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Project LC

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Everything posted by Project LC

  1. Project LC

    Doctor Who

    I just took the last RTD episode and compared it to the last moffat episode viewing figure that was available and finalised. Twice upon a time has now been confirmed as 7.92m which would be a fairer comparison. Best: Voyage of the damned 13.31m Worst: The eaters of light 4.73m
  2. Project LC

    Doctor Who

    The show has been getting worse for years. This year's Christmas special was forgettable and uneventful. All of moffats Christmas specials have been poor and clearly are written in a fraction of the time he normally writes episodes. The show under his leadership has seen viewing figures fall from 12.27m to 5.29m (not helped by a change in viewing habits but other shows haven't seen the audience fall in half). I don't see how the show could be worse with chibnall and whittaker but it wouldn't be the first time doctor who has surprised me in how bad it can be. The pandorica opens The doctor, the widow and the wardrobe rings of akhaten The time of the doctor all of season 8 except into the dalek and deep breath Last Christmas All of season 9 (Surprisingly season 10 was reasonable but forgettable) I did attempt to list them in an order of worst episodes but some episodes are so poor I can't possibly decide which is worse so they are in order of release.
  3. Project LC

    Wicker Man

    Well either 2 marketing teams haven't talked to one another and they just churned out the usual rubbish or we are going to get one stupid world first tag line.
  4. Nemesis Inferno (7) The Swarm (3) Nemesis Inferno - Swarm +
  5. Nemesis Inferno (5) The Swarm (5) - NI + Swarm
  6. Nemesis Inferno (6) Stealth (4) The Swarm (5) + Stealth - swarm
  7. Nemesis Inferno (6) Stealth (6) The Swarm (6) Tidal Wave (1) X (6) Tidal wave - stealth+
  8. Depth Charge (5) Nemesis Inferno (5) Stealth (6) The Swarm (5) Tidal Wave (3) X (6) Stealth + Tidal -
  9. Depth Charge (6)Nemesis Inferno( 5)Rocky Express (4)Stealth (5)The Swarm (5)Tidal Wave (5)X (5) rocky - DC +
  10. Depth Charge (5)Detonator: Bombs Away (3)Nemesis Inferno (5)Rocky Express (5)Rumba Rapids (2)Stealth (6)The Swarm (5)Tidal Wave (6)X (8) Rumba Rapids + Detonator -
  11. Depth Charge (5)Detonator: Bombs Away (3)Nemesis Inferno (5)Rocky Express (5)Rumba Rapids (4)Stealth (6)The Swarm (5)Tidal Wave (5)X (7) Detonator - Rumba +
  12. Depth Charge (5)Detonator: Bombs Away (5)King Pig's Wild Hog Dodgems (5)Nemesis Inferno (6)Quantum (2)Rocky Express (5)Rumba Rapids (6)Rush (5)Stealth (5)The Swarm (5)Tidal Wave (6)X (5) rumba + Quantum -
  13. Depth Charge (4)Detonator: Bombs Away (3)Flying Fish (3)King Pig's Wild Hog Dodgems (5)Nemesis Inferno (7)Quantum (5)Rocky Express (5)Rumba Rapids (5)Rush (5)Stealth (5)The Swarm (5)Tidal Wave (5)X (8) Flying fish + detonator -
  14. Depth Charge (5)Detonator: Bombs Away (5)Flying Fish (7)King Pig's Wild Hog Dodgems (5)Mr. Monkey's Banana Ride (1)Nemesis Inferno (5)Quantum (5)Rocky Express (5)Rumba Rapids (5)Rush (5)Stealth (5)Storm In A Teacup (5)The Swarm (5)Tidal Wave (6)X (6) Fish + Banana - (previous post seemed to minus 2?)
  15. Depth Charge (5)Detonator: Bombs Away (4)Flying Fish (6)King Pig's Wild Hog Dodgems (5)Mr. Monkey's Banana Ride (5)Nemesis Inferno (5)Quantum (5)Rocky Express (5)Rumba Rapids (5)Rush (5)Stealth (5)Storm In A Teacup (5)The Swarm (5)Tidal Wave (5)X (5) flying fish + detonator -
  16. Depth Charge (5)Detonator: Bombs Away (5)Flying Fish (5)King Pig's Wild Hog Dodgems (5)Mr. Monkey's Banana Ride (5)Nemesis Inferno (5)Quantum (5)Rocky Express (5)Rumba Rapids (5)Rush (5)Samurai (5)Stealth (5)Storm In A Teacup (5)The Swarm (5)Tidal Wave (5)X (5) Samurai - Depth Charge +
