Yep, a ride host is the general term for rides staff. It goes:Attendant - checks bars, batches, deals with fastrack and all that...oh, and don't forget a very important up sick that any guests should deposit Good luck if you work on XNWO, it's puke central there! One memory sticks in mind...when it was closed for 2 hours , due to 8 big piles of sick down the exit, plus the guests had trodden it through. Bearing in mind it took so long because of the vast amount, and having to air the building out of sanitaire. The staff who cleaned it were working their butts off. I'm not trying to scare anyone, just warning you of the joys of XNWO, hopefully you'll avoid it though, then you're fine!Operator - the one who sits in the box and pushes the buttons :PThen there's...well, different parks have different terms, but Thorpe have RACs (Ride Area Co-ordinators), who deal with breaks, swaps, train attendants and ops, assess attendants. Ride unit managers are the next ones up, the ones in the light blue t-shirts and ear-pieces hehe. They assess operators, attend shut-downs, brief and de-brief at the end of the day, do some stuff in the office (Op Suite). Both RACs and Unit Managers get to wear nicer coats as well :)You'll get to know other people and managers as well, but those guys are the main ones you'll see every day at work. And the engineers ;)Once again I hope my little XNWO story hasn't scared anyone or put anyone off, it's just one of those "legendary" events that will happen whilst working there...along with Colossus lift hill evacs, Stealth rollbacks (maybe even a nice rest at the top eh?), VORTEX TRIPPING OUT WOOOO, Samurai being naughty with oil, and many, many other mad times! And their annual power cut, and adverse weather conditions (which can have interesting affects on Colossus)...I think I'm gonna stop now. These things may sound a little negative, but they're not, they're really just all part of the thrill of working at the Great Thorpe Park! I hope you all have a wonderful time working there! The socials are awesome too!EDIT: I've just remembered that Thorpe have changed their RACs etc, from what I hear (in rides). They have TLs now...and then senior TLs? I don't remember...well you'll find out when you start, but they're all lovely people!