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Everything posted by yeah

  1. When I say "at this rate" I mean if it carries on getting delayed monthly. Same way if Scott Hogan carries on scoring the way he is he'll reach 200 goals next year lol (Brentford striker)
  2. I've never been on Saw or Colossus, and Fish always hurts my back and elbows. Literally never had a good ride on it. Compare that to, say, Vampire, where I've only had one bad ride.
  3. Ah, but Disney are year round. Literally by this rate this is gonna be open for like a month then closed season.
  4. I'm not saying that, if you want the cred then fine, but for any other reason it's not worth it. Boring, jolty, painful, uncomfortable...
  5. My advice would be, whatever you do, don't go on the Flying Fish (unless you want your entire upper body to ache)
  6. yeah


    Is Oakwood near Cardiff?
  7. yeah


    Roy Hodgson has just wasted the best squad we've had for a long time in a tournament and shot the top goalscorer of the premier league's confidence in less than a week.
  8. According to my family it was only like that for me
  9. I mean the bit about "bashing" M&Ds, because, well, they didn't... Also the exaggeration and lies in some of those eye witness accounts.
  10. Uggggggggghhhh http://www.irishmirror.ie/news/alton-towers-crash-survivor-slams-8288704
  11. I believe this is where it detailed, according to eyewitnesses.
  12. Yeah but we fear someones taken it as nobody could find it and whenever we phoned it it rang for a bit then turned off, then turned off straight away, then went to voicemail. Vodafone have put a lock on it I believe so nobody will be able to do anything.
  13. Operations today were awful. RR had its daily hissyfit, Vampy had its almost daily hissyfit, Dragon's Fury didn't want to have a hissyfit but was forced to, and Tomb Blaster was just... Just incredible. Rattlesnake was absolutely flawless. Behaved brilliantly, and with a good throughput too. RR and Vampire: No need to explain Tomb Blaster: Queue board constantly showing 5 minutes despite a 45 minute queue, and then broke down at about 3:45 and stayed broke. Dragon's Fury: Some type of problem, tried to get on single rider (that's when I found out), people in the queue when it shut where being let on and it was testing, but told it wouldn't open til 4:30, half an hour before closing. THIS WAS AT 2PM. After everyone in the queue had gone on it stayed shut with nothing happening for about an hour before opening again. If people were allowed on it before why not now? So frustrating.
  14. yeah


    I always forget NOT to shake Cokes before opening them...
  15. So its the same thing without the tickets. Cool. The thing with the hotel guests makes me think it's very close to opening.
  16. So its just "Yeah just go on DBGT why not"
  17. On one hand... On the other...
  18. I've seen a lot of eye witnesses confirming it. Didn't even know mirror reported it.
  19. Went on Tomb Blaster for the first time today - does anyone know why you have to shoot each target like 90 times? Other than that I loved it.
  20. Don't quote me on this, but I believe it was confirmed not long after it happened nobody was on the bikes. Not sure if there's any truth but apparently a boy has lost a hand.
  21. I always say we, I had it alot of the day for filming but not sure If I had it when it got lost. We did get help but no luck.
  22. Never knew why anyone called my Vampy rough... until they let on a whole train of RAP riders and I rode in the fourth row. More thrilling, but hit my head so many times going into the tunnel. They need padding on the seats!!!! For now I'll stick to my back row Vampy thanks.
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