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Everything posted by Dan9

  1. Once again, The Curse had a lot of potential to be great yesterday. Would have by far been the best of the three goes I've had on it, had it not been for the fact that you can quite clearly see daylight throughout multiple points of the maze as the evacuation doors don't seem to fill up the space cut out in the wall. Such an atmosphere killer... Oh, and that for the third time running, we caught up with the next group about a third of the way through. They could at least do what Hellgate used to, where if you were going too quickly an actor would try and hold your group up for a bit.
  2. Dan9


    Slammer re-opened yesterday afternoon.
  3. Yesterday's rides on Inferno were definitely some of the best I've ever had on it - eyes were watering after both rides, day and night. ...beat the crap out of the rides I had on Stealth and Colossus, just saying.
  4. Somehow managed to go through this having been completely spoiler free, and that made it pretty interesting to say the least... I guess you all know the details by now so there's no point going into it, but it definitely felt fresh to have an iconic maze like this added to the fairly dry selection going at the moment. The only issue I had was that it seemed to end before it had really got going. Yes I loved the tension in being trapped for so long in pitch black, as well as crawling through the darkness, but to me these felt more like they should setting something up rather than being the entire centrepiece. It was still by far better than the others but having heard how truly frightening it's meant to be, it made me leave with a sense of 'Well was that it?'.The idea behind it is brilliant and it's got great potential, but I still feel there's some improvements that could (and hopefully should) be done over the years.
  5. Pictures don't even do it justice. Seeing this today finally filled me up with more excitment for this than for any other project I've followed. As Mark9 said, it dominates everything...
  6. Dan9


    If you don't listen to certain music primarily because it's 'mainstream' then you really deserve a slap.
  7. Dan9


  8. HAHA. I love you Thorpe Park.
  9. Dan9


    All good posts. So. Radiohead.
  10. Dan9


    Since you've asked for it, the majority of Gaga fans on here, and every Gaga fan I've come across on Twitter... And Facebook. And in person. Of course there are some who are smarter, but having come across what must be at least a couple of hundred 'monsters' and finding that 90%ish of them are completely tools, of course I'm going to generalise because I've had a lot of people to judge from. Anyway, I can't see this ending well so shall we just leave it there, for the sake of others?
  11. Dan9


    Not really, I couldn't give a crap about your opinion but most of your posts are just depressing to read in general. Bit rich that from a Gaga fan, who are the most single-minded, naive and irritating fanbase around (other than Beliebers obviously, but I don't even think they take themselves that seriously anyway...)If I can hold myself back from constantly moaning when others post things I don't like, why can't you two? Rammstein are s*** and Gaga is the most overrated artist out there but I don't constantly badger you two about it or troll the Gaga topic... just let people enjoy whatever makes them happy, learn to be a little more tolerant and don't be so bloody negative. Music is to be celebrated...
  12. Dan9


    Oh Benin, you do love to try and bring the air of negativity everywhere you post don't you?
  13. Dan9


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcIIQMIBqF4 This performance. I don't even...
  14. Dan9


    Well, you also just linked Cher Lloyd so I think it's safe to say that we'd never agree on anything when it comes to music, so let's just leave it there...
  15. Dan9


    It's recently occured to me that the Black Eyed Peas are probably one of the worst things of all time to happen to music.Anyway, Arcade Fire. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAitZuh4ueg
  16. Thorpe should learn from Chessington? Whilst this quote is 100% correct in a number of areas, this surely can't be one of them. Thorpe actually have a sensible-ish amount of kiosks available, unlike the er, two, at Chessington. (Where earlier in the season it took 90 minutes to renew an AP, in a queue of probably no more than 25/30 people) I also have absolutely no idea where you got this idea from... you said you left the queue after 5 minutes, so how do you know how hard the staff were working? The only point I can see you might be trying to make here from the evidence you've provided is that Chessington is superior to Thorpe because it isn't as busy... Even though Chessington is superior to Thorpe anyway.
  17. Dan9


    You could just go and not drink anything?
  18. Dan9


    Standing has sold out for the second date now.
  19. Dan9


    Really? Must have been a VERY limited amount then, I looked for standing tickets about 4 seconds after it came up and it said they were all gone. See' and gigsandtours had them for about 5 minutes before they sold out.
  20. Dan9


    Yep. Ticketmaster never had any standing tickets to begin with, but I had all three major sites open whilst constantly on the F5, so I got mine from gigsandtours at about 8:59.
  21. Dan9


    Was sort of hoping the 2nd date would have sold out by now... Need to save money but I'm still really tempted by it Ah well, roll on October 29th...
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