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Everything posted by GladiatorFanKyle

  1. I wonder if anyone will get this one!
  2. So is there gonna hopefully be more themeing than we hoped for? Or do we still think it will be the cattlepen and no rocks ?
  3. wicksteed is terrible in general.......
  4. It will be owned by Banuls (who owned the Inversion XXL ride before it went to holland if you ever heard of that) so it will be travelling to many of the big fairs in spain if anyone wants to try it out!
  5. Fabbri have made a brand new ride which will be going to spain this year. It looks like a portable version of their dragon claw ride
  6. Its horrible how they just let these old rides rot! Loggers is a classic attraction. I'm sure merlin must have a lot of money so why cant they put some into loggers, rumba and Colossus!
  7. My first visit to anywhere of 2014! so I visited Kings Lynn Mart for the first time on the 17th of feb and it was awesome! John Bugg JR presented his brand new Kmg booster which looks awesome! His KMG freakout Oblivion was there and I have to say it was running well and I actually now quite like it! My favourite Extreme was there and it was running very well and fast! There was a superbob which was VERY loud haha! If anyone is interested then here is my pictures from kings lynn on my facebook page! https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.654710211257393.1073741826.373674509360966&type=1
  8. Furius Baco is great! I went on the outside and inside seat and it was comfy each time! It was only uncomfortable on the barrel roll but other than that its a smooth ride!
  9. GladiatorFanKyle


    Are the speakers on X like discosmash ones and the ones you see at the fair or are they just like Bose ones?
  10. Time machine is the insane ride that is self built by adventure island am I right?
  11. Its a jump and smile! Is it mexican wave at pleasureland in southport?
  12. I think if you put a extreme where Samurai is it would look awesome and it could be themed to SAW as well!
  13. Parrish extreme comes to the bristol balloon fiesta! It depends on what extreme you go on some are operated really well and some can be total rubbish -.-
  14. Yes it is Air Race at Brighton pier!
  15. At the way chessington is going wicksteed park will be more well themed than chessington lol! Merlin really need to buck their ideas up cause I hate seeing my childhood park where I have many happy memories being ruined! Could they have not just updated the rock work and kept it as runaway train!
  16. I will give a clue! It's made by Zamperla and it's a fairly new ride!
  17. Has anyone been on a Extreme/Orbiter ride? What did you think? here is a video of my local Extreme on it's debut to the Goose Fair last year!
  18. I can deal with the normal miami what have lap bars but the ones that have over the head bars are horrible so I know what you mean!
  19. I got stuck on vortex once it was ages ago and it was my first ride and for some reason the ride wouldn't start for a good thirty minutes! This happened to anyone else before?
  20. As long as I dont have to wait an hour and a half for saw again I'm happy !
  21. GladiatorFanKyle


    That is INSANE! I mean I love heights but that's just totally over the top! They are nutters!
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