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The Curse at Alton Manor - NEW for 2023


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6 minutes ago, coasterverse said:


Really hoping he's not going to go down the Jumanji route and fill the place with screens instead of physical theming

This is Merlin were talking about. Name 1 ride outside of Nemesis and Vampire they actually respect in a historical manner and don't mess them up with screens and still sets:


This is it, the UK best Dark Ride is no more... just because its old doesn't mean its bad, Merlin. It doesn't need to be new and modern to be a great ride. People loved because of its old and charming feel. They're just taking away hat makes the ride so great now.


Unfortunately people on TowerStreets Forum don't see the fuss about it and are actually glad the original set piece sure being ripped out. Weird.

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Haunted House hadn't existed for nearly 20 years.


There's a number of members on this and other forums who weren't even born.


Hex still exists, unless that's also closing? Therefore the UK's "best dark ride" isn't going anywhere (though some would argue Valhalla here).


End of the day you're seemingly upset because the park aren't doing the thing you want. Most seem to think a fresh start is better.


And Merlin certainly don't treat Nemesis or Vampire well. Nemesis is only being retracked because of end of life and likelihood actually costs less than to redevelop the land.


You have zero idea what the ride will be replaced with, but you can wager it'll be better than what Duel was by the end of its time. 

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While Hex is easily the better attraction, I just really liked Duel because of personal taste.


I neither was born when The Haunted House became Duel, but I've always loved the idea of having the chance to experience it in its superior form in today's day and age. I've met loads of youngsters who want it to revert back to the Haunted House. While that chance may be slim, you're right, at least it will be better than Duel has been for the last 3 years.


I still think it's pretty wild that John Wardley is involved and is most likely going to tear up most of the original scenes that HE implemented with Keith all those years back, though he could be just replacing certain aspects as he originally made a 5 year plan when it opened in 1992 to have a new minor added scare every year, but that never happened. This could be him taking his chance to finally implement those 5 ideas hes been wanting to add for years.


Another thing I'm surprised many haven't brought up, surely if Duel would have a radical makeover that drastic as many thoosies think, wouldn't we see it have a similar closing event like Bubbleworks, even that was in its terrible Imperial Lether form and was still celebrated in its closing day. Or at the least it would've would've officially confirmed by Towers that Duel is closing on a certain date. While many enthusiasts don't like Duel, you'd be surprised how much of the General Public love it. Guests would want to ride it once more as they remember it fondly as before its 'huge change'.

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The Bubbleworks closing event was the park desperately trying to hit the nostalgia train and by all accounts was poor.


Towers probably didn't want to advertise another ride being closed for Scarefest, especially with the main marketing focus being Nemesis.


End of day we can't imagine what John Wardley might think about the project. Might be he sees it as a chance to start again, but also I think some people may be putting too much into his involvement. Might be just as a consultant or almost a courtesy for advice. He's not heavily involved anymore (so much so they completely forgot his existence when designing Wickerman) so I wouldn't be surprised if insiders were using it as a "don't worry JW is involved" to sate worried enthusiasts.


Sitting in what could have been 30 years ago when technology has advanced in so many ways is a backwards way of thinking. Especially in the theme park industry. Look at Efteling closing Spookslot!

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Efteling had to close Spooksclot unwillingly because the showbuilding and was really unsafe and was in a very poor state and it was too expensive to repair it up to modern safety standards. Spookslot was literally a hazard. If its showbuilding wasn't in a bad state, Spookslot would most certainly

still be operating currently.


With regards of John Wardley, the reason he wasn't really involved with Wicker Man was because Merlin wanted to have a completely new team of designers, but they had some trouble with the first Drop, Thats when they brought up John about it. MMerlin ever forgot about him, he just simply retired willingly. So it makes sense we'd want to come ooutof retirement temporarily to be part of this project because it's one if his own creations. He's been dying to see The Haunted House in better days ever since it became Duel, heck he even showed his distaste of it of as Duel and said the blasters ruined the experiencre of what the ride was originally designed for, and that was from 2012 I believe.Of course he can't say no to when he has the chance to change one of his rides into a better state than it is now.


