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Posts posted by Marc

  1. 26 minutes ago, Mega-Lite said:

    Fine is a strong word...


    They are definitely subjective, I know people on both sides of the fence. For me personally, I don't like them as being crushed by rubber isn't a scene I'm into. Vests in general are crap but it still amazes me that the Vekoma ones are better and alot less painful. Why couldn't B&M stick to their tried and tested I'll never know.

    On the newer ones do the vests not lock but stay lose (like they are on Swarm just before it dispatches)


    2 hours ago, Mega-Lite said:


    Members pointing out that perhaps those photos were doctored and/or taken in situations you may never see in the park, isn't even slightly comparable to that rubbish.

    I thihk Baron was more getting at the fact that Merlins world firsts / marketing terms which they seem to attract so much slack for are no different to how the parks have been always marketed. 

  3. Agree with the above.


    The wickerman won’t be the most amazing ride in the world, country or even in Towers, but it will be a good fun well themed experience and a solid addition to their line up. Also have no problem with them marketing it as the first woodie for 20 years, it’s a perfectly legitimate claim.

  4. 6 hours ago, Robert.W said:

    In all fairness, the Wicker Man structure itself will look quite spectacular without all these extra effects that are for creating the promotional material.


    Another thing to consider is how effective these effects would actually be during the daylight. The smoke may be somewhat effective, but there certainly won't be as much as there is in these pictures, and that is if there is going to be any at all! The level of smoke effects in the promotional pictures looks as if it'd make capturing the on ride photos rather difficult. As for lighting, I'm pretty sure that would be completely pointless during the day as it would only create minimal, if any visual effect whatsoever.


    I think in real life, the thing that will create the biggest impact is likely going to be the sheer scale of the Wicker Man structure, and hopefully it won't need too many extra effects to really create an impression on guests at the park. :) 


    Agree - it’s fairly obvious from the pictures it’s been setup for just that - the perfect picture! LED lighting shining out of it to simulate fire would likely look poor in real life.


    I do think we will see a good amount of effects (Fire) around the ride - they have a fair amount of gas tanks in the car park for it (pictured a couple of pages back I think) where as I think Swarms fireball just has the one tank? So if that’s anything to go by could be seeing a fair amount as it is!

  5. 38 minutes ago, MarkC said:

    Marc needs to make some money somehow this year. Luckily he will be saving them next as Reading tickets will be cheaper in league 1.

    The amount we make wouldn’t allow me to even go see a team like Brentford.. let alone reading!


    Fixed placement of the ad in the topic view - thanks!

  6. As Pete says - we’ve added in some adds to help support the cost of running the site - although having a few issues getting them to appear only where they should do - and some of the content of them is abit random it seems! 


    Thanks for the feedback!

  7. Thorpes site has been updated with information on Im a Celeb and Saw Alive.


    Im a Celeb will open during peak times which i think are pretty much the same as 2017?:


    Friday 23rd March –Sunday 15th April 2018

    Friday 25th May – Sunday 3rd June 2018

    Saturday 21st July – Monday 3rd September 2018


    Saw Alive will be open 12pm-Park Close from Saturday 21st July-Monday 3rd September. 


  8. On the subject of Stealths audio does anyone know the reasons behind the launch announcement / sound effect only playing out one side of the stations speakers? Back when it first opened definitely used to play both sides!

  9. 12 minutes ago, Project LC said:

    Yay more actors for no reason and to add nothing to the experience on park. It has been demonstrated time and time again no one cares about Halloween attractions when it's not Halloween. It might add to the 10pm closes (seriously doubt it) but the whole let's just throw actors at stuff to make it better has gone on for too long and is so short sighted.


    Atleast it's not like Alton so I guess that's something positive.

    An additional attraction open during the parks busiest time of the season is a bad thing? 

  10. 1 hour ago, A-Kid said:

    The plaza zone consists of what I mentioned before. The "entrance" zone consists of 4 green speakers and the 2 802's ether side by teacups which works, but has notable microphone issues as mentioned. They don't cover the plaza effectively at all. You pretty much can't hear the music by the photo unit. One thing I always liked about Stealth's area is how loud it was. It was massively overpowering and had such a pumped atmosphere. You don't get that currently.

    They do seem to change the audio level depending on how busy it is. The dome doesn't bother me that much, but it just feels a little too much for that area sometimes.

    Think there’s a speaker behind the shop isn’t there which used to cover the area near the photo unit?

  11. 6 minutes ago, Timber Creek said:


    The bad news is Cloud Cuckoo Land, Hex, Duel, Runaway Mine Train, Sharkbait, Galleons and Dark Forest won’t open until 11am with skyride at 11:30am. 


    Im not defending it but was this not the case last year too with these rides / areas? 

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