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Everything posted by Ian-S

  1. Most 'vape stores' are run by morons who have no clue, they just buy the stuff in bulk and flog it, I went into our local one and asked for some VG (vegetable glyco if you're wondering) as I'd run out and it was a Friday (no chance to get any posted to me until Monday) and he tried to sell me 30ml bottle of RX4 24mg for £9 (RX4 is a tobacco flavour, 24mg is the highest strength you can get outside of mixing yourself). When I said no I want unflavoured, zero strength VG, he pointed to the label that said 70%PG/30%VG mix and said 'it has VG in, label say so, you buy'. I ended up walking across the street to Boots and buying a 200ml bottle of VG for £3.
  2. I'll send you a PM, save clogging up the thread with info most will find useless.
  3. Ian-S

    Wicker Man

    I always have to laugh when they put up fences to hide stuff, without realising you can see the site from elsewhere (in this case, the cablecar).
  4. Wasn't a hard winter either so they can't use that as an excuse (if the were thinking about it).
  5. Ah ha that figures, and I agree, with the sentiments above, I've no idea why Merlin have start investing in staff heavy attractions, it's like they're trying to fail (either that or they're on the same stuff Osbourne is).
  6. Surely it's possible to coordinate the system so that the non-VR station can dispatch two trains to the VR's one? Or maybe it isn't that simple?
  7. Tarmac is better than a muddy path.
  8. As long as the brothers don't form part of the attraction, it be all good.
  9. Being technically a 'non-smoker', of the one of many things, it has educated to me to the utterly horrible smell it produces, I'm not talking the smelly breath post fag, everybody has a 'distinctive breath smell' if you get close enough, but that long lingering smell that follows you around like a lost puppy, I can really appreciate how stomach turning it can be. The law on smoking in public is fairly specific, if a queue line is outdoors (like most) there is little the park can do, they're stuck between a rock and a hard place, do they 1) throw the client out risking them to never return (and spend more money), 2) ask them to stop and potentially risk 1, or 3) do nothing until someone complains, the parks will mostly air with option 3. The unfortunate thing is most smokers will exploit this, without realising their exploition will lead to further regulation down the line completely banning smoking in all public place, open air'd or not.
  10. Anyboby get multiple copies?
  11. Spare parts policy: 1) buy two of everything, three if you can afford it. 2) if something breaks, refer to rule one.
  12. My son would have told the kid off (well if he had been allowed to get the words out, I can usually guess what he's going to say and stop him before he get's himself into trouble nowdays). As some might know I have a neighbour who likes her music, and likes to swear, but of course when it's other people doing the swearing or disturbing her, it's offensive and inconvenient, I tried pointing out the irony in her attitude, but was promptly told to go do something physically impossible for a male to do, we have thousands of words in the English language that can be used to convey one's feelings, there's no need to swear every fifth word. I always ask if it's ok to vape, which made my chain smoking sister nearly wet herself when I asked her (force of habbit lol) and I generally try to respect the 'rules' for smokers, even though it's not smoking. What annoys me is these people who sit there chugging on their CE4 clone and produce more smoke than a VW, they give the rest of us who've been vaping for years before it became mainstream a really bad name, also they don't seem realise lots of white steam means lots of wasted liquid (and too higher VG content),they'd be better off scraping out the ice from inside the freezer and dumping that into their mix instead of VG, it has the same effect / is same thing but doesn't produce the huge plooms of white steam (I'm assuming they DIY mix, but thinking about it, I doubt they do that).
  13. Ugh, there's always some ****er ready to give us vapers a bad name.
  14. A friend is there and they say only Colossus and swarm are closed (coaster-wise) now, the rest opened around lunchtime.
  15. Ride access pass as in disabled ride access pass, not fast track pass.
  16. They are probably mostly people sorting out their Ride Access Passes, rather than people complaining, last year it was the same.
  17. I wouldn't call X and the Fish 'major'.... I know you're refering to Stealth and Saw... but still lol is there any point of these days if 90% of your attraction rides are closed?
  18. If they have any money left they should run a thin layer of sealant over the old concrete before the place opens officially, won't take them long, I've seen organisations lay stuff down overnight and had cars racing on the surface the next day.
  19. They'd be better off going after school next week, oops, I didn't say that, just ignore me, I'm talking bollocks, carry on.... I'll forever be amused by the lady last year at Thorpe demaning to be taken to the front of the queue because she was 'an Merlin annual passholder' and expected priority over 'Thorpe passholders' with her frantically waving her blue MAP around......
  20. They still made a profit which is better than a lot of companies, their biggest problem isn't their management, it's the need to please shareholders first, customers second. If they were not a public company then they wouldn't need to pay shareholders and could plough some of the profits back into the attractions. I have some sympathy, it's not nice to want to do things that are then countermanded by bean counters, but on the flip side this is the bed they made for themselves, so they only have themselves to blame.
  21. Hex and the flume is a bit of a bummer, had hoped to see the wife puke, sorry enjoy Hex later in the year, I guess I'll just have to trick her into going on The Smiler now.
  22. Kinda glad I'm not wasting money going there this weekend if 2 of my 3 favourites are shut.
  23. There was no queue and I asked nicely.
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