I see a lot of people say that technology has improved so drastically over the years. So what? It doesn't automatically mean it'll be a better attraction. What matters is execution. A ride can still be great without the most modern technology in the ride outside if safety standards for obvious reasons. Modern tech or not, execution is what always makes a great ride, not its level of technology. I'm not saying it can be modern and can't be good, of course It can be modernised and be executed well, absolutely! But simply implying that there's new tech in there does not automatically tick all the boxes except for engineers.


Merlin have closed 2 rides at the same time before. Remember when it was announced that Ripsaw and Air would close at the end of the 2015 season? If they announced 2 rides closing in such a small span of time, they could've very well done the same with Duel and Nemesis again.


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Spookslot isn't the first classic attraction Efteling have removed. Bob probably quite similar if the claims of the building being unsafe are true (can't source it and not heard that before) but that's a way to approach nostalgia sometimes. You just gotta remember the past but embrace the future. 


The involvement of Wardley was too late to make serious changes to Wickerman (which is why we have boring corner). But if they're so focused on the "next-gen" designers why not continue on that front? Maybe the response of John being left to the sidelines on a project he wanted for years made them fearful of Duel.


Duel & Tomb Blaster both ruined their original attractions aims. The 2000s were a dreadful time for investments (apart from Thorpe).


Modern technology allows new solutions and approaches. The animatronics throughout the ride were incredibly basic (due to the necessary reset times). Duel then simplified that by non-moving ones. Using Bla Taget at Grona Lund is a great example of an old school ghost train embracing modern technology, but they either need to gut out all the old stuff otherwise it sticks out like a sore thumb or redo everything to the same modern standard.


3 rides are closing this year (not that Enterprise actually opened at all). Ride reliability has been so bad probably didn't want to big up another removal. One might also wonder if the sudden closure was the result of something else (such as a safety concern, perhaps the Trommel was buggered).


End of the day I feel the sadness is misplaced and this weird obsession of returning the original Haunted House when the chance to start anew for an aging attraction (or the whole Emily Alton will be the main character) just confuses me. It's like when people claimed Terror Tomb or Bubbleworks were coming back in original forms. Obsession with nostalgia means you rarely move forward and then you end up with rides that if you touch the goons grab their torches and pitchforks regardless of the changes planned.

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5 hours ago, Theme Park Fanatic said:

@Trooper Looper I have a felling The Invitation could be a precursor to the refurbished Duel? My vibes are the same as the scare maze that hinted at Wickerman. Do you think The Invitation is linked to the Duel refurbishment?

I must admit, I also had this thought.


It wouldn’t be outside the realms of possibility for Towers to market a new attraction using a scare maze, and the theme of The Invitation, from what I’ve heard, also sounds as though it might fit a haunted house-style ride…

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1 hour ago, Trooper Looper said:

Efteling had to close Spooksclot unwillingly because the showbuilding and was really unsafe and was in a very poor state and it was too expensive to repair it up to modern safety standards. Spookslot was literally a hazard. If its showbuilding wasn't in a bad state, Spookslot would most certainly

still be operating currently.


With regards of John Wardley, the reason he wasn't really involved with Wicker Man was because Merlin wanted to have a completely new team of designers, but they had some trouble with the first Drop, Thats when they brought up John about it. MMerlin ever forgot about him, he just simply retired willingly. So it makes sense we'd want to come ooutof retirement temporarily to be part of this project because it's one if his own creations. He's been dying to see The Haunted House in better days ever since it became Duel, heck he even showed his distaste of it of as Duel and said the blasters ruined the experiencre of what the ride was originally designed for, and that was from 2012 I believe.Of course he can't say no to when he has the chance to change one of his rides into a better state than it is now.