  17. Depth Charge (5)Detonator: Bombs Away (5)Flying Fish (5)King Pig's Wild Hog Dodgems (5)Mr. Monkey's Banana Ride (5)Nemesis Inferno (5)Quantum (5)Rocky Express (5)Rumba Rapids (5)Rush (5)Samurai (4)Stealth (5)Storm In A Teacup (5)The Swarm (5)Tidal Wave (5)Vortex (5)X (6) X + Samurai -
  18. Depth Charge (5)Detonator: Bombs Away (5)Flying Fish (5)King Pig's Wild Hog Dodgems (5)Mr. Monkey's Banana Ride (5)Nemesis Inferno (5)Quantum (5)Rocky Express (5)Rumba Rapids (5)Rush (5)Samurai (4)Stealth (5)Storm In A Teacup (5)The Swarm (5)Tidal Wave (5)Vortex (5)X (6) X + Samurai -
  19. I didn't like the last Jedi. The whole fin subplot should have been cut and I don't get how that didn't come up in pre screen tests. Then there are number of scenes with issues that create glaring plot holes or are just stupid (Leia being the one that sticks most). That being said there are some pretty epic scenes as well. Just glad JJ is back incharge for episode 9.
  20. Angry Birds 4D Experience (4) Depth Charge (5) Detonator: Bombs Away (5) Flying Fish (5) King Pig's Wild Hog Dodgems (5) Mr. Monkey's Banana Ride (5) Loggers Leap (5) Nemesis Inferno (5) Quantum (5) Rocky Express (6) Rumba Rapids (6) Rush (5) Samurai (5) Stealth (5) Storm In A Teacup (5) The Swarm (5) Tidal Wave (6) Timber Tug Boat (5) Vortex (6) X (7) Zodiac (0) X + Zodiac- Angry Birds 4D Experience (5) Depth Charge (5) Detonator: Bombs Away (5) Flying Fish (5) King Pig's Wild Hog Dodgems (5) Mr. Monkey's Banana Ride (5) Loggers Leap (5) Nemesis Inferno (5) Quantum (5) Rocky Express (5) Rumba Rapids (5) Rush (5) Samurai (5) Stealth (5) Storm In A Teacup (5) The Swarm (5) Tidal Wave (5) Timber Tug Boat (5) Vortex (5) X (5)
  21. Angry Birds 4D Experience (5) Depth Charge (5) Detonator: Bombs Away (5) Flying Fish (5) I'm A Celebrity (0) King Pig's Wild Hog Dodgems (5) Mr. Monkey's Banana Ride (5) Loggers Leap (5) Nemesis Inferno (6) Quantum (5) Rocky Express (7) Rumba Rapids (5) Rush (5) Samurai (5) Stealth (5) Storm In A Teacup (5) The Swarm (5) Tidal Wave (5) Timber Tug Boat (4)) Vortex (5) X (8) Zodiac (5) IAC - X + Angry Birds 4D Experience (5) Depth Charge (5) Detonator: Bombs Away (5) Flying Fish (5) King Pig's Wild Hog Dodgems (5) Mr. Monkey's Banana Ride (5) Loggers Leap (5) Nemesis Inferno (5) Quantum (5) Rocky Express (5) Rumba Rapids (5) Rush (5) Samurai (5) Stealth (5) Storm In A Teacup (5) The Swarm (5) Tidal Wave (5) Timber Tug Boat (5) Vortex (5) X (5) Zodiac (5)
  22. Angry Birds 4D Experience (5)Depth Charge (5)Detonator: Bombs Away (5)Flying Fish (5)I'm A Celebrity (4)King Pig's Wild Hog Dodgems (5)Mr. Monkey's Banana Ride (5)Nemesis Inferno (6)Quantum (5)Rocky Express (5)Rumba Rapids (5)Rush (5)Samurai (5)Stealth (5)Storm In A Teacup (5)Storm Surge (2)The Swarm (5)Tidal Wave (6)Timber Tug Boat (5)Vortex (5)X (8)Zodiac (5) IAC + Storm surge -
  23. Angry Birds 4D Experience (5)Depth Charge (5)Detonator: Bombs Away (5)Flying Fish (5)I'm A Celebrity (5)King Pig's Wild Hog Dodgems (5)Mr. Monkey's Banana Ride (5)Nemesis Inferno (5)Quantum (5)Rocky Express (6)Rumba Rapids (6)Rush (5)Samurai (5)SAW - The Ride (3)Stealth (5)Storm In A Teacup (5)Storm Surge (3)The Swarm (5)Tidal Wave (5)Timber Tug Boat (5)Vortex (5)X (7)Zodiac (5) Storm Surge + Saw -
  24. Angry Birds 4D Experience (5) Depth Charge (5) Detonator: Bombs Away (5) Flying Fish (5) I'm A Celebrity (4) King Pig's Wild Hog Dodgems (5) Lumber Jump (5) Mr. Monkey's Banana Ride (5) Nemesis Inferno (5) Quantum (5) Rocky Express (5) Rumba Rapids (5) Rush (5) Samurai (5) SAW - The Ride (5) Stealth (5) Storm In A Teacup (5) Storm Surge (5) The Swarm (6) Tidal Wave (5) Timber Tug Boat (5) Vortex (5) X (5) Zodiac (5) Storm Surge + IAC -
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