See this is the thing. I doubt Wild Asia's budget for the rest of its theming was 'big' as you put it. What they did is use the money well and emphasised certain parts such as the trollies, and the shop facades. Kobra itself isn't exactly themed amazingly but what Wild Asia has is a consistent style. I think the same of Mutiny Bay, in particular Battle Galleons which if you actually go through the queue line is fantastically themed, easily Merlin's best UK effort.What I'm concerned with on Krake is that all the imagary and desciption of the ride is hugely themed detail. The car goes into the mouth of the Kraken, then emerging through a pirate ship as it goes into the immelman. With Krake, if there's any moments like Saw or Th13teen where it drifts for a while through trees or wanders aimlessly towards the end then for me, the ride loses its appeal.As Heide have sold this as a big story event, if it fails to deliver in any area, I'll personally be dissapointed as when they announced it last year, the imagary they conjured up was fantastic.