I see a lot of people say that technology has improved so drastically over the years. So what? It doesn't automatically mean it'll be a better attraction. What matters is execution. A ride can still be great without the most modern technology in the ride outside if safety standards for obvious reasons. Modern tech or not, execution is what always makes a great ride, not its level of technology. I'm not saying it can be modern and can't be good, of course It can be modernised and be executed well, absolutely! But simply implying that there's new tech in there does not automatically tick all the boxes except for engineers.


Merlin have closed 2 rides at the same time before. Remember when it was announced that Ripsaw and Air would close at the end of the 2015 season? If they announced 2 rides closing in such a small span of time, they could've very well done the same with Duel and Nemesis again.


@Trooper Looper I'm another person who didn't get to experience the original Haunted House. In fact, I never experienced Duel. 


On social media of what looks like the armchair and surrounding furnishings from the Duel queline. I didn't know where the photo was taken. Reading your post, it seems very feasible that this photo was taken In The Attic scare maze. The Attic being the new theme of Duel would link up with the teasers and peepholes. I have seen YouTube videos of the peep holes. The holes show a spider infested attic with a freaky doll. There is clearly a Child holding the doll. I strongly believe this girl is no other than Emilly Alton, the girl who haunts the dolls house in Duel. As John Wardley is involved with the Duel refurbishment, I hope he restores and reinstalls the Haunted House sets back to their pre-Duel state. I know Duel holds a dear place in Wardley's heart. After Bubbleworks at Chessington the original Haunted House was his most treasured creation.  I wouldn't be surprised if the Duel props are returned to the Haunted House upon the ending of scarefest.I think we may have had our first glance at Duels new colour scheme. The toilet sign next to Spooks'U'us has been repainted from blue and greenyyellow to pink. 

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1 hour ago, Benin said:

Spookslot isn't the first classic attraction Efteling have removed. Bob probably quite similar if the claims of the building being unsafe are true (can't source it and not heard that before) but that's a way to approach nostalgia sometimes. You just gotta remember the past but embrace the future. 


The involvement of Wardley was too late to make serious changes to Wickerman (which is why we have boring corner). But if they're so focused on the "next-gen" designers why not continue on that front? Maybe the response of John being left to the sidelines on a project he wanted for years made them fearful of Duel.


Duel & Tomb Blaster both ruined their original attractions aims. The 2000s were a dreadful time for investments (apart from Thorpe).


Modern technology allows new solutions and approaches. The animatronics throughout the ride were incredibly basic (due to the necessary reset times). Duel then simplified that by non-moving ones. Using Bla Taget at Grona Lund is a great example of an old school ghost train embracing modern technology, but they either need to gut out all the old stuff otherwise it sticks out like a sore thumb or redo everything to the same modern standard.


3 rides are closing this year (not that Enterprise actually opened at all). Ride reliability has been so bad probably didn't want to big up another removal. One might also wonder if the sudden closure was the result of something else (such as a safety concern, perhaps the Trommel was buggered).


End of the day I feel the sadness is misplaced and this weird obsession of returning the original Haunted House when the chance to start anew for an aging attraction (or the whole Emily Alton will be the main character) just confuses me. It's like when people claimed Terror Tomb or Bubbleworks were coming back in original forms. Obsession with nostalgia means you rarely move forward and then you end up with rides that if you touch the goons grab their torches and pitchforks regardless of the changes planned.

I think they can implement a lot of modern stuff with the classic stuff personally. I checked Bla Target out, and I can't see what you mean by modern. Most of the tech in there seem to be just simple swinging arms, push in and push out sticks outside of a few animations, Which The Haunted House mostly had back in the day. But if that's what you classify as modern, I'd love to see them do something like that to Duel!


