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  1. What was that at the end about a horse on the site of the old Thorpe farm?
  2. Yes, the flood effects are great...really adds to the queue
  3. Didn't think about that....they were just showing what would be done anyway.
  4. My last ride on stealth loads of the GP were concerned about the smoke
  5. Love what they did with big top...incredible soundtrack!!
  6. I think Merlin definitely care...look at towers, the TLC thing worked really well. I think Thorpe should do the same
  7. Nemesis Inferno (5)Rocky Express (3)Rumba Rapids (6)The Swarm (6)Tidal Wave (5) -1 Rocky Express +1 Nemesis Inferno
  8. Wow...haven't heard it in so long, why would they top using it?
  9. Exactly,Merlin are trying to expand a ride that was awful in the first place because it didn't make enough money.maybe if it opened on time or opened at all they would get more money. They should be fixing technical glitches and polishing the experience not trying to do another major revamp to try to pull in more money.
  10. Every time you go on Rumba you hope it's the time you'll get wet and you never do...
  11. Will the fire effects be fixed this closed season?? I guess no.
  12. The shower......I got to experience it once and now on every ride I'm excited, hoping for the best and every time it's still broken. This needs to be fixed it makes the ride so much better.
  13. 40 mins to an hour normally...3 hours in M25 traffic
  14. Could we finally get a Rumba Rapids clean up??.....It's been starting to look dismal for a few years now.
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