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Everything posted by Marc

  1. Indeed.. Re rides are not possible on Stealth due to it having the offload / on load station, everyone would have to get off then get back on again.
  2. We can have a look at this :(Any suggestions for awards which you would like to see?
  3. Marc


    ^It shut early on Saturday and stayed closed from them and all day sunday.
  4. Maybe they need to work on making the story more obvious to everyone.. I thought the terror zone was ok, had one go where there was so much smoke the actors were really effective and provided good scares. Its a new idea, the park has no idea how the GP would react to it so why would they spend a load of cash on it before they even know if the idea works.
  5. Click My Settings at the top, then Notification Options on the left and its fully customizable there =]
  6. It was working till we moved servers! looking into it!
  7. Yep thats right, thankfully the General Public are not as hard to please and lap it up!Its hardly a bad ride, easily the best themed ride weve seen since Tidal Wave (IMO) and the ride its self is a pretty intense decent ride.
  8. Marc

    Logger's Leap

    Maybe loggers leap is different? I dont see why its so hard to comprehend, the ride it fine, if it wasnt it wouldn't be open.
  9. Marc


    Why not, Thorpes a popular destination on the outskirts of the capital city, with many people in a small space. Granted not very likely I hope, but possible.
  10. Marc


    Sorry but I totally disagree, thorpe park is a totally different environment to the underground, the amount of people ive seen have things taken off them / refused entry to the park after search's prove that these search's are needed and the more the better.
  11. Marc

    Logger's Leap

    Judging by Infernus's reply id say he/she knows what they are talking about.. If it wasnt right do you really think it would be open?
  12. It dont, its the theme of the ride, if you listen to all it all does tie in and make sense
  13. Id say so, Stealths still thorpes Icon ride and probably still most popular overall so really the results dont come as any surprise.
  14. Colossus (6)Detonator (5)Loggers Leap (5)Nemesis Inferno (2)Rush (5)Stealth (7)Rush +Inferno -
  15. Colossus (5)Detonator (5)Loggers Leap (5)Nemesis Inferno (4)Rush (5)Stealth (6)Stealth +Inferno -
  16. Colossus (6)Detonator (5)Loggers Leap (5)Nemesis Inferno (3)Rush (5)Stealth (6)Stealth +Inferno -
  17. Canada Creek Railway (2)Colossus (6)Detonator (5)Loggers Leap (7)Nemesis Inferno (6)Rush (5)Stealth (5)Stealth +CCR -I guess some people like slow moving trains..
  18. Canada Creek Railway (6)Colossus (5)Detonator (5)Loggers Leap (5)Nemesis Inferno (6)Rocky Express (1)Rush (5)Slammer (6)Stealth (6)Slammer+Rocky -
  19. Canada Creek Railway (6)Colossus (5)Detonator (5)Loggers Leap (5)Nemesis Inferno (6)Rocky Express (3)Rush (5)Slammer (4)Stealth (6)Stealth +Rocky -
  20. Canada Creek Railway (5)Colossus (5)Detonator (5)Loggers Leap (5)Nemesis Inferno (6)Rocky Express (6)Rush (5)Slammer (5)Stealth (6)Storm in a teacup (1)CCR+Storm -
  21. Canada Creek Railway (4)Colossus (5)Detonator (5)Loggers Leap (5)Nemesis Inferno (6)Rocky Express (7)Rush (6)Slammer (5)Stealth (5)Storm in a teacup (1)Colossus +Storm -
  22. Canada Creek Railway (5)Colossus (5)Detonator (5)Loggers Leap (5)Nemesis Inferno (6)Rocky Express (6)Rush (6)Slammer (5)Stealth (4)Storm in a teacup (2)Slammer +1Teacups -1
  23. Canada Creek Railway (5)Colossus (5)Detonator (5)Loggers Leap (5)Nemesis Inferno (6)Rocky Express (6)Rush (6)Slammer (5)Stealth (5)Storm in a teacup (2)Colossus +Teacups -
  24. Canada Creek Railway (5)Colossus (5)Detonator (5)Loggers Leap (6)Nemesis Inferno (9)Rocky Express (4)Rush (6)Samurai (0)Slammer (4)Stealth (7)Storm in a teacup (4)Stealth +Samurai -
  25. Canada Creek Railway (5)Colossus (5)Detonator (5)Loggers Leap (6)Nemesis Inferno (9)Rocky Express (2)Rush (6)Samurai (4)Slammer (3)Stealth (6)Storm in a teacup (4)Slammer +Rocky -
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