Personally, what is actually bad about the orignal 1992 Haunted House variant returning (as that most likely won't happen) with a few new stuff in there? Heck, I didn't even know Duel was a Proper Ghost Traon until last year when I saw a POV of the Haunted House. I have no nostalgic connection to The Haunted House, not even Duel, I just generally really love the way it looked back in 92, especially how it has such a unique look to it in this modern world. 


The best thing I think they should go for is half and half in this situation to satisfy both sides of the argument, people who want something new, and people who want the Haynted House Back. Refurb half the scenes back to their Pre Duel state, and remove the other half of the scenes and replace them or enhance them. For example below.


Green = Refurb back to 1992 state.


Yellow = Enchancd or modernised that scene with the existing concept or props.


Red = A new scene, simply put.


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51 minutes ago, Theme Park Fanatic said:

@coasterverse John Wardley maybe removing some the 90's theming to replace it with scenes based around Emily Alton and Snowy. I genuinely believe most of the original Haunted House Theming will remain. 

It is entirely possible, but it could be some of the unused ideas John wanted to add to the house every season. He had a 5 year plan, but Tusauds rejected it. This Could be him finally implementing those 5 unused ideas.

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16 minutes ago, Trooper Looper said:

It is entirely possible, but it could be some of the unused ideas John wanted to add to the house every season. He had a 5 year plan, but Tusauds rejected it. This Could be him finally implementing those 5 unused ideas.

@Trooper Looper I think you are on to something. Earlier this year John Warldey was sighted on numerous occasions in and around Duel. On each occasion John had a folder containing concept art of his unused Duel scenes. In addition, this folder included concept art of scenes that were featured in the original Haunted House. Too add further clarity to your thoughts Merlin Magic Making were also seen in and around Duel. When seen MMM also had the book that John was seen with. I am intrigued to know what plans were not used in the original l Haunted House. As long as the Zombie animatronics and Mad Professor's Lab are replaced, I'll be happy. Finally, I will be annoyed if an IP (Sponsorship) is used. I guess we'll find out more about Duels refurbishment in the near future. With all the excitement that is building Alton Towers will almost certainly release teasers within the next couple of months. I wouldn't be shocked if by Christmas we get an official announcement of Duels new theme, and confirmation of what theming will remain, and which is being removed. Personally, I expect some of the removed theming will be relocated to Haunted Hollow.  For instance, the theming in the queline for The Invitation could be repurposed for Haunted Hollow. If not reused in Haunted Hollow the theming could travel down south to Chessington. I know the tombstones that were in memory of lost Chessington rides are in storage. Apparently, they will return next year. If Chessington are bringing the tombstones back the Duel theming could complement them. It would be devastating if this impressive, immersive and classic theming was lost forever. 

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11 hours ago, Theme Park Fanatic said:

@Trooper Looper I've just watched a promotional video of The Invitation on YouTube. It appears the plot based around a funeral parlor. Watching the video remined me of things I have seen/read about Doom and Sons. This leads me to believe Duel could be rethemed into a Haunted funeral parlor rather than a Haunted House. In other words I suspect Duel could become a 21st ride version of Doom and Sons, @Trooper Looper do you think there's a possibility Duel could being rethemed into a similar experience to Doom and Sons? Whatever happens I hope the majority of the pre 2003 theming is retained. In its day The Haunted House looked to be a world class Dark Ride. I hope lessons have been learned from the butchering of Professor Burp's Bubbleworks and Duel will remain largely how it was. A reversion to The Haunted House would be effortless. 99.9% of the original still remains. The only element that was truly sacrificed in the Duel retheme was The Swamp Scene. As you know this became The Mad Professor's Lap (Zombie invasion scene). This ride is nowhere near as grand as Duel, but I would be happy if the ride is refurbished into something like Zombie at Ocean Beach Pleasure Park in South Sheilds. This rides only minor floor is the use of screens. This being said from what I have seen Zombie is England's best horror-based ride. This is a far cry from the former Ghost Hunt theme that Zombie replaced. Ghost Hunt was certainly the worst Dark Ride I've ever seen. Duel has all of the nessaties to become a ride of Zombie's style. Arguably Duel has the potential to be better than Zombie. After all Ocean Beach is an independent and Family run attraction, meanwhile Alton Towers is owned by Merlin the biggest leisure company after Disney. @Trooper Looper. To conclude this paragraph, I am full of apprehension and cautious optimism about the Duel refurbishment. With the involvement of John Wardly, I am reassured that Duel will be better than ever. John is the reason for the very existence of the ride. Johns long waited to restore Duel back to his beloved the (original) Haunted House.


