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Everything posted by GladiatorFanKyle

  1. It is an extreme orbiter but not william danters one! this one has automatic closing safety bars
  2. you are from stevenage?! I live like 30 mins away from stevenage!
  3. thanks for that I'm good with height I've been on Power Tower 2 at Winter Wonderland so I'm kinda used to towers but not done a drop tower
  4. I'm going on March 27th and I'm going to ride Detonator for the first time! How scary is it first time round ? any good tips to overcome the nerves?
  5. Hi paige nice to meet you! Welcome to our community
  6. GladiatorFanKyle


    good god. I know some people love rides more than others. But this is a little bit too obsessed. I remember also a woman married the effiel tower....
  7. Here's a video I just found of thorpe from the year I was born! The park has changed so much in 17 years
  8. It should be nice and quiet on the 27th of march right?
  9. thank goodness last time I was there then that I left the samurai queue to ride saw....
  10. oh my good god no! I havent been on a Mondial ride in about four months and I need to ride on now! Damm it samurai.
  11. maybe a roller coaster themed to vikings. It would kinda make sense since the park is surrounded by water?
  12. If the ride is not gonna get any better then maybe the park could maybe think about getting a KMG XXL (a huge version of an Afterburner!) I hope it gets fixed in time for the 27th cause I wanna go on my favourite ride!!!
  13. I think a B&M hyper coaster themed to a nuclear disaster (might cause some drama in the news.....) similar to the swarm area but obviously themed to a nuclear disaster. And a Tivoli Extreme ride in the area where the coaster is. What does everyone think about that?
  14. When do we think that Samurai will be up and running?
  15. GladiatorFanKyle


    Anyone a fan of KPOP? I love it and this is 2NE1's latest music video!
  16. I need to rant again I wanna rant about people who you think are decent and genuine then they start to be funny and act like a **** to you....... -.- this happened to anyone before?
  17. I had an idea that maybe Thorpe could replace their teacups ride with a Twister(like at the funfair) they have a high capacity and are good fun for all the family. What does everyone think?
  18. Maybe an event like what alton towers had a last year?
  19. I'm off to thorpe on the 27th of march and I was wondering will the roads have cleared up by now ? It has not rained for a while so I guess it should be ok?
  20. the man who designed my favourite roller coaster!
  21. Samurai's loading music! Makes you think that samurai is a calm ride which it is not but its a wonderful piece of music
  22. Stealth should be open when I go on the 27th right?..... I didn't get to go on it last august as they had replaced the launch cable and it was being silly!
  23. GladiatorFanKyle


    this is the best commerical EVER! http://youtu.be/-8-vnQ_x7tY
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