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Britain's got talent


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  James6 said:

So what does everyone think of last nights result?I personally think it was quite good but I wish a more variety performance had won , such as Stavros Flatley :D Probably for the last time, your thoughts :) ?

I was very happy that Diversity won, they are an incredibly talented group, and put so much effort into their performances. But generally, what a fantastic final! All of the acts were fantastic, and I must say that I thought that Shaheen was absolutely incredible. He's got such an amazing, powerful voice. If I were Simon Cowell, I would offer him a record deal win or lose, and make sure not to miss out on that oppertunity. As far as my thoughts for Susan Boyle go, yes she is talented, but to be honest, I don't think her voice is as strong as Shaheen for example, or Shaun for that matter.Overall, it was a fantastic series. I really, really enjoyed it.
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  • 11 months later...

Bump.BGT 2010. Discuss here!I love Paul Burling, Twist & Pulse, Spelbound, Tina & Chandi, Janey Cutler...and they're all through to the final! ;) I liked Tyler Patterson but ah well, they can't all get through.Kevin Cruise was a good laugh and hilariously camp! ;)

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Cant stand the drummer kid last night, hes a bit overrated, I have friends who can play the drum just as well, plus I don't like his personality, sorry, but hes just not likable in my eyes! My favourite is Janey, she deserves a shot and shes such a lovely lady... Susan Boyle version 2, anyone? Second favourite has to be Paul, he was amazing the other night, so funny!

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I'm going to vote for Paul Burling tonight as he actually deserves it, he's been trying for 25 years in pubs and clubs just to get by and now he's got the chance to be a national star and he more than deserves it. The drummer makes it look so hard and painful where as TBH I can do what he does, he also just doesn't have a good personality IMO. Liam McNally even if he does win he won't be famous for long as his voice will break any time soon. Janey, yes she's alright...but she's no SuBo. Twist and Pulse, I do like watching them but they obviously haven't really had the dream for very long. Christopher Stone, he's an okay singer but tbh the X Factors for singers. Connected are just abit cheesy and not really original, there's already tons of boy bands out there. The dog act was okay, but not really deserving of becoming world-wide stars.Spellbound, I think they're Paul Burlings nearest rivals, they're extraordinary but really need to do well to beat PaulTobias Mead is very talented but still needs to improve. So I'd love to see Paul Burling win, but this year there seems to have not really been much real talent, as not even all the acts in the final we all can admit have talent.

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My favourites are Paul Burling, Janey, Spelbound, Twist & Pulse and Tina & Chandi.I agree about Spelbound being the biggest rivals. But I love Tina & Chandi ;) Twist & Pulse are funny but then again we had Diversity last year, they're not the same but it would make a nice change not to have dancers winning. Janey is sweet and I'm sure The Royal Family would love her but, without sounding harsh, even though singing is a talent they could go on X Factor to sing, as you said.Well it's about to start so we'll just have to wait and see! ;)

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  On 6/5/2010 at 8:01 PM, 'treeis said:

I voted Paul Burling but I would be very pleased if Twist and pulse make it instead.

Twist and Pulse are very good. Though I would say Burling deserves it more.I love Spelbound as well, but I can't say they should win. I would say they're the best and they have got the best talent, but they've got a much bigger stage (such as competitions) to be on. T&P have as well. That's why I say Burling to win, but I'd be happy with the other 2. Also, the drummer (forgotten his name for the life of me) would be rather deserving. ;)
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  On 6/5/2010 at 8:44 PM, 'Dummiguy said:

Paul didn't even make it to the top 3....how?!?!?!But congrats to Spellbound for winning it, but Paul should've won.

I know! That has really shocked me and pi$ed me off! No doubt he'll get noticed and get his own show or something hopefully but still, it's like it's a fix or something. And I bet that Kieran boy got votes out of sympathy, or just cos he's a kid. Like that Holly Steele last year who they reckon cried to get attention/sympathy votes. He makes drumming look ten times harder than it probably is, as someone said on here he puts the expression on his face etc. I know it probably is hard but I don't like his personality either, too over confident and his parents look a right lot don't they! I hate to judge but sometimes you can just look at people or see them on these shows and tell right away what they're like!I just hope that the votes were extremely close, otherwise I don't know what this country was thinking!
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I was surprised Twist & Pulse got into the top 3, they were good but I didn't realise they were that popular. Spellbound deserved to win, they did fantastically. Though I thought it was a little unfair that they are competing in the world championships too... slight advantage?

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The competition is open to EVERYONE.By everyone, it can mean any age, any act of any number. By everyone, they can be professionals or can be doing it for the very first time at their audition. Basically, it means you could have David Beckham (sorry, couldn't think of anyone off the top of my head ;)) on there doing football skills. It would just be a question of if he got through. Quite a few acts have had some previous experiences with fame, even if it is being backing singers - though not some much in this one. The Dance Flavourz group are huge in Portugal, especially the main man. So yeah, maybe slightly advantage, but all is fair to an extent.

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  • 11 months later...

The guy on the piano is epic he's got pure talent . And skill The shows as funny as ever at start and going to be a hard one to work out who's going to win .usually I'm a pritty good guesser but there all really good this year :)

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  On 6/1/2011 at 7:37 PM, 'JoshC. said:

David and Karen and Two and a Half Men should have got through yesterday to be honest.Really liked Circus of Horrors (would love for them to be able to perform at Thorpe for FN Posted Image) and Les. :)

David and Karen had me hooked and wondered how they did it the first act they did was amazing so fast and seen no visible help .Two and a half men were funny too agree they should have been let through . Because they keep up watching and keep us thoroughly entertained
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From tonights show I think the top 3 are in no order Circus of Horrors, the 11 year old dancer and the impressionist. It will be very tough! I've already voted 3 times for Circus of Horrors :) I really want them to get through so much! The impressionist had me in stitches but when I saw the dancer...if I had to choose I'd choose the Circus of Horriors and the dancer. If you look at the talent side of things, I know it is a talent being an impressionist bit the CoH and dancer have got far more. No one has ever danced like that before, it's usually just street and break dancing or group dancers. Also the impressionist like year didnt win the final but he's doing well now and got lots of notice. And look at Susan Boyle!If other people think like this then hopefully CoH and the dancer will get through. But then again the second vote is done by the judges, and if the dancer gets the top vote...aah!I don't care how much money it will cost, Imma keep voting for Circus of Horrors!EDIT: Shame about Circus of Horrors but so glad Les and James got through!I love James even more since I found out about the splint he had to have in his leg...and his autism. It's so inspirational! Even for adults like me, makes me feel really proud of him yet I don't even know him. Now that is quite something :)And he's only 11!Really want him to win now!

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