if you want a laugh watch a POV of Ghost Hunt at Ocean Beach Pleasure Beach. The ride was hideously horrendous. I never thought I'd say this, but Bubbleworks Imperial Leather was an amazing ride in comparison. This shows how hideous Ghost Hunt was. I despised Bubbleworks Imperial Leather. I was elated when Bubbleworks Imperial Leather was put out of its misery on the 6th of September 2016. This is no dramatization.

@Trooper Looper can you please share your realistic thoughts and expectations on the Duel refurbishment?

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On 10/30/2022 at 12:54 AM, Theme Park Fanatic said:

@Trooper Looper can you please share your realistic thoughts and expectations on the Duel refurbishment?

In full honesty, I a but nervous about this 'refurb'. With photos of the sets being ripped out and some of them in the Invitations queue, I feel like it's more like going to be an entire gutting inside the ride excluding  the system.


I feel like they'll go over the top and modernised it too much and it'll lose all of its charm and character, but I still have a glint of hope of the Haunted House returning either in its orignal state, or some scenes going back on their 19o2 state and some later scenes having new additions, and some scenes replaced overall.


But I doubt it'll return. This is Merlin, theu dint respect any old ride excluding Nemesis. I'd love for the Haunted House to return! But as we see more of the refurb taking place, it just feels more and more hopeless. I just hope I'm proven wrong!

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2 hours ago, Trooper Looper said:

In full honesty, I a but nervous about this 'refurb'. With photos of the sets being ripped out and some of them in the Invitations queue, I feel like it's more like going to be an entire gutting inside the ride excluding  the system.


I feel like they'll go over the top and modernised it too much and it'll lose all of its charm and character, but I still have a glint of hope of the Haunted House returning either in its orignal state, or some scenes going back on their 19o2 state and some later scenes having new additions, and some scenes replaced overall.


But I doubt it'll return. This is Merlin, theu dint respect any old ride excluding Nemesis. I'd love for the Haunted House to return! But as we see more of the refurb taking place, it just feels more and more hopeless. I just hope I'm proven wrong!

One thing I would say to you is that “modernisation” might not necessarily be a bad thing, in my view.


Modern technologies available nowadays can pull off all kinds of things that were never possible for the original 1992 ride, and having things like screens and projection mapping integrated into a ride in moderation can definitely enhance it, in my view.


I know that “screens” are seen as the ultimate evil by many dark ride fans, but I believe that when implemented well, screens as well as technology like projection mapping can really enhance a dark ride. I am a firm believer in everything being good in moderation, and that extends to screens and multimedia in dark rides. Many brilliant dark rides integrate screens and multimedia heavily, but they don’t rely solely upon them; they marry them with plenty of physical scenery, and it works really well to provide a good, rounded dark ride experience that’s modern, yet has lots of attention to detail and charm.


I agree that it would be a bit of a waste if absolutely every scene was replaced with a screen and nothing else. But I feel that having some screens and projection mapping integrated in with new, more advanced animatronics and plenty of physical scenery could elevate the ride onto another level and make it a modern, rounded experience while still maintaining its original overarching concept and the things that made it great.

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5 hours ago, Matt N said:

One thing I would say to you is that “modernisation” might not necessarily be a bad thing, in my view.


