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Project LC

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Posts posted by Project LC

  1. Zodiac was open tonight and it really was dead. The park was rather empty as well in the day so I guess that helped.

    Ride count:

    1-swarm backwards



    6-nemesis inferno (4 front row and the train to myself)

    39-stealth (10,23,6 was the number of times in a row, I really like stealth)

    Total: 49

    Total for the entire day I got exactly 70.

    Was on the first and last train of stealth and also didn't have to wait in the collection queue as they were selling tickets at the fastrack kiosk's. On the whole, today was pretty amazing.

  2. Music was on today and I'm there tomorrow as well. Park was rather empty today. Saw got the longest queue of 50 minutes, however that was running on 6 cars for the entire morning which was a bit odd and I'm unsure if it got more. Stealth was walk on, swarm was walk on and Colossus was walk on all day. Nemesis inferno was about 5-30 minutes all day. Vortex had a few problems which gave it a lot of downtime through out the day and tidal wave was claiming 70 minutes all day when really it was 30-40 minutes. Also does anyone know why the dodgems were forcing people to have 2 people per car despite having no queue at all, it rather ruined the ride. I'm quite sure it was the batcher just being annoying as other batcher's in the day weren't doing it. In fact he was quite rude to some people as well.

  3. Went on slammer today and it was rather entertaing. It was just me and my firend and to keep it balanced we had to sit oppisite sides so we looked rather odd having an arm to ourselves. Even loading 2 people it took far too long though.

  4. I would imagine that they would replace it, however not with rush. Rush is too loud and the council have a thing about that opening late. Although last year when tidal wave broke they didn't replace that with anything. 

  5. The smiler is the most uncomfortable ride you will ever come across if you get a bad train. Train 3 but only train 3 can leave you like you were just beaten up. There are 2 massive jolts which will turn your shoulders to dust, apart from that all the other trains are fine. Another ride which is drastically rough is Rita, which you could liken to a car doing 60 mph on square wheels. It can be ok but in the heat its not and can be painful if you have your head back. My advice would be to not even waste your time with rita and do the smiler last both days so you avoid the queue.

  6. Hope everyone goes home before the summer nights start otherwise that could be quite busy as well if people are leaving wishing they had more done rides. Most of the people will be school kids so the summer night should be alright.

  7. Paramount park is on a sort of fastrack scheme from the government to try and speed up its construction as quickly as possible. For planning permission to be denied would be a very odd case. Merlin should start looking into ways to try and keep guests now so they don't act too late.

    The only thing which may put off a dark ride is that the queues dint show the result like bigbobjones said. As thorpe are focusing on making queues smaller and more pleasant I imagine that this could be a far bigger factor than we might think.

  8. Thorpe are definitly limited in space for a family coaster. The island behind swarm has very relaxed restrictions so to have a family ride there would be a waste. The fungle site is also rather small so no place for a family coaster there. Thorpe are limited on space knowing that they can no longer make new islands so a dark ride on the arena site would be the best option for their new market. The new market may be a bad move becuase of paramount park so we may see them switch back soon.

    2015 will be a flat ride as its a medium investment year. Where it will go is a mystery as is what it will be.

  9. We have some evidence but not much. Also it would be logical for a dark ride. Thorpe are limited in space so wouldnt want a family coaster, so a better way to attract familys would be a dark ride in the only location it really could go of the arena. This was mentioned in a behind the scenes tour of saw from the engineering team which I know isnt the most realible source. Screamscape also seem to have the same kind of rumors and they are often a fairly realible.

  10. 2015 is set for a new flat ride. A dark ride would have had planning permission by now. 2015 I am lead to believe that a flat ride is due on the Fungle Safari site however this may change, the dark ride is expected to cost £20+ million in 2016 on the arena site. 

  11. You may be alright as most schools are at the end of the year and would have done trips by now. However there will still be a fair few schools going so expect anywhere from 40-90 minute queues between 11:30-4:00 and 4 onwards the queues will get shorter and shorter until about 5 when they will be basically non-existent.

  12. Unfortunately that only works if the RnR uses disappear from existence whilst they wait virtually which unless physics has gone wrong isn't going to happen. All of those people would have just gone to queue for flats however now flats are also included they will just go wait for another coaster. Honestly it will just move queues and have no effect at all. 

  13. I imagine that any physical queues won't feel any different to any other day.  Queues on non-RnR rides may be longer, but they won't (or, at least, shouldn't) be any slower, nor should they feel any slower.

    They will defiantly feel slower. If its now 50% of the ride is for another queue then its moving more slowly as less of the ride is for the physical queue. Its like queuing for rush with only 1 swing. That always feels significantly slower.

  14. Not really sure what to expect tbh.

    Depression, misery and dissapointment. Nah I imagine it will benefit a fair few there on the day, however physical queues will feel very slow and the system will probally crash again. They still havent quite figured out that the number of people in the park corresponds to the number of people using RnR.

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