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Everything posted by Owen

  1. Thanks for the confirmation, and happy birthday!
  2. The scan your ticket booths are likely for on ride photos, this can be confirmed as there are ticket scanning points where photo op's are speculated to be and where you buy you photo. I believe pluk was referring to the way Insider was adamant that there will be timed tickets and that we should believe them, essentially a form of confirming it. I have no have to idea about timed tickets, but for now the only ones officially confirmed are for wheelchair users.
  3. The fact that Merlin Magic Magic (the people who mainly piece it together) are gone is a pretty good indicator that the ride may open soon... Also, Theme Park Guide have posted that bin bags were believed to be added into the bins in the queue line. All I can think of is the amount of bin bags this ride will go through!
  4. I state this in the post, in what you've quoted actually - "taking this a pinch of salt as staff said this".
  5. If I spent £30 million on a ride I'd certainly 'over react' about anyone spoiling it! It it may also be a safety concern if actor interaction occurs, as they may hit it and hurt you or themselves.
  6. Id like to point out that firstly I have never claimed to be in the know or admitted to it as even if I was - that'd be a very silly thing to do in my opinion. Secondly I am certainly not one for loving Merlin. However I'm also not one for constantly complaining about things, something that's getting so tiring reading in a topic meant for a new ride. There are plenty of reasons to be annoyed with decisions made by Merlin and their companies - but I'm not going to go around in a topic about a ride that I'm excited about, moaning left right and centre. This is a positive thing Merlin and THORPE PARK are doing, and so I am looking forward to the outcome without slating everything about it before I've ridden it. It could be the worst ride ever built - but for now we don't know anything. Sorry about the rant - however I feel that it's getting pretty irritating reading it in this thread, is there not a general Merlin discussion? EDIT: Exactly my point pluk, I can't expect it to be amazing, but at the same time I can't expect it to be terrible either. We just don't know, so I am struggling to get the whole "it's going to be the most amazing ride ever" argument just as much as the "it'll be ruined soon enough" argument. I like to stay neutral where possible, as personally I see that as the best way to either be amazed if it's fantastic, or not let down too much if it's terrible.
  7. I do know what I'm talking about, as it is true that Merlin aren't cutting the staff, as you just said yourself. THE SWARM's fire effect was down to H&S issues - as said by the head of engineering at the resort. Also thanks BaronC. I had no clue that was the case!
  8. Just because they didn't offer it on one particular evening doesn't mean it will never happen? Its just an idea - nothing confirmed.
  9. I think they are just asking if you're going to attend honestly haha! Personally I can see an after hours softs for hotel guests, that way the park is quieter and there's less chance of the public moaning if they see anyone evacuated...
  10. Oh was it? I apologise, I had no clue it was there in 2012!
  11. The fire effects were only added in the second year of operation (due to health and safety issues). Aka when the billboard was installed.
  12. Speculation I'm all for, constantly bringing up the same fruitless argument - not so much...
  13. At the end of the day, people really need to stop judging how the attraction will be operated before it's even opened. We don't know the extent actors and staff will be needed - and so having more or less actors at a time may hinder or not effect the experience. Once people have have ridden the ride I feel that then it is okay to start with the "oh it will be okay until X Y and Z are cut". I'm not Merlins biggest fan, but I (and I'm sure a few others) are getting tired of this debate as its come up so many times and the outcome is always the same - there isn't one because no one is none the wiser.
  14. People talking about Merlin cutting staff, then Alton Towers install a ride experience that needs around 20 people to staff it...
  15. In all fairness Merlin aren't bad with maintaining effects and actors in rides that rely on them and are very popular. Personally I think the best thing for Saw: Alive was to close it as it would loose it's FN appeal. Like I say IAC is still fine and as Marc posts, THE SWARM is still going strong!
  16. Considering its an actor lead experience I'm expecting them to keep it up - look at IAC, boring ride but it's kept its actors. They may loon glum in IAC, but with Ghost Train having such a dark theme we won't know other way! Smart merlin...
  17. I'm sure Fastrack will be available soon enough, no need to worry. In all seriousness, if you don't visit during summer holiday season then that is your decision, you can't be angry with the park about that (although we'd all love for the park to be open all year of course). At at the end of the day the ride won't be going anywhere, so although I can feel your pain - it's not as though it's a temporary attraction that'll be gone within a few months.
  18. It certainly seems that way, it's hard to believe people when there is an entire lack of evidence. However, it's still interesting when something like this pops up - because then you can see if they're the real deal or not when the attraction opens!
  19. There has been talk that yesterday was one of the first instances the ride has run completely with no technical issues, and that Derren has requested one final change to the attraction (minimal). Again, taking this as a pinch of salt as staff have said this - although it's certainly intriguing?
  20. Opening the Ghost Train I believe he is getting at.
  21. If it's so glaringly obvious then I'm sure you can show us, seeing as it's "there for all to see"
  22. I don't know really, I've not asked that (keeping it as a surprise). All I know is that it "makes the experience even better".
  23. It should be noted that this interview was filmed way back in the febuary - may period. If figment were not happy with knowing the capabilities of the VR, then I very much doubt they even get involved. I'm sure it'll be fantastic - much like staff are saying. My guess for the pre-show (which is the first room as seen on plans) is it'll be a peppers ghost effect, however I'm unsure why staff are advising people to head to the far side of the room.
  24. A slightly more promising reply from the resort when questioned about Derren's presence.
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