Modern technologies available nowadays can pull off all kinds of things that were never possible for the original 1992 ride, and having things like screens and projection mapping integrated into a ride in moderation can definitely enhance it, in my view.


I know that “screens” are seen as the ultimate evil by many dark ride fans, but I believe that when implemented well, screens as well as technology like projection mapping can really enhance a dark ride. I am a firm believer in everything being good in moderation, and that extends to screens and multimedia in dark rides. Many brilliant dark rides integrate screens and multimedia heavily, but they don’t rely solely upon them; they marry them with plenty of physical scenery, and it works really well to provide a good, rounded dark ride experience that’s modern, yet has lots of attention to detail and charm.


I agree that it would be a bit of a waste if absolutely every scene was replaced with a screen and nothing else. But I feel that having some screens and projection mapping integrated in with new, more advanced animatronics and plenty of physical scenery could elevate the ride onto another level and make it a modern, rounded experience while still maintaining its original overarching concept and the things that made it great.

You're right, modernising can be a good on dark rides. But I think With The Haunted House, on a technical level outside of its ride system, it was never that modern, even in 1992. Bubbleworks had loads more animations and better animatronics, and that opened 2 years earlier. I think the reason it isn't isn't modern is because John and Keith wanted the ride to be as theatrical as possible and didn't want it to be ultra realistic.


If you think of it as well, in your case, why is Hex regarded as the best madhouse in the world when loads others are way more modern and technically superior? Even the Haunting has more animatronics and very smartly hidden projections, so why is Hex regarded as the best? Because of its setting, ambience, and Music! Hex has no animatronics, but the way it's executed is what makes it amazing. You don't need the latest tech to create a great attraction. I think this was or is the same case with The Haunted House.


Sure they could add more with the same design and style like the original ride, but I still firmly believe if they implement a certain amount of Modern Tech, it could ruin the experience unintentionally, especially with projections and screens. The best thing they could do if they want to replace a scene is to keep the design faithful to the 1992 original for the new scene, but don't overly modernise it, outside of safety standards and reliability of course.


Many of the best regarded Ghost Trains still use mostly very simple animations such as props on animatronic sticks, simple illusions, and great music and lighting, etc, The Haunted Mansion, Terror Castle, The Orignal ghost Train at Blackpool, and Kneobles. Kneobles Ghost Train is still updated annually to this day ever since it opened in the 70s, but it doesn't go overboard with the modern tech.


If alton wanted a new Ghost train from the ground up, with the facade destroyed, the area rebuilt from the ground, a Modern Ghost Train would be very valid and I agree with you on that aspect, but with this parks 30 year old Ride, I don't think it would work as well as many people would think.


Here's a few examples on how to keep a classic Ghost Train still great after many years:



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@Trooper Looper here is an excellent example of a modern horror-based ride. Zombie at Ocean Beach utilizes Screens and physical props. In my opinion they complement each other well. I hope Duel returns like Zombie on steroids. @Trooper Looper please share your views on Zombie and if you would like Duel to reopen in a similar style.


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2 hours ago, Theme Park Fanatic said:

@Trooper Looper here is an excellent example of a modern horror-based ride. Zombie at Ocean Beach utilizes Screens and physical props. In my opinion they complement each other well. I hope Duel returns like Zombie on steroids. @Trooper Looper please share your views on Zombie and if you would like Duel to reopen in a similar style.


I'm going to be completely honest here, but to me this isn't a good Ghos Train, and it's what I fear what'll happen to Duel. What makes this worse is that Zombie used to be ShrieksVille at Pleasure Island, which the themibh for the ride there was also designed by Keith Sparks and his team just a year after The Haunted House debuted, and it looked loads better! Compare the 2 rides. In Zombie, it seems a lot was retained from ShrieksVille, so the Sparks Themibg is mixed with screens here, and it looks horrific sorry with the screens. This is why I'm against Towers modernising The Haunted House and giving it projections and screens. It just does look right and it sticks out like a sore thumb. I'm Sorry that I don't like it unlike you.


