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The Blue Barnacle (Previously Black Buccaneer)

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  • 6 months later...

I like the ride but tbh I didn't feel any airtime whatsoever. It was still fun though.

No air time?! You have to be joking!For some reason, I can't ride Black Buccaneer anymore at the back and have to sit in the middle as it just affects my stomach wayyyy to much!I would hate to hear your opinion on The Blade and Mr Monkey's Banana Ride if you don't think Black Buccaneer has air time! :D
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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I rarely go on Black Buccaneer purely because my stomach just doesn't like it.However, I was in the queue line yesterday and it was not until I had a good look around that I relised how amazing the queue line actually is!I always thought Pirates Cove was just the name to fit in with the 2 rides but the queue line for Black Buccaneer really did make me feel as if it was Pirates Cove for a purpose.An amazing queue line! :P

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I disagree to be honest. Black Buccaneer is what a Thorpe Park queueline would look like if it was on a hill. It's got well.. a cannon and part of it goes under a waterfall but that's really it. Compared to most rides at Chessington it's pretty poor. Pirates Cove in itself is such a weak area.

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^Agreed, Pirates Cove just seems to intermingle between several areas of the park without being defined...The queue is... good... Although the area under the waterfall is very dodgy many times throughout the year...Tbh I would like to see Pirates Cove get a hell load of work done to it to actually make it feel a lot more defined as an area, instead of having the dodgy transistion that also occurs in Toytown and Forbidden Kingdom...

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  • 3 weeks later...

No...Buccaneer is perfect where it is... Because of the height it reaches it can be viewed from most areas nearby it (indeed, you can see it from Greedy Goblin containment gates)...It also provides a great spectator element with the pathway placement...Pirates Cove does need a good fix up though... But there's more important things than that right now for the park...

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Personally I thing Black Buccaneer should be moved at CWoA

How can you say that?! :) I've always seen Black Buccaneer with a 15+ queue. Imo its better than most of the rides there. At the back on full swing you literally leave your seat and you get loads of air-time. Its one of my favourite rides and I will be sad to see it go if Chessington do decide to scrap it.
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  • 2 months later...

I went on this ride everytime I went to Chessington, the first time I went on was when I was 12 years old, after much coaxing from my mum lol, I was right at the end too & it was very scary, It felt like my stomach was empty & I was going to literally fall out of my seat but at the end of the ride I didn't regret going on it because I thought it was thrilling but so fun as well. I am still having doubts if I should go on it again lol, I want to sit in the middle but the guy there directed me towards the end ;), I dont know why, maybe they let all the little kids sit in the middle? are you able to choose where you sit or does it depend on where you fall on the queue.

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