almost twice as fast, not saying its a 50% allocation just that it seems an incredible amount more than 10%.

    Also locking systems use 2 or 3 ratchets, if you somehow manage to get all 3 to fail then the seat belt will act as a fail safe, however as that is so unlikely the purpose of a seat belt is to prevent all seats being released at the same time. They are not their as a 4th fail safe.

  9. In the summer it often ends up on 2 or 3 train operation whilst the rest of the year it is on 1. So it is working a lot harder, also when its hotter more stuff is likely to go wrong as components are working out of the conditions they have been in for the other 10 months of the year. Its a relatively simple ride in design so it shouldn't take too long to fix.

  10. I would have to agree that, that would be a hideous idea, and then you have the weeks and weeks of bad press afterwards. What Thorpe should do with fastracks is limit them to a very low percentage and up the price. Have it so there is only 1 or 2 types of passes and put an amazingly high price on them. Although the only way there going to manage that depends on the price elasticity of demand of fastracks. I imagine that they are quite inelastic with price as a lot of people will buy it regardless of price as they only visit once in a while.

  11. £25!!! twenty five whole pounds!!! they expect £25 on top of £50 to get in plus £3-70 on fastracks. I was expecting £6 max not £25. That is extortionate. I'm struggling to come to terms with that price it is so much. How long is it becuase if its until you fall off that is stupid. Even 5 minutes that is a stupid price.

  12. What I don't get is how they allow people who cant walk on some of the coasters. If someone who cant walk needs a vertical evac on saw how on earth do you get them off. Also I find it hard to believe that there is enough disabled people to fill the back row of every train on nemesis and an entire car on Colossus. Ill look at the positives though at least there are not fastracks which allow use of the exits.

  13. There comes an extent where some disabilities should not count towards a pass. For example last week there were a family where the kid was perfectly able to queue as he was joining the stealth queue, riding then using his band to get on right afterwards.

  14. No alton towers is worse in some places. The Smiler, Air and Rita are the top 3 rides I would rate as worsely done fastrack. The swarm is a very high scorer of terrible ratios as well. They should raise the price of fastracks dramatically to discourage sales as at the moment it is stupid and is rather off putting. I go to thorpe park a lot and everytime we hear at least one group moaning at the vast amounts of them. I understand that they have been basically mugged to skip a queue but maybe people should learn that somethings need to be waited for.

  15. Amazing... Actually amazing...

    As it would appear you don't really know what a ratchet system is, here's a pic of a basic one off Wiki...

    I am fully aware what a ratchet system is. If a ratchet is in good condition then the thing stopping the ratchet from moving backwards is the fact metal cant pass through metal. That picture has it so the faces are following the line of the diameter of the circle where as quite often they don't. A good ratchet system has it so the flat surface is at an angle so that part 2 can not slip back up. That way they have far longer life spans as it takes more to wear and is obvious when the ratchet is old and needs replacing.

    I know the evac procedures on saw and stealth as one of my best friends was working at the park in 2010 as an engineer. Saw has a different type of locking which doesn't use a ratchet it is a hydraulic system which allows for individual seats to be released rather than row by row.

  16. A ratchet doesn't rely on friction it relys on the fact that metal cant go through metal which is the electromagnetic repulsion of atoms, not friction. When I said that its to prevent all the restraints I meant all of the restraints on the same system. So if a car consisting of 2 rows is released you don't want both rows getting off at the same time you only want one.

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