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Everything posted by Ian-S

  1. I can just see a Daily Mail readers reaction now, 'hey what are these googles for? Is it to stop me seeing the other car before we crash into it?'
  2. I hope they have a decent field of view on these things, I have enough trouble with 3D as it is (can't see it most of the time due to an eye injury as a child).
  3. Science museum doesn't open to the public until 10am normally...
  4. Oh exciting.... This Dora the Brown ride should be good then.....
  5. Every person I spoke to at Thorpe regarding this was very careful to say he was a 'creative consultant' (one even went out of ther way to correct me when I said 'designer') I'll leave it up to you how you interpret that. Also 'Paramount' aka a Paramount licensee, is no further along than what it was when I joined this forum, and I think they've already pushed back the opening date already right? Yeah like Merlin are worried about them at the moment, they'll only start taking notice when construction begins, which probably won't be in my lifetime if the other 'Paramount Park' project are anything to go by.
  6. I hope that maps a Merlin style one otherwise the tickets prices will be astronomical with only 63 parking spots.....
  7. Also, I may have read it wrong, but the prize is only valid until March, meaning the actual theme park isn't open, just the hotels, water park and high ropes.
  8. Who said I was making a decision on the attraction itself? I said this particular marketing was a gimmick, in comparison to some of the stuff previously. As Josh says, marketing is designed to get people talking, so it's worked regardless of it's quality.
  9. Well the parks are closed, there's no racing, weather is shyte so no flying and the only thing on the box is EastEnders or football, both of which cause me to have an insane urge to stab myself in the eye with a rusty screwdriver, so what else are we supposed to do? That is the section I was talking about Aaron, to me it looks like someone walks up to the window and leans against the glass as if they are trying to hear something, sorry but the fringe observer ripoff guy in the middle of the room is just a lame gimmick, if you're going to release a video marketing thing for this kind of attraction, stuff should be hidden better, instead of just some random cuts showing a guy standing in the middle of the room.
  10. Maybe it's our monitors, I usually run quiet high contrast, I'll try gt a screenshot later.
  11. I didn't mean look when he walks away, I meant when he walks away, where the video ends the window directly above his head is where you should look (just restart the video and keep your eye on that same window, like you did and the shadow/person/object will appear a few seconds in to the video). There's more than one window so I was trying to be clever and all that lol.
  12. Timecode like that is usually added in post, so it's probably no more 'bad' as it is 'deliberate'.
  13. Look at the window to the right of the left light (directly above where the man is standing in the last frame), someone/something walks up to the window and looks about etc. I think the man (The Observer) is a red herring, his timecode is about a minute before the main video chronologically.
  14. Is that an Observer from Fringe? No suitcase so it can't be.
  15. It's not an issue for me but I can see how it would be for people used to instantly accessing whatever they want, back when I was a kid attractions like this were ten a penny and half the fun was the excitement building up to the final scene. The only thing I'd actually change is I'd send you 'back' to London via the bus, so you got to experience it twice, instead of the lift, having a big thing like the buss as the first thing you do, sets the bar high and when everything following is just interaction, leaves you a bit deflated, or that's the impression I've got from other people who've done it.
  16. You only get to see Shrek in the flesh once, towards the end. But don't let that put you off, you get a lot of interaction with the other characters along the way, and see Shrek virtually occasionally.
  17. Thorpe, Chessie, Paultons, Dreamland & the big field next door. Oh and maybe Alton,
  18. The VR should have been put on Thirteen, would have been much better to simulate you falling down a lift shaft or something instead of flying through the solar system.
  19. From what I remember of the bit about it on click, the headsets are wireless, similar to the 5.8ghz used for drone/plane fpv setups (infact they looked like a modified fatshark in the clip), so you'll probably be handed them as you enter the grouping area and told to set them up by sliding the buttons on the side/bottom until the crosses line up, according to what I've been told it's quiet a quick exercise for someone to do (talking fpv here, but it's the same principle).From what I remember of AIR, there's plenty of time while loading for you to make any final adjustments. For me what's more interesting is how much they're spending on this (if infact it is VR googles) since the good ones are nearly £500 a piece, and they'll need to be good or it'll end up being a disaster. Oh just thought, simulator sickness + proper motion, I can see the ride being closed for clear up more than it's open early in the season....
  20. Yeah I have a cheap Chinese headset on a boat or plane somewhere for fpv with the drone, hoping it's not too hard to setup.
  21. Yes, the one up at the north entrance just before you get to the turn styles where the hotel and coach carparks are. Do that stupid £10 a day charge still apply to the hard standing carpark too on zoo days?
  22. Yeah there's quiet a few non-shrek characters in the last 'photo' room.
  23. You're not alone, when we went last year the first ride we headed to was Air, although Nemesis is the better ride, Air is unique and we'd already been on Inferno more times than we could remember prior to going. My wife also said she would go on it next time but she can't do VR, it makes her incredibly sick very quickly due to her eyes, so I hope the VR part is optional, I.e. you goto left station is you want VR, right if you don't etc. Otherwise I'm sure we won't be the only people not going on it (I'm not too good with VR either thanks to a childhood eye injury).
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