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Everything posted by yeah

  1. This is at the entrance of the park. Sad to see it go, but this looks interesting. Let the speculation commence!
  2. Sure I saw a green boat somewhere on park near the beginning of the year.
  3. Can I just say the only promotion of my YouTube channel is in my signature. Anyways, on with the game. Says pretty much the same thing as the person above
  4. Imagine what August is gonna be like
  5. Do I? Never noticed! Meanwhile, seems to have completely given up on his YouTube channel *checks my own YouTube channel* hmm, it would appear we are both hypocrites.
  6. Does amazing piano covers of theme park music! ( @Whatever HE STARTED IT @3Dimensions )
  7. yeah

    Video Games.

    Fallen in LOVE with The Crew since getting it free with XBOX Gold. You play as Alex, who at the beginning is framed by a corrupted detective for the murder of his brother (Who's name changes from Devon to Dayton for some reason) and 5 years later is contacted by an FBI agent named Zoe who wants to get Alex out of jail in order to find the corrupted cop and Devonayton's real killer. It's an open world game set in America where you drive around doing missions such as races, time trials, and stuff where you have to deliver a car without damaging it, while trying to move up in some ranks I don't think are actually explained.
  8. Thinks that Chessington is anything other than brilliant amazing and second best only to Alton Towers meaning that they are wrong will always be wrong and everything they say will be wrong until they admit that Chessington is fandabbydozy.
  9. yeah

    The News

    That was like half an hour before I even found out about what was going on in Turkey, which was terrible. Sounds like it's over now though.
  10. yeah

    The News

    This is going way too far now... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/pa/article-3692594/Teenagers-rescued-complex-hunting-creatures-Pokemon-Go.html
  11. Well Swarm was their last big investment, unless you count a Dodgems which will send you to the kyropractor, a 4D movie and some pig stickers as major. Which I don't. That queueline thing is brilliant, do they not have a separate announcement for the exterior a la Colossus (according to youtube anyway)?
  12. My friend cracked his tooth once, Stealth injures people man.
  13. Thinks @CharlieN is not a YouTuber. How do you know? How do you know he's not PewDiePie who doesn't want anyone to know he's an enthusiast so came to this website under the disguise of @CharlieN?
  14. The entertainment is the fasttrack!
  15. yeah


    Bit early? From Towers Street Twitter
  16. Well you have a channel because I saw your comment on a TPW video. Unless the guy with your TPM avatar who also happens to be called Charlie with N as the first letter of their last name happens to be someone else
  17. Thinks it is possible to be too obsessed with Vampire.
  18. Is a YouTuber that hasn't uploaded anything! (But, yes I subscribed ) @KerfuffleYou can never appreciate Vampire too much how dare you
  19. Is ANO- Nah. Has Billy as his avatar. (But for the record - Yes I have subscribed!)
  20. That won't stop Thorpe I'm afraid. You know what they're like with chainsaws. In fact, Merlin as a whole.
  21. yeah

    FIM Speedway

    I think I've been to Eastbourne, currently ours is Rye House, and that's quite far which is annoying. Normally we just go wherever is close. We're going to the new National Speedway Stadium soon to watch the World Cup final in the same week were going to Towers.
  23. Is an "Experimental YouTuber"! (Yes I subscribed)
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