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Everything posted by yeah

  1. The Birmingham Mail says it will sit amid CBeebies Land but then later it says it's going by the other hotels. We don't really know yet but judging by the noises I was hearing in Big Fun Showtime it could well be going there.
  2. Hmm, well then they either mean amid CBeebies Land in terms of theme or they're confused themselves...
  3. Birmingham Mail says it will "sit amid" CBeebies Land http://www.birminghammail.co.uk/whats-on/family-kids-news/alton-towers-open-cbeebies-land-11668556
  4. Nope, that was the new hotel lol. Its going in CBeebies Land.
  5. Its going in CBeebies. That'll be the construction noises I was hearing.
  6. Then use it as a secret feature on Galactica (such as that April Fools joke).
  7. yeah

    Logger's Leap

    I hope it doesn't! I've just got back into log flumes after a particularly horrifying ride on The Flume in 2013 and I haven't got on Loggers yet!
  8. Rita did with nobody on it and another ride did with people on, read about the Rita one the other day after I read an old post in an Alton Towers forum (2002) saying a boy got hit by Nemesis so I researched it. The other can be seen on YouTube.
  9. yeah

    Top 10's

    Why not update now I've been on a few more rides. 10. Mias Riding Adventure 9. Quantum 8. Spinball Whizzer 7. The Blade & Black Buccanneer 6. Rattlesnake 5. Kobra 4. Congo River Rapids 3. Thirteen (although my only ride was on the back row and the loud sound of glass smashing (I think) left me actually properly shaken) 2. Dragon's Fury 1. Vampire
  10. There was also construction like sounds coming from behind a fence in Big Fun Showtime
  11. Went on Thirteen today - was going to go on Smiler but the ride access pass time thing was at 6pm so we couldnt, was going to join the Oblivion queue but me and my dad both got scared lol, plus I felt a bit sick after going on Spinball Whizzer straight after eating doughnuts. Oh well, back on Friday.
  12. yeah

    Alton Audio

    Hex is currently playing in the monorail station!
  13. Lots of "construction materials" lorries coming out of the car park today, anything to do with this perhaps?
  14. Might as well mention although slightly off topic but the snake seemed so much more mobile on Friday.
  15. yeah


    Double post but worth it From Alton Towers Twitter
  16. Really? Just the day before were going too! Wanted to ride without VR
  17. I'm sorry, but apart from Alton Towers what other rides are SBNO?
  18. Is it truly double triple confirmed were getting an IP or are we just guessing so because y'know, it's Merlin?
  19. I don't think I need to tell you how much I love Chessington. We must be in double figures for visits this year by now and no plans of stopping yet. Today was a fantastic day at my beloved, with no closed rides, only one breakdown (and a delay on Dragon's Fury while we were on that wasn't a breakdown), two fantastic rides on the bigger coasters, however the sad news that Bubbleworks would be closing in September. First things first I went on Dragons Fury via Single Rider queue, the weight in the car was unbalanced and span loads, it was brilliant. So brilliant that it turned Dragon's Fury into my favourite ride for about an hour. I actually came off shaking with adrenaline for the first time since my first ride on it. Next we got the ride access pass and headed to Trail of the Kings and Hocus Pocus Hall. I personally didn't go in (my mum said I wouldn't have liked it in there anyway) instead sitting outside checking the forums and listening to "Hocusssss Pocussssssss!" Over and over again coming from the exit, which was annoying. Then we headed for lunch at Pizza Pasta, where I didnt eat much for once. Over lunch we made the plan for Tomb Blaster, Dragon Falls, Bubbleworks and Vampire. Now, Tomb Blaster was... interesting. A few effects I didn't know about were working including some jumpscares (I don't think they were intentional... but scared the living daylight out of me) and all the audio was a bit louder. By the end of my ride me and my sister where nearly fearing for our lives. Fair to say Bubbleworks was interesting too (get on to that in a minute). Can't remember the exact scores but my sister came first (embarrassing, especially as I got a heavy lead at the start) I came second and mum came miles behind. So yeah, my heart was... faster than usual. Then we went on Dragon Falls which was normal. Thankfully no phones lost this time. We took a (not so short) detour because my sister wanted to ride Toadies, which I haven't been on for a year or two and it just worsens each year. The (possibly new) on board soundtrack was quite nice if a little annoying. Now, Bubbleworks. It's almost as if it's throwing a tantrum because it doesn't want to go. Broke down loads over the last few days being one of the only rides to do so today. It also really creaked at the start, and unless they have added a new sound effect creaked at the lift hill too, which scared me after the Tomb Blaster experience (I was a bit jumpy). Now, onto Vampire. If you've read any one of my posts this season you'll know how much I adore this wonderful piece of machinery. After riding it on the fourth row, however, I began to lean towards Dragons Fury and after my first ride today Fury had well overtaken Vampy. This ride was set to undo that. Back left, seemed alot faster, alot more airtime on the second drop (my favourite part of Vampire), and apart from the usual jolts near the second lift hill and going into/inside the tunnel it was actually really smooth. I didn't hit my head once even if I hurt my shoulders somehow (think it was the way I pressed them up against the restraints, it went away as soon as I came off). Perfect and was enough to put it back on top again. After this we headed to Scorpion Express, YooHoo to pass the time before we could go on Rattlesnake via RAP, then Rattlesnake which my sister is somehow still not tall enough to ride! Loading was weird as they wouldn't put anyone on the back row unless they were in a group of 3 or 4. Overall it was normal. After this we headed to Dragon's Fury again, this time with mum, where the weight was unbalanced again meaning a great ride (we span loads on the bunny hop). We got stuck in the station for about 5 minutes, believe somebody wet themself... After this came Griffins Galleon which has been reverted to its old soundtrack, then Black Bucaneer, my first ride on. Mum wouldn't come on with me so I queued. It was nearly walk on (got on the next ride) despite the board saying it was 45 minutes. I needed to join someone elses row so a nice family let me sit with them, they spoke to me (as did the woman on Dragons Fury the first time) asking if Id been on before and if I was scared. I was scared but loved it by the end and I'm dragging my dad on with me next time. Overall a brilliant day. MY RIDE COUNT Dragon's Fury x2 Tomb Blaster Dragon Falls Toadie's Crazy Cars Bubbleworks Vampire Scorpion Express Rattlesnake Griffins Galleon Black Bucaneer +Hocus Pocus Hall (just without me) MERCH Dragon's Fury Keyring (for me) New Yellow Map Pen (for me) Millions Tube (does that even count?) (for sister) Next blog post will be tommorow at Cadbury World, then on Sunday at Gulliver's, then Alton Towers Monday, again Friday, the July round up thing on the 30th and probably LL Discovery Centre/Trafford Centre inbetween.
  20. Yeah, I thought they were putting things in the parks history. Very weird.
  21. No closed rides, one staggered opening (Zufari) and touchwood only one breakdown so far (Rameses). Been great up until now.
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