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Parm Pap

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  1. really funny chair, really funny chair, wobble wrang, bobble brang, really funny gantry, really funny lights wheeeeeeeeeee, but we're spendng all of it on a one that doesn't bit. oh OH there is trouble, oh they don't like it anymore, rains won't stop but cold weathers will, my precious the jewel is mine, all mine, they'll get you in there, they'll get you alright! tldr the ride is ****** because the ride is not working. a bit, but the e scooter is too expensive for the rules to say you can't ride it. and soon they will all know, even the salad servers, the wrecking ball is coming, not for the whole thing, but trouble is a foot
  2. could you dilute the squash please? yeah, let me water down those plans for you
  3. *gates opening* what's that merch, where's the paint, oh that music but is it THAT ONE?! where's that stall gone, it's not been removed, but it's different. why's that got a seat out, do we have a spare?! RELEASE THE SOUNDTRACK but not that one! the proper one! oh that's new grass it's nice but I hope it stays nice WHERE'S THE GATE GONE why's it opened gradually no more waiting for phones come on get on with it before the train's gone. where's the dancing gone, are the actors on, cutbacks cutbacks cutbacks we're pushed for time! will it be ready we don't know enforced daytime hours bus times will the bus be running WHEN WILL THE BUS BE RUNNING why's the driver been rude to me?! I have a pass you know! a BUS pass! which hut is which it changes all the time. why's it still a campsite THE PARK NEEDS MORE TABLES or better tables! endless tables! turn the tables before the main day BUT THIS IS A MAIN DAY no it's not YES IT IS I HAVE A BUS PASS! we are, dear visitors, a few days away. good luck.
  4. big trouble oh well wetsuits are gone, and cutbacks are in, put stuff in the bin, and then oh look, we win
  5. ding or dong, right or wrong, it is right, like a light Samurai ST 0 (it is a warrior only sometimes) Depth Charge ST 4 (each dingy can slide on its own or as a four)
  6. each player can add 3 at once, if there's more they will know, less and they will never know Colossus ST 1 Nemesis Inferno ST 0 (it is only a volcano) KING AMITY'S WILD FUEL DODGEMS ST 1 (the whole ride is the entrance)
  7. Ding dong, ding dong, a new game has been waited for too long In each ride, there has to be an entrance otherwise they cannot run it. But if you assign too many entrances to a single ride, the ride will not work anymore. So make sure you assign the entrances correctly, as so Hyperia ST 2 (main entrance and golden goddess entrance) Stealth ST 1 (it is a wheel only) Saw ST 0 (if you go in you will be got so it can't be an entrance) Once all rides have been added, the game will be over if the number of entrances equals the number of dings coming to dong in the next few years. The rules are nobody can post an entrance before the ride has been added, otherwise they will know. And if two goes are made in quick succession, the game must be halted by a [BLOCK SECTION]. If too many [BLOCK SECTION] s are put up at once the ride will not move and the entrance will not work. I hope everyone has fun, this is a very clever game and the answer will tell you the new ride ding donging into the park in the future of the island like no swarm
  8. Spiiiiiin, click click click click spiiiiiin, click click click click spiiiiiin, click click click click spiiiiiin, click click click click Last year the golden goddess ding dong danged down to the water and found her wings One day, might she navigate to her happy ride?
  9. so what we've got is the shopping, the integrated payment thppppppp
  10. sparkle might not be afforded, so names are new and cheap, and what is old is new again, half of 10 is fresh, half of 10 is hello, delivering the food, one day bombombombombombombombombombombombombombom where's the bom bom?
  11. the valley pit stands quiet the budget still enforced the paths are even clear of guests and staff like some photo hill as sun the scaffold spreads its wings, the people build their top and bolt their spin the lady's giving dinner to the directors' choice his eldest ride is learning how to close the midways are all hushed and tense directors drawing cards which will be the cutback in the dawn?
  12. Parm Pap


    evan did say yesterday that he has a customer ready to use the new recurring. he said it's a small customer, and I said good because I'm not sure if it's quite ready yet so we'll test it on the down low. are they onboarded then? YEP. oh but was it old stack? yeah, yeah. that's less strict than new stack I think, it will stop you registering but it won't allow you to complete the setup
  13. Parm Pap


    don't say I don't tell you anything....... it's big news today.
  14. listen here, if you don't give us a budget soon, there's going to be a disaster. we are headed for complete catastrophe, listen to that
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