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Project LC

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Posts posted by Project LC

  1. Blackouts from g forces require a lot of g's. You can have whiteouts easily which may be what you are calling a blackout, I would be surprised if you suffered a blackout as they mean you loose consciousness.

  2. Aparently it was designed to run at the same time but health and saftey has said that they cant. They really should have checked before hand becuase kingda ka can have all 3 of its trains ready and just waiting. It can manage to launch 2-3 trains between each cycle and then waits about 90 seconds before the next launch. I had a flash pass but accoriding to the people in the station they had been waiting in excess of 2 hours from the 90 minute sign.

  3. They have far fewer staff on the go, and running costs are mot too high. Also there will be food and merchandise sales which brings them to about even. The idea of the event is to make those guests happier so they return and bring along friends. Thorpe has built up a very bad reputation for long queues and summer nights is a chance to correct that. Personally I think they would be better off just extending normal hours until 10pm so more people can go and queues will be lowerd as some people will turn up later. They could also then have it so on select nights a coaster or 2 is open up to just annual passholders to encourage more sales. That would be a more viable way of making guests happeier about queues.

  4. As I have always thought and cedar point has proven the theme adds nothing to the ride other than a massive cost to the park. Millenium force is easily the best ride ive been on by a long way. All of frontier town in my opinion is pretty well themed so why cedar point gets a bad name for themeing is a bit odd. Yes some of it has no themeing at all but in no way does it make it bad. I can easily see how it wins best park, compared to any merlin park its infintly better in almost every way.

  5. I really don't like saw. The pre lift hill section makes the rest of the ride seem short. For its age it is very rough and there isn't any elements I deem as fun. I much prefer stealth and swarm over saw. I would have preferred the wooden coaster planned for the site than saw. Even before going to america I didn't like it. Also yes I was boasting, I will only ever be here once so I will use it as much as I can, apologise if it was annoying.

  6. I think saw's problem is that its just a bad ride. Its too short, too rough, very little airtime, no intense sections. Compared to what I have been riding this week saw looks like a kiddies ride. Although it must be said so do the others.

  7. The skyhawk incident was minor. It opened at about 2pm today and I was on the first swing. Have to say the extra bit of height and the correct set up really makes a different. Skyhawk is a great screaming swing and the noise is so quite compared to rush. Also reaching full height makes it a lot better as well.

  8. For 2015 they need to do some serious updating. I never realised how bad Thorpe was until today when I was at cedar point. Everything works, I haven't seen 1 dead tv screen or a missing bit of paint. The tvs have fun games, trivia and weather forecast for the day something I think thorpe could benefit from a lot instead of a load of dead tvs. The fact everything is painted is also a massive improvement and makes the place feel more looked after and professional. However when you focus on rides something like maverick is what the park needs. Intamin blitz is the best coaster type Thorpe could have, of course a giga would be best but thats not going to happen.

  9. Amazing day on the park. Longest queue was 30 minutes for millennium force and all the rest being below 15 minutes. Didn't manage top thrill dragster as after the first thunder storm it had some issue which meant the test trains kept rolling back. Whilst queuing for it a 2nd thunder storm showed up which kept it closed until the park closed. Have to say that an intamin blitz at Thorpe would the best investment they could ever do as maverick is just amazing. Millennium force however would be the best ride ive been on.

  10. Thats not how I meant it at all I dont really mind if the ride is closed. What I meant is that yes someone may have been hit by some wood and has some cuts and bruises but that is 1 person who was treated and will most likely get compensation. Compared to the millions of people straving to death, people being blown up, living in a dictatorship ect. When you look at the bigger picture they are tiny and yet the media will continue to focus on them. I was merley trying to point out the broken world in which we live in but I can see that my statement was interpreted in the wrong way, as usual.

  11. Rush had a random piece of metal fall off. I was looking forward to it as rush this season has been rather bad, especially swing B. I'm sure maxair can make up for it. Also despite sounding really harsh I doubt the people injured were injured severally and there is millions more people having a worse time than they are. 

  12. I find the fastracks at Alton to be worse. Air and the smiler fastrack really make me angry when queuing. Although that could be down to the seemingly more disabled guests using the ride exits/ special entrances. 

  13. They are pre-selected to ensure there is the correct allocation and prevents overallocation if someone buys one selects a time and then doesn't show up. You may not even need a fastrack. Just turn up early and don't leave until your thrown out. I haven't bought a fastrack in over 2 years and I easily get over 20 rides in a day. Also the park is highly likely to open at 9:30 not 10 like it says.

  14. I'm amazed its that high. It always feels such a slow moving queue, although I guess that's down to the 1000 fastracks they sell an hour for it. Not as bad as the smiler or rita though, they don't move for hours. Infact the smiler I'm pretty sure that there are times where at least 60% is towards fastrack and disabled.

  15. The rides open are the coasters, including the flying fish, the dodgems and the tea cups. Rides wont get busy if its like yesterday, I had 4 trains of nemesis to myself. Stealth may have a small wait at the beginning but apart from that it will be stay on or wait 1 maybe 2 trains.

  16. One thing I found out today which I found amusing is that slammer can only have a difference of people if the heavy side is the right side otherwise the motor struggles and will often end up spinning the wrong way.

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