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Everything posted by Ian-S

  1. So is the ride virtual reality or augmented reality? Because if it's VR why have a honking great Stargate if nobody is going to see it?
  2. Ian-S

    Logger's Leap

    Hope, intend, plan, it wouldn't matter what wording they used they all pretty much mean the same.
  3. Ian-S

    Cats or Dogs?

    Should see my sister-in-laws dogs, Shetland Ponies are jealous of their size.
  4. @Josh, I'm not complaining about the park being busy lol, to be fair you're right Thorpe didn't indicate if Summer Nights would be returning, my moan was more aimed at Merlin themselves than Thorpe specifically.
  5. A member of my family is disabled and does not do well with large crowds of people, which is why we choose not to visit the park during extremely busy periods, it has nothing to do with not wanting the park to be successful or complaining the park is busy, and for us it's not a 'silly' decision either, it's a practical and principle one based on value for money, without Summer Nights our passes are a no better value saving (at their full price, not the renewal one) than paying for visits individually. This is not the first time Merlin have pulled a fast one with their marketing and screwed people over, I wonder just how badly Merlin will have screw some of you before you see them for what they are, we will not be renewing next year.
  6. Don't you youngsters organise online petitions or something nowadays to get companies to reverse decisions? Come on get your arses into gear lol I totally agree with the two posts above, had they announced this last week I would not have renewed our passes, since the only time we will now visit the park is before June and after September.
  7. Paultons has the best entrance, 100 yards from the Motorway junction.
  8. The traffic issue has nothing to do with the park, anybody who's driven past on any day the park is closed can affirm that, I went to a friends a few weeks ago and they live about a mile from the park London side, at 4pm on a Wednesday afternoon, it took me 40 minutes to get from Merlin's regional office to their place which should really be a journey of 5 mins max, the week before I went at 8am and it took over and hour to do the same journey, both times the park was closed. Like most things nowdays this and 'environmental issues' are grabbed by a small minority and blamed for all the areas problems, when in reality you could add two coasters to chessie and it wouldn't make a jot of difference to the locals. On any normal day it takes me 30 minutes to drive from my house to the center of our town, takes 3 minutes at night and during the day it's quicker to walk than drive, we have nothing here but a park and lake, traffic issues are due to the huge level of cars on the road and traffic light phasing / road design, not what attraction is in a particular town.
  9. err nope, even in single screen devices, both eyes get a different image, the only difference between 3D and VR is VR is reactive to your head movement through head tracking (along with the majority of the view being CGI).FPV googles do have a single screen feeding both eyes the same image, but that's not what they're selling here, if it does turn out to be this, then it's going to be even worse than expected and the ride will be closed more than it's open for cleanup, generally when you buy a set of FPV googles they tell you to only use them when sitting down and to stay still because any movement can induce sim sickness (which is where your brain cannot compute the difference between what your eyes see and what your body feels, and you puke, very quickly), I've seen people at the flying field collapse in a big heap after 10 seconds because they're standing up, yet use the same googles for hours while sitting down (my point being that even when stood up, you move, when sitting you generally don't move as much, with Galatica the entire ride moves, so unless they've gone really cheap, the view inside the googles should be reactive like VR and not static like 3D). I haven't been on the other ride at Europa(?) that has this but I assume that if you turn your head to the left while on-ride the image on the screen will mirror the movement, rather than just being a static forward fixed point view.
  10. ^ haxxor Nope, for someone like me who cannot see 3D without a great deal of effort the whole thing is just a waste of money.
  11. ^ they don't have to own it exclusively, just prove to whoever is listening consumers could become confused by the name. If Merlin 'own' the name it's up to them to enforce it not Paulton's job to go searching copyright databases, so it's quiet likely Paultons were oblivious until someone at Merlin took a double take at the Paultons literature and called down to legal who served a C&D. Nothing sinister about it, just business, you can bet if Merlin opened a coaster called Peppa Pigs Fartocoaster Paultons would be on them quicker than a fly on crap.
  12. LOL no, they were/are a lot more in debt than that. As someone else said, it's a good start, but the banks don't have infinite patience.
  13. Obviously not many entries received, either the riddles were too hard or joe public couldn't give a crap.
  14. LOL still half a million short of being solvent.
  15. No they've already said it won't be open until later in the season.
  16. No over the head strap? Big mistake.
  17. It's 15th Feb if anybody is interested.
  18. All from Cancer too **** you Cancer.
  19. Can anybody remember when the MAP sale ends? Is it 28th Feb?
  20. Don't the regulations state that they are effectively banned? I.e. pilot must be within line of site and/or use a spotter regardless of whether the drone is autonomous or not. The problem is a minority have ruined it for the majority, we never had these issues back in the 80's, but then it was quiet difficult to do vertical takeoff back then too lol.
  21. Technically they can, Thorpe is private property with a fenced secure border, so by definition it qualifies for a 'reasonable expedition of privacy' within the boundaries of the property when the place is closed to the public which makes anybody taking photo's from the outside technically in breach of Article 8 of the Human Rights Act, if the photos are published in public and include the personal details of individuals (such as workmen working on site) then you could also fall foul of the Data Protection Act, given Thorpe's closeness to Heathrow, there may also be other restrictions in place, and heaven forbid anybody is actually stupid enough to fly a drone over the place without the correct paperwork in hand, they also fall foul of numerous CAA regulations, and believe me you don't want to screw with those people. I use the description 'technically' because by the definition of the law they can, but enforcing it is a whole other can of worms.
  22. That's probably as likely as bears living in the South Carolina woods.
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