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Chessington was fantastic today, Not many queues at all, thats very impressive considering its easter break.We arrived at 9:30 so I could get my annual pass, whilst waiting for Dragons fury I enjoyed watching the ERT riders on Kobra, (wishing they would add it to the annual pass)The first thing I noticed was all the staff kept reminding everyone of the parking charge, which was fine for us because my Dads is still valid from last year, (I am not selling out myself to but the premium) The whole of the north side of the park was dead with less than 5 minute queues, all with very friendly staff, if not the friendliest staff I have ever come across! Tomb blaster was only operating 3 trains today thus making a 10 minute queue a 45 minute queue, I was not that impressed, but not to damper a very good first half of the day! The twilight zone was OK but nothing to go out your way for, simply a dark box for 30 seconds, nothing entertaining, I have seen better houses at halloween better, but Oh well at least they did something. Transilvaynia was transformed...well not quite, but they had a few purple flags around the area. To be honest you wouldnt know weather Vampire was having a celebration, except for the Rats in the queue line, which were rather entertaining. The theming has been improved all over the park with areas with a good lick of paint, new bins around mystic east, improvement of the bubble works fountains and smells, Runaway mine train had themeing working for the first time in all my visists! The furnace in the queue had both fire sound effects, smoke and lighting! Smalls touches like this really make a day special. It only started to rain at 5pm when we were in the queue for Dragons fury again, now we are in England and so we excpect the bad weather, right? Apparently not, Dragons fury could only carry 2 passengers per train, during and after the rain, This seemed such a daft thing for a ride that is based in 'sunny' England! I don't know if anyone can tell me why this has happened?The day was a great one and I will remember today for many years, the only snag for me was at the end when the guys who scanned the ticket at the car park barriers, were rather disinterested and gave no 'thank you' etc, which I excpect considering we have payed for the privaledge!

Good to hear you had a good day - Fury is affected badly by the weather unfortunately.And post your feedback to http://www.chessingtonfeedback.com - the feedback received is very useful!
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It only started to rain at 5pm when we were in the queue for Dragons fury again, now we are in England and so we excpect the bad weather, right? Apparently not, Dragons fury could only carry 2 passengers per train, during and after the rain, This seemed such a daft thing for a ride that is based in 'sunny' England! I don't know if anyone can tell me why this has happened?

Because it is the most dangerous, intense Maurer spinning rollercoaster ever created and the sheer force and speed of more then two people in a car WILL kill people.(Or Chessington are over-cautious zealots who for some reason, refuse to get their ride sorted out so unlike sister rides Tarantula, Sonic Spinball and Salama, has to have a ridiculous two people per car rule whenever the heavens decide to open)
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I've been extremely impressed with Chessington on all of my visits this year. Taken three trips including the meet and I'm really surprised at the amount of subtle improvements the park has received to enhance the themed environments.Alton need to up their game (so disappointed with them this year regarding sponsorship and Oblivion) or Chessington will take over as the best themed park in England, for me.Full trip report to come once I can be bothered to upload my photos from the last week. B)

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Mmm yeah, completely agree with the gorgeous chessie.Things which stuck out to me was the half arsed smoking areas - some don't even have benches. How could you entice people to use them if you dont make them decent.. or even permenant looking! They do need to make it noticeable as well.Another thing, was poor operation of vampire, even though they had 11 staff B). Booo.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Mystic East Carnival at Chessington World of Adventure!28 May - 5 June & 11th - 12th JuneExplore nine amazing themed lands including Mystic East with its family favorite Dragon Falls Water Ride, more than 1,000 animals in the Zoo, a breathtaking SEA LIFE centre and on-site safari-themed Hotel.There’s an Eastern atmosphere around every corner including a Martial Art show and a very special guest.
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Mystic East Carnival at Chessington World of Adventure!28 May - 5 June & 11th - 12th JuneExplore nine amazing themed lands including Mystic East with its family favorite Dragon Falls Water Ride, more than 1,000 animals in the Zoo, a breathtaking SEA LIFE centre and on-site safari-themed Hotel.There’s an Eastern atmosphere around every corner including a Martial Art show and a very special guest.

I saw that when I was at the Park I'm excited :3
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That would be nice :P And considering they hardly have any at the moment it would be a welcome addition!

Yeah, I wouldn't expect someone who owns a Chessington fansite to realise that they already have 7 characters and a few others for special events. :( ^That could be quite amusing, having a Jackie Chan impersonator for the new show. I think entertainments can pull off some great events when only given a small budget so I'm really looking forward to this.
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Interesting to see that they have held that area for part of the event. It used to be part of Transylvania when it first opened, I think, but seems to have since been claimed as part of Pirate's Cove because it is so close to Black Buccaneer.

That area was never part of Transylvania. There was a sign on the grass yes, simply to direct guests down the hill through the Transylvania arch.Remember, back then it was a HUGE theme park attraction.The newer Pirates buildings along lift two and the games 'village' were built not long after.
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Random fact: The music played for Halloween Hocus Pocus 2010 is now played around the Transylvania area. (The Bubbleworks speakers outside). :(

You mean the music you couldn't get away from the entire time you were in the park because it was essentially played on EVERY ride :PI like the music btw, so this is Benin approved...
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