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About Jack

  • Birthday February 23

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  • Favourite ride
    Behemoth Canada’s Wonderland
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    Crawley, West Sussex
  • Interests
    I love theme parks, water parks, scare attractions and anything outdoors

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  1. Does anybody know why winter’s tale is a paid event for premium pass holders? Or if I’m being stupid... how can I go about pre-booking free of charge.
  2. If he doesn’t get in on a full day ticket, all pass holders can get in from 2 o’clock onwards. He will just have to pre book.
  3. Considering they opened it for the last few days of last season I wouldn’t rule it out Until next year, but I must admit it isn’t looking hopeful. It had queues of up to 50/60 mins this summer which is absolutely crazy! Even though the cycle was a lot tamer this season, I really hope quantum is back up and running ASAP
  4. After doing it, I honestly can’t see a good reason why creek couldn’t have opened this year with some adjustments. Creepy caves has just as just smoke and much narrower corridors and still manages to be both safe and terrifying at the same time.
  5. This evening was truly horrible. It was almost as if everybody else on park was constantly on edge and allowing ‘them’ to do whatever the hell they wanted to make life easier. It was as if everybody was aware and subconsciously thinking the same things, but nobody said or did anything about it because they come in such large groups. it’s always the second Sunday... and I was a complete fool to think COVID would stop them. Queue jumping is the least of staff worries, I witnessed two fights tonight. One of which lead to a dad, who had been queuing for no less than 90 minutes for inferno with his two children, having to leave the queue line limping and with a bloody nose. It was extremely disturbing to witness. I don’t envy anybody working at the park tonight, however I hope they are all as safe and well as they can be. Thorpe need to sort it out, it’s beyond a joke now. I can confidently confirm that them being on park was the scariest part of tonight and that’s coming from a 6ft5 man. I didn’t feel safe. I dread to think how all of the younger groups and families felt.
  6. Did creepy caves twice today, it’s incredible. There’s around 10 actors in there and the maze is so compact that you’re constantly being terrorised by at least 2/3 of them. Without spoiling it the first scene is great, and if it was done without COVID being a thing could possibly be made into one of the scariest moments Merlin has ever created in a maze (think start of subspecies mixed with E10). The main portion of the maze is awesome, with great lighting, audio and multiple other effects throughout. It is such a loud maze. Actors use the theming and surroundings to their advantage... I never knew a log and metal drum barrel could make such a loud bang. Going thru in your own group because of social distancing makes it so much better, and the actors do a great job of terrifying despite not being able to get too close. I won’t ruin it but the finale is truly something special and something I’ve never seen been done before, or even heard about. It has potential to be a proper run out depending on the run through you get and where actors are in the maze when you’re in the finale section. Overall, this is the best creepy caves yet and is definitely not a family attraction. The actors and their costumes are truly amazing and would scare the absolute crap out of any child who couldn’t handle Thorpe mazes. In my honest opinion this is miles above anything Thorpe has produced since 2017 (bar creek) and will be even more terrifying post-COVID restrictions whenever that may be. The only slight negative I can think of was that it’s rather on the short side, but it doesn’t really matter considering how intense it is from the moment you step foot inside. As annoying as the upcharge is, it’s definitely worth it every single time.
  7. Didn’t quite know what thread to ask this in, but does anyone know if the chessington Christmas event is free for premium pass holders?
  8. After a revisit I can confirm that wastelands is now the best attraction at tulleys and is also probably one of the best all-time tulleys attractions. As much as it doesn’t scare me, chop shop was filled with actors which was great and made it a lot more enjoyable. Everything else was much the same. The event is really, REALLY strong this year
  9. It’s pi**ing down in Crawley right now! It won’t ruin the fun, just wear old shoes and be prepared to get wet
  10. A VERY clear top 3 for me this year which were all many tiers above the rest on my visit: 3 - The Cellar. As much as that strobe room doesn’t fit the maze (even more so now we have wastelands) the cellar was packed full of crazy actors who provided plenty of great scares throughout to compliment the beautifully themed maze. The cellar has been a top maze for years now and I still can’t see it going anytime soon as it is still consistently one of my favourites. 2 - wastelands. This maze was brilliant. Just brilliant. If there were a few more actors it would easily be the tulleys number 1, but even without a lot of them the maze still comes in at a very close 2nd. 1 - twisted. This was amazing this year, full of actors who all make an effort to interact with you and make you laugh and cry at the same time. At one point there were 5 actors in one room with us at the same time. Whilst it may not be the scariest, it is easily the most enjoyable experience at tulleys this year without a doubt. creepy cottage and the hayride are always good but I’ve never really rated them as highly as everyone else does (especially the hayride). The wreckoning is just a less-scary version of the colony imo and shouldn’t have been returned as I much prefer its predecessor. The worst maze by far this year was VIXI which really needs to be scrapped. Coven and chop shop are still both solid mazes but I feel they are starting to get very stale and could maybe do with rethemes or replacements in the coming few years.
  11. Short Review from Saturday: Creek freak was very short imo. Great acting and theming nonetheless, definitely better to get sent down the crawling tunnel first as you get a more isolated experience being in a smaller group. Great maze and definitely the best at this years FNs. Do or die was great but purely because I was alone from the first container. I only had one run thru and can see why some people weren’t rating it as groups were very large. living nightmare was decent like usual and shortens the other Qs blair was great and provided consistently effective jump scares. Not sure how it’ll cope on busier days though. Ummm... let’s not talk about platform this year.
  12. Anybody got the link to the live updates?
  13. Hopefully the new platform ending is actually scary. All 3 previous versions of the finale have been pretty boring imo.
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