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Everything posted by GladiatorFanKyle

  1. I was just wondering the Banshee has those new trains that have restraints like the wing riders. Could inferno maybe get these and maybe the orignal nemesis could get them as well?
  2. Hey everyone I'm 17 and I'm planning on trying to get a job at Brighton Pier in the summer time (this year or the next two).and I wondered if anyone knew what it was like to work there (like good pay/nice place to work etc) if anyone could help out many thanks!
  3. This is why knockoffs should be banned. Old news I know but just goes to show how shoddy these knockoffs are. http://themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=60150
  4. Either Horror Hotel at Brighton Pier or if we are talking around the world as well then it would have to be Hinzen's Haunted Mansion. It's a funfair ghost train but it's a german one and it is really really good. Has some decent scares. I think a ride like it (a gosetto suspended ghost train) would work perfectly at thorpe park to replace saw alive
  5. Runaway Train. Beyonce or Miley Cyrus?
  6. maybe not the best idea haha! You could push them all when the ride is shut otherwise if you did it when the ride is open you could have a major accident haha
  7. Just wondering does the smiler give as much airtime as SAW does?
  8. Rush is kind of a tried and tested design as the pendulum rides have been around since about 1990(dont quote me on that but I think thats around the sort of time the afterburner was made)
  9. Rush is also a s&s ride and to my knowledge that has not had as much downtime as slammer has. Why is that?
  10. Slammer may be popular but you will never get me on it. If it had proper full over the head restraints then maybe. Is the ride cycles on a program like a lot of flat rides or is it manual and the operator lets it go round for as long as they are allowed?
  11. I dread to think how much money they spent on slammer trying to fix it. Can they not scrap it I know it's the only one but surely it would be better to have a working ride that is common than one that barely works and is the only one around?
  12. I have decided to return and why is slammer not opening? Is it due to technical problems?
  13. my worst experience was when I went to alton towers in 2010. Staff were rude and had terrible attitude. I didn't know where the disabled entrance for thirteen was so I asked this person and they were rude and just said "oh over there". Even though thorpes staff can be slow the times ive been they show an intrest in your day and are usually chatty and nice.
  14. I know it's not a coaster but if thorpe are gonna get a big coaster then maybe upgrading Detonator to one of the funtime drop towers. I'm sure you can get a park model . They have more seats but are not as forceful as detonator.
  15. If you live in bournemouth, dorset and fancy some fun there is a fair on till the 13th of april and Rock Rage shall be there
  16. This is one of my favourite japanese horrors. Excellent film I like the whole story of this film ! http://youtu.be/5GNK5mxT6uc
  17. Why does loads of people say you only get airtime in the front seats on stealth? I went in one of the back rows and I got mad airtime. Do you get more airtime at the front?
  18. I saw a video of the new log flume earlier and all the restraint is a small bar which you pull towards you which I guess they are there for that insane drop cause I bet you probably get some good airtime on it.
  19. I know how you feel! When I go to fairs I ususally dont pace myself and I usually end up feeling rough!
  20. SAW is my favourite ride at thorpe park and everyone says it is rough but I find it very smooth to be honest. Saying that I always sit on the end of the row so that could be why. It is a wonderfully themed ride it's a great coaster for the uk
  21. if you get sick very easily then a ride you want to steer clear of is a kmg superspin. They are very sickly haha
  22. I noticed on a picture I saw of the new water ride's station that the ride has restraints as there was a sign that said please pull your safety bars down.
  23. Well you think that is intense when the ride was in france it would go on full speed for about 5 minutes!!!
  24. If anyone is local to Stevenage there is a funfair on from the 3rd to the 12th of april! John Bugg is bringing his Oblivion freakout and John Bugg JR is bringing his new ride Altitude and many other rides
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