Heres what itbused to be before relocated to Ocean Beach, the Experience starts around 17:20, Shaun actually explains it really well why it was really good when in the gift shop.


Another fun fact, if you listen carefully, you'll hear some of the sound effects that were used on The Haunted House.

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2 hours ago, Theme Park Fanatic said:

@Trooper Looper here is an excellent example of a modern horror-based ride. Zombie at Ocean Beach utilizes Screens and physical props. In my opinion they complement each other well. I hope Duel returns like Zombie on steroids. @Trooper Looper please share your views on Zombie and if you would like Duel to reopen in a similar style.



No, God, please, no.


I appreciate the physical props - nice a cheesy just as a ghost train that's not trying too hard to be intimidating should be - but man the screens and projections are just god awful. Screens/projection mapping need to be done in moderation and done in a way that helps it blend in with the rest of the physical props - looks like they've just slapped some video files onto a Samsung plasma TV and scattered them around the attraction.


If the new Duel! is to have screens (which, let's be honest, it almost certainly will) it must be done in a tasteful manner. It should be done in a way that adds to the story and not just a 'let's slap a video on a tv for an easy jumpscare'.


I'd love for the new Duel! to be filled with lifelike anamatronics, but let's be honest - Merlin don't have the budget nor time required to manufacture enough of those to fill the attraction.


I think we're all best just not getting our hopes up too much, that way regardless of the state of the attraction when the reopening date comes to fruition we'll all be surprised in some way or another. DBGT suffered a similar fate of being marketed as something that it could never live up to - and in an unofficial way among enthusiasts, Duel! seems to be heading in a similar direction.


If you always prepare for disappointment, you'll never be disappointed folks.

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I just don't want a single screen in Duel outside of safety videos XD. To me, no matter how well hidden and how well done they are, screens and projections have always ruined the Dark Ride experience for me, especially on Ghost Trains. Screens just look really out of place, heck even a kid can tell that it's a screen because of how much light it emits onto the surrounding walls and how the screen is never truly dark. You can see the edges of the screen really easily.


I think realistic movement would look really out of place in The Haunted House. The sets in there aren't realistic looking purposely, again because it was designed to look and feel theatrical, like an actual Theatre play. If the sets were more realistic looking, it would've made more than enough sense for them to add realistic moving animatronics, but they're not.

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28 minutes ago, Trooper Looper said:

I just don't want a single screen in Duel outside of safety videos XD. To me, no matter how well hidden and how well done they are, screens and projections have always ruined the Dark Ride experience for me, especially on Ghost Trains. Screens just look really out of place, heck even a kid can tell that it's a screen because of how much light it emits onto the surrounding walls and how the screen is never truly dark. You can see the edges of the screen really easily.


I think realistic movement would look really out of place in The Haunted House. The sets in there aren't realistic looking purposely, again because it was designed to look and feel theatrical, like an actual Theatre play. If the sets were more realistic looking, it would've made more than enough sense for them to add realistic moving animatronics, but they're not.


I get that, but with new OLED screens - black can be truly black. The problem is that a lot of parks don't pay the extra buck for the newest OLED screens so the blacks are never truly black - but it is absolutely possible. The edges of the screen issue is down to those theming the attraction to hide the bezels.


I totally agree that realistic movement animatronics would look out of place if placed in the current Duel! showbuilding without any scenery changes, but I think it's safe to assume that all (if not, a very very large majority of) scenery is due to be replaced. Whether that is like-for-like replacements and bringing them up to the current day or a total replacement of all scenes with brand new ones - one of those two scenarios are certainties.


Realistic animatronics with brand new scenes would work perfectly - the exterior to the showbuilding is ridiculously foreboding and (if done right) could make for a really, really eerie and realistic haunted house attraction (but, as I said earlier, that's highly unlikely to be the outcome given Merlin's track record and budget constraits).


