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Everything posted by Ian-S

  1. Nope, it's to cash in on the third Kung Fu Panda film, which goes on general release here today.
  2. Sounds like my neighbour, she's incapable of talking and always shouts, it's not going to be long and her daughter is either going to tell her to f-off or belt her one Re: toothache, another method is to crush up an aspirin or paracetamol and rub it into your gum redneck style, but don't overdo it, it's easy to overdose on crushed up stuff as it get's into your bloodstream much faster (I almost did once due to forgetting what I had taken and it wasn't a pleasant experience, I now keep a written note of what I take lol). Back OT, I really hate it when someone you're supposed to be talking to has their nose in their dam phone, I feel like snatching the dam thing out their hand and throwing it into the nearest solid object, even more so when the conversation is something really serious, like keeping them out of a court, grrr.
  3. The staff guy I spoke to during Feb half term last year dropped a clanger by referring to AP day as 'the staff training weekend' lol
  4. Well based on my experience of visiting both parks in the same week on what I would consider peak period, Thorpe was by far the busiest (infact on the Thursday we arrived at Towers, we walked onto Nemesis, got front row without waiting, and re-rode without leaving our seat), our friend went to Thorpe the same day, and sat in a queue for 40 minutes (which was half what they'd experienced the same day the year previous, so they said). But Thorpe's numbers could be down this year too since there seems to have been some, oh how can I say, change of direction from our local schools who are no longer fully funding a days trip for the school to Thorpe (they are charging parents, but are going to come unstuck since most of the kids have annual passes and most parents I know have said they're not paying twice). So who knows as you say.
  5. ^^ just pop the glasses up for a few seconds lol
  6. I'd think they give away more free tickets through The Sun each year than they will this, but yeah at least tpwith this you can pick your day.
  7. That actually looks pretty good, if you know the track layout you'll know that's coming from the left station right up to almost the top of the lift hill, I wonder how good the rest of it is. It is CGI yes, but then that's all VR is. Because if 'reasons' we only planned to return to Towers for the Smiler this year (it's a long trip for us in a 14 year old Micra), but I'm actually looking forward more to this than Smiler...
  8. I wonder if those coins will be available in the gift shop?
  9. You're going to need to explain what 'get in the bin' means before this generation understands... Edit: Thanks to the amazing powers of the internet, I believe I have located the meaning on this slang, it's not what I thought it meant, in the 80/90's all we used to say was, 'shutup shi*thead', that was perfectly adequate to convey one's feelings, I can't believe even slang has become politically correct
  10. Clove oil only works properly if you soak a bit of cotton wool in it and shove it into the cavity, I have terrible teeth thanks to not going to a dentist for 30 years so am way past the pain bothering me point, but I used to find that salt walter as hot as you can take it, a steralised pin to relieve pressure if needed (in the gum) or even ice cream would dull the pain, depending on the time of year, cutting air off to the cavilty (with the cotton wool) was a good solution. We've been stocking up on anti-inflamatory meds, since we're fast approaching that time of year where the earth shifts on it's axis, people look at me like I'm mad whenever I talk about it but I swear the only times I suffer toothache nowadays is during that period where we shift from winter to summer and the atmospheric pressure changes, so in the last few years I've been ready for it and popped a few nurofen based on where the shadow falls on our greenhouse, and not suffered as much. Pliers are no good unless the tooth is whole and loose, it'll only make matters worse if not, been there done that lol.
  11. I can't remember but I'm sure I read it here, generally the rumour came out that Loggers was to close at the end of 2015, and that part way through or at the end of 2016 Colossus was to close too allowing Canada Creek and the Colossus site to be devoloped in the future, I seem to remember one of the main arguments was 'what about Saw' (in a kind of why those two areas while leaving Saw there). The only thing that gives the rumour any substance is that despite the majority thoughts that Loggers would never close (due to it's signficicance with it's stature and that dam plaque - you'd be amazed the number of foreigners I know who ask about it and make a special trip whenever they come here to see it, especially American's who are Royal mad), Loggers has closed and Thorpe are being very selective in their wording about it's return. I could have dreamed it, but I'm sure I didn't.
  12. Any parIcular reason for Colossus? I seem to remember the original rumour was that Loggers & Colossus would close this year and be cleared for redevolpment (sure I read it here), we all dissed it at the time but it's turned out to be true for Loggers, one wonders...
  13. That's no way to talk about management....
  14. For a couple of hours yes, how could I forget that soaking I had lol
  15. Saw, Slammer, that funny thing next to Saw and all the water rides were closed for annual pass day last year. We're not going this year, have other plans for that weekend, but since the tickets went so quick it'll be interesting to see just how many people are there and whether any rides are shut.
  16. Ian-S


    So you had a McDonalds milkshake then?
  17. Benin, you put my thoughts into words far better and more politely than I could have
  18. You do realise two billion is two thousand million pounds? So even at a very very generous 3% interest, the interest payment itself on that loan is 60 million a year, and that's before you contemplate repaying the capital and completely ignores compound interest and Inflation. Remind me again, because I don't know the exact figure, Merlin operate how many theme parks, and their best years operational profit was how much? Yes there is the policy of spend money to create money, but there's limits to that. There is no way this Paramount Park thing will ever make a buck, it'll either die a quick death or be bank rolled by the Arab backers as a tax write off until they get bored and turn their attentions elsewhere, that's assuming it actually get's built, last time they tried to build a theme park down that way it bankrupted the guy funding it and eventually led to creation of Merlin themselves.
  19. He is right though, two billion is a lot of money to sink into a park that, if you look at Merlin figures, will take decades to just become solvent, let alone turn a profit.
  20. Of the five she seems to be the worst affected mentally, I'll stop now before I upset anybody with my views.
  21. I agree, I know a lot didn't like it but it was a fun little ride that even grandparents could go on, not something you could say about Nemesis or Oblivion.
  22. I thought Air, sorry Galactica, was opening later?
  23. The hearing will be on 22nd April, Merlin's statement indicates they will plead guilty, it's a charge of failing to reasonably ensure the safety of patrons while on site, due I'd imagine by overriding the safety procedure built into the ride and not visually checking the track before restarting the thing.
  24. Because the owner* is ultimately responsible for the training and work ethic of it's employee, this is how it was 20-30 years ago before companies started shirting their responsibilities and saying 'hey we trained him, not our fault he made a mistake' and employing expensive lawyers to hang their staff out to dry. I think as this story get's clarified we'll find that both Merlin and the ride operator will be prosecuted, although the ride operator may not be, likely outcome is a huge fine, millions upon millions for Merlin, not much else they can do as nobody died. *I assume we all know Merlin don't own Alton Towers, they operate it under lease from the man who does own it, but I'll humour Sky and the BBC until someone wakes up there and reports it properly,
  25. Did someone forget the pink text again?
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