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Everything posted by yeah

  1. yeah


    Oh Lord. Never been to Oakwood, but that is awful. It's so garish, that could combat CBeebies land for brightness, and I get a headache just looking at CBeebies. Never been on a Pinfari, but judging by the general reaction they're bad.
  2. WHAAAAT How? Meh. I don't care how.
  3. Any Merlin park CD? (PLEASE MERLIN. PLEASE.)
  4. That and the truck, but again, not sure if that counts. It's gotta be Charlie or Driving School really. I wouldn't mind seeing Toadstool go either tbh. That or add fountains to it because that's what makes Monkey Swinger.
  5. Yeah that's why I put it last (and btw it's a stately home not a castle )
  6. Assuming we don't know what ride(s) yet my bets on Charlie or Hex. (Please be a flat or dark please be a flat or dark)
  7. But if nobody's signed anything then legally that's fine. I, myself, being a 13 year old with Aspergers who's easily scared, almost needed spoilers to decide whether or not I should/could ride it. After looking at said spoilers I decided it wouldn't be a good idea. Besides, why is there a spoiler topic if we can't give away spoilers?
  8. Nobody is making you look at spoilers, if you don't want spoilers simply avoid clicking on an article/post/video/anything that says "Spoilers: Derren Brown's Ghost Train"...
  9. yeah

    Top 10's

    (Bare in mind I've never been on an upside down coaster and I don't remember any visits to parks outside of England) Rides Honourable Mentions: X (for the second drop), Bubbleworks, Tomb Blaster. 10. Jolly Rocker (first and only pirate ship) 9. Rumba Rapids 2016 8. Quantum 7. Mia's Riding Adventure 6. Runaway Mine Train (AT) 5. Rattlesnake 4. Kobra 3. Congo River Rapids 2. Dragon's Fury 1. Vampire
  10. 4/10 for innacuracy. There is, in fact, technically (see what I did there) a Ghost Train
  11. And while we're at it, can we make sure we CAN'T hear I'm a Celebrity... like, at all. I'm talking current Vampire levels of quietness.
  12. yeah


    It's just an extra kick in the teeth that we invented the sport... Greg Dyke is a bit useless though. Quote from Wikipedia with a graph: Under Dyke's chairmanship Brentford F.C. experienced their worst performance since the 1970s, but the club has improved recently. As soon as Dyke left we got promoted! Guess we got what we deserve for appointing a former Fulham manager. Ah well, to next season. And qualifying for the World Cup in... Russia. Oh Lord. Let's not bother. Still think had we of brought Scott Hogan along we would've won the Euros.
  13. I do believe Thorpe have advertised only one new maze (platform)
  14. I thought that was it but not too sure
  15. What is it? I can't see through that picture, never been to Phantasia
  16. No, its LEGOLAND's new Wingrider silly. Basically Merlin have purchased a new B&M coaster. On a serious note, apparently its Wingrider track according to a few comments.
  17. Parks I've visited/will visit in 2016 Chessington (Lost count how many times and so many more to come) + Howloween at least once. LEGOLAND x2 - Probably once or twice more + Brick or Treat Thorpe Park x1 - And I really want to go back more than once. Parks I will visit: Alton Towers x2 for definite (in July on one trip) Gullivers World (Matlock Bath) Hopefully some more too
  18. Ooh... (Courtesy of Coaster Studios, who I will be filming some footage for soon) Also see some grey track there, so it seems Thorpe are getting a new coaster soon
  19. Tomb Blaster stopped on the "brake run" for a few minutes as if it stacked, but there wasn't a train in the unload station? No breakdown announcement or anything? It was only for like 2-3 minutes.
  20. What's the storyline behind Klugheim? Do we know?
  21. yeah


    Everything's getting old, and most parks (especially Thorpe and, as much as I adore it, Chessie) are too scared to get rid of older rides that are no longer reliable, and instead choose to leave them unavailable for long periods of time. (I think)
  22. Only the Anubis targets one and the rolling boulder were true on Sunday. Didn't even know the boulder moved.
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