All we can do is wait and see, really.

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Yeah, I'm with everyone in saying that Zombie ride is atrocious. Screens for the sake of screens and drowning in ultra-violet paint.


A great example of a semi recent ghost train would be this one from Weston-Super-Mare,


Is it the best? Not by a long shot. But if they can create something like this on a Pier than Merlin and Towers should be looking to blow an attraction like this out of the water (get it? Pier and water?)


Edited by Marley
Edit: Rambled on about nothing really so I decided to remove it.
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5 minutes ago, coasterverse said:


I get that, but with new OLED screens - black can be truly black. The problem is that a lot of parks don't pay the extra buck for the newest OLED screens so the blacks are never truly black - but it is absolutely possible. The edges of the screen issue is down to those theming the attraction to hide the bezels.


I totally agree that realistic movement animatronics would look out of place if placed in the current Duel! showbuilding without any scenery changes, but I think it's safe to assume that all (if not, a very very large majority of) scenery is due to be replaced. Whether that is like-for-like replacements and bringing them up to the current day or a total replacement of all scenes with brand new ones - one of those two scenarios are certainties.


Realistic animatronics with brand new scenes would work perfectly - the exterior to the showbuilding is ridiculously foreboding and (if done right) could make for a really, really eerie and realistic haunted house attraction (but, as I said earlier, that's highly unlikely to be the outcome given Merlin's track record and budget constraits).


All we can do is wait and see, really.

With the sound of these screens, I would actually like to see them utilised as some background, like rain. I sincerely doubt that Merlin will replace ecery acene in the ride as John Wardley is involved, and I think he knows really well how much the original ride means to people. John Burton has also hinted the ride potential return to the Haunted House a few times on his twitter. This was twitter kn the same day people found out about the '06+09= The Duel is over' board was noticed in the exit corridor.

Vague, I know, but still a bit of a coincidence that it was tweeted on the same day moments after the board was posted if you ask me, and with the following Tweet of him stating that Duel is 'My House', on it's closing day.


With Regards to @Marley, I just have a genuine love for the more classic dark rides in the country. They just seem to hold a charm and character that none other since has managed to encapsulate. And I love the attention to detail they have. I just think that the late 20th century was of dark rides is very much nonexistent nowadays as all of them have either been rethemed, demolished, or burnt down, such as (Toyland Tours, The London Dungeon Boat Ride, Terror Tomb, Tinkaboos Sweet Adventure, Professor Burp Bubbleworks, and Wicked Whitches haunt). And with Duel/The Haunted House being the last surviving Dark Ride one from that era, I think a total gutting would be a huge shame. I'd just love to seem them restore most of the ride back to their former glory but add new stuff to it such as new scares, a couple or few new scenes, etc.

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@Trooper Looper some of the classic Dark Rides still remain. The original Boat Ride from The London Dungeon at Tooly Street was dismantled piece by piece and reassembled at the new location. The building may be different, but the main ride system and elements of Theming are identical. I will admit most of the boat rides Theming was replaced during the relocation. As for Alton Towers's Haunted House depending on what the refurbishment brings this is also still entertaining guests. As John Wardley is once again involved, I am 99.9% convinced the ride will be stripped of the Duel infestation and restored to its original guise. The Haunted House has a place in John Wardley's heart. He was saddened when the ride was rethemed to Duel without his consent or involvement. It's been hinted The Haunted House will return with a 21st century twist or with a story based around Emily Alton. I apologize for adding another idea, but I wouldn't rule out a retheme to Molly Leigh the witch of Burslam. Molly Leigh is a unique theme to Alton Towers and is a local historic story. Furthermore, Molly Leigh is a scary and gripping subject. In my opinion she deserves a proper ride rather than a room at the end of the Alton Towers Dungeons.

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