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Everything posted by Owen

  1. Hardly mindless when this particular staff member has been working on the attraction and is under an NDA. I'd be pretty sure she wouldn't be lying about it testing as its been known to have been testing. Although she neither confirmed or denied the attraction will feature a walk through section.
  2. Firstly, in regards to uniform I spoke to a staff member who was going to be working on Ghost Train and he said he doesn't even know if they are having uniforms because they've been told nothing at all. I would expect the ride would have cost way more than £13 million, just because of the amount of companies working on it. In regards to why it was delayed the attraction didn't 'collide' with anything - the resort have stated it was for creative purposes only. However, after talking to one of the higher end staff, she revealed the attraction was testing last night (not that we didn't know it's been testing most nights) and that this will not be like a horror maze in terms of how scary it is. She explained how the 'scary' part will be the fact you don't know if something is there or not, as oposed to being made jump like in a horror maze. She also said the experience will be 'amazing'.
  3. This article has some interesting information about the VR segment of the ride - http://www.wareable.com/vr/derren-brown-vr-ghost-train-thorpe-park Also, the article states it is under a non-disclosure agreement meaning they may know more information about the attraction, including the opening date. The reason I bring this up is because it states "When it opens this week" (the article was published today). Is this just miscommunication or did they slip up?
  4. I was thinking how the train has been referred to as a "portal". Now although this is speculation I have came up with a brief outline of how I think the story may go.So, as we know the time you enter the building you will be in the year 1871 (100 years before derrens birth year). Riders will watch a pre-show about this company (owners of the building) who found a 'magic train'. After this we will climb the stairs and enter the train presumably out of curiosity. We put on the headset and our inter dimensional travel begins! So, the VR portion is a way to travel into the new modern dimension, but during the travel our phobias are unlocked and come for us in the train. After we arrive, we exit into this new dimension resembling a modern tube station. Now here I think the two endings will depend on which side the train stops in, and so you will go down different paths. After this portion is complete we jump back in the train and travel back to the Victorian era. Here we exit the attraction and there is something even worse around the corner...Another Merlin gift shop! Just a theory, but if it's anything like that and it works they could have a real world class attraction on their hands.
  5. To me it looks as though the bottom of the carriage is lined with mirrors, wouldn't be a crazy assumption due to them being used in the shop...
  6. Unfortunately nothing has currently been changed on the exterior of CONTAINMENT, which has had its building reinstalled yesterday.
  7. The line itself is ready to go, it will just be a case of putting some signage up. I also forgot to mention they were shooting promo with the doll in front of the entrance at 12:50 yesterday - staff certainly thought it was freaky! the resort have released a video of some people trailing the VR, their reactions are intresting!
  8. Photo StopAs said above, the photos will be done in a scan here fashion, and we can expect to get two photos from this as they not only were showing a photo in a train carriage (see previous posts) but we also saw a separate frame for the head in the jar photos. Maybe a hologram photo changing effect, where from one angle it shows your head photo and another the second? The Exterior Lots of activity around the exterior of the site, with the addition of what I assume will be the disable queue, testing of audio and promotional photos using the dolls head being shot. Ride information board. The cart. Flower bed. Covered queue line. How many minutes do you see this showing in a few weeks? What I believe to be a fire exit, riders will walk past this closed door upon exiting the attraction. Believe to be the disabled queue. General Exterior Shots Hope you enjoyed my update, I'll be back on tuesday to derail your mind with more updates!
  9. I would post my full update, however I'm unsure on how to add photos to my posts.
  10. The resort have released a short statement revealing the reason for the delay is nothing to do with the rides hardware, and that it was a creative decision. "Firsty, we don't open any rides until they've been thou roughly tested. In this case however, the reason for the delay is purely creative, there are still elements of the show yet to be completed. It is an entirely new invention, a worlds first, and as it's taken so long to plan and create - over three years now - we are taking time to finesse the final show experience and illusion so it's perfect for our guests. This is an entirely different type of thrill ride" This to me suggests that the delay is down to the VR elements not being completely up to scratch just yet - but of course this is my personal speculation. Read the full article here - http://www.getsurrey.co.uk/whats-on/family-kids-news/thorpe-park-postpones-opening-date-11274915
  11. I can see the park opting for a heavily themed dive coaster or a flying coaster. However, looking way into the future (not necessarily the coaster after Ghost Train) I can see the removal of the Thorpe Shark Hotel marking the start of a B&M hyper, similar to Mako situated at SeaWorld Orlando. The station and any path interaction could remain on the site of the current Thorpe Shark Hotel - with a lift extending along the back of THE SWARM. This could then wrap around behind stealth and wrap around the park over the lake. Not only this but I can see it being a large hyper, probably taking Shambhala's title so that it looks dominating over Stealth. This wouldn't be such a crazy idea either as Stealth can be marketed for its speed, something that the park have been doing recently anyway. It would also make for a fantastic sky line!
  12. I agree with Alexander, although I'm intrigued to know what she said, could you tell us what was said perhaps?
  13. In regards to "average" l say "average" because not every person would necessarily walk X amount of steps in X amount of space. What has confused me is how it is written like fact, so I am asking if it is, so that either speculation of what this may mean can stop, or if there are still more possibilities. There no fault in it no, however there is also no fault in me asking if this information is confirmed, as I haven't personally seen this specified on any other attraction information board.
  14. May I ask is this confirmed? As this doesn't make sense to me because if the ride were to get stuck in one place the amount of steps on average would not be the same if you were to get stuck in another.
  15. Yes thank you Nick, thought it looked a bit funny haha. In regards to the above post, didn't the resort specifically confirm you will not experience the same thing as the person sat next to you, in which case although it's a great theory this contradicts it.
  16. The choice for the Vive is likely because of its a much better headset and allows for AR input, very disorientating and a way to make people "question what is real and what is not"
  17. After searching for an image of The Smiler's information board I found that it says "riders must be able to walk up and down various steps unaided", I couldn't find a good quality one for Saw. This may mean that it does quite literally mean you will be required to take approximately 50 steps during the ride experience.
  18. Not necessarily, the actors in I'm A Celebrity may touch you, but that isn't considered a scare maze
  19. This normally refers to a step as in a stair case, The Smiler has something similar.
  20. Oh yes I agree there, I'll be waiting until the last minute to go, a second reason why I'd personally wait until the 15th, in order to guarantee it will be open.
  21. Presumably the 14th, as the hotel offer ends on the 13th and states "experience the family rides and attractions before Derren Brown's Ghost Train pulls into Thorpe Park!". Fingers crossed, will be heading up in the 15th of that's the case!
  22. I've also heard this from multiple places - exciting stuff!
  23. It does make me laugh how a theme park ride can make those with no apparent commitment to the opening day (hotels ect) throw their toys out their pram to such an extent...
  24. Goodness gracious it's delayed people, deal with it. It's not like they've said it's delayed a day early or refused to offer refunds. It's a huge attraction with a extremely large team behind it - don't be all stroppy and silly now just because it's delayed for a maximum of three weeks - come on it's just not necessary. I hope those who have dedicated time and money to this do receive compensation and that everyone